There are approximately 200 different types of colon cleansers on the market today-in addition to various clinical methods used to flush the colon of accumulated waste. Driven by consumer hype, celebrity procedures and media coverage that is more focused on colon health than at any other time in history, colon maintenance has suddenly become a topic that has gone from taboo to welcome at your dining table conversations! The big question often is: How safe are colon cleansers, and more importantly, do we need to use them?
Some doctors and nutrition experts do indeed say colon cleansers are not necessary except for helping to ease a bout of constipation from time to time. They maintain that the colon can clean itself. John Allen, chairperson of the American Gastroenterological Association Clinical Practice Committee has said, "Things don't stay in the colon for years and years and years. The colon is very efficient at ridding our bodies of waste. "However, experts agree that an unhealthy diet, stress and environmental pollution can hinder the functions of the colon. Most Americans eat less than one-third the daily requirement of fiber. Processed foods and other junk foods that you are accustomed to eating, offer very little nutritive value and contain even less enzymes that aid in the digestive process. Thus, we have an imbalanced intestinal flora, which results in less absorption of nutrients. Because most American diets contain less than the recommended amount of fiber, many Americans suffer from constipation. This will naturally manifest itself in sluggishness, low immune health, bad breath, headaches and other common but preventable maladies.
A healthy colon requires a healthy, balanced diet with lots of water intake, fresh fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables. One of the main reasons that the masses should consider colon cleansing is because most Americans do not maintain a healthy diet that supports regular waste elimination and natural detoxification. Here are a few colon cleansing methods that have been making the news:
Colonic irrigation or colon hydrotherapy is endorsed by holistic teaching and has become popular, due in part to celebrities having undergone such treatments, some even in a public forum. Many practitioners of holistic science believe that the colon is similar to a sewage system and needs to be cleansed periodically by inserting a rubber tube inside the rectum through which a solution is directed that flushes out waste. It has, however, received a bad reputation in the news due to poorly trained technicians and inadequately sterilized equipment. Many people report painful abdominal discomfort after treatment. Many conventional doctors do not recommend this kind of treatment as they believe it interferes with the natural functions of the colon. Colon hydrotherapy destroys the delicate balance of good bacteria, which is essential for colon health.
Natural or Herbal Colon Cleansers. Most herbal colon cleansers are fiber-based with an assortment of herbs that are meant to ease constipation, enhance digestion and reduce abdominal discomfort. Many people assume that natural or herbal means that the product is absolutely safe to use. However, many herbs carry side effects if used for a prolonged period. For example, senna, a common herb used in herbal colon cleansers, should not be used more than 10 days consecutively and for no longer than two weeks. Other sources state that senna usage should not exceed 5 consecutive days. These types of colon cleansing methods are among the safest, but finding the right type of herbal colon cleanser that suits you best may require some background study of the product and several trials. Many consumers who have used herbal products complain of severe abdominal cramps. This could be because of certain ingredients in the colon cleanser such as rhubarb root-which has been known to cause cramping and diarrhea. Other common side effects may include headaches and bloating. Oxygen-based colon cleansers may produce loose stools and bloating. For fiber-based colon cleansers, an adequate intake of water is required to achieve the desired results. Herbal cleansers have shown to have some benefits for those who suffer ulcerative colitis and other gastrointestinal disorders because of certain herbs, believed to offer some relief to such conditions.
Is It True?
Mucoid Ropes. Many of the herbal colon cleansers making the news today make fantastic claims and offer descriptive proof and even photos of years of waste accumulation that was released after using their products. These may attract customers, but experts say that the descriptive proof is usually caused by ingredients in the product itself and is not actually waste.
Weight Loss. Many herbal colon cleansers advertise the concept of weight loss using colon cleansers. Chief of colorectal surgery at the UC, Dr. Janice Rafferty, says that there is no proven scientific basis for these claims.
Colon Cancer. Some herbal colon cleansers claim to treat colon cancer which according to the National Institute of Cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States. While certain dietary fiber has been known to reduce the risk of colon cancer according to various studies, the claims and hopes that such colon cleansers advertise can be misleading. Fiber does, however, help to bind toxins in the digestive tract and quickly eliminate these before they are absorbed by the system.
Laxative and Purgatives. These may act harshly on your system. Using laxatives and purgative draw large amounts of fluids from the body, this kind of treatment can disturb the electrolyte balance of the body leading to fatigue and may, in certain cases, affect blood pressure. It empties the intestines without engaging the muscles and thus with prolonged use, can lead to chronic constipation. Having ready access to a restroom is required with this treatment as well, making it difficult for anyone who drives or takes long train rides daily to use.
Detox Diets
A detox diet is a counter-reaction to the typical American diet which consists of saturated fats, red meats, processed foods and the like. Detox diets, are said to help flush your system of toxins by eating only certain foods or drinking only certain liquids, for a day or a some allotted number of days, have potential health consequences. Christine Gerbstadt is a registered dietician and equates detox diets to starvation diets. Speaking on behalf of the American Dietetic Association, she explains "Your metabolism slows, the body shuts down [and] conserves, and any functions that are unnecessary, like 'cleansing,' are not going to occur." The most effective colon cleansers will eliminate waste and offer immediate relief for constipation. It will help the body to regulate natural elimination, improve digestion by restoring intestinal flora thus strengthening the immune system, and also offer nutrients that help maintain digestive and colon health. It will not hinder the natural functions of the colon, but aid its functions through proper nutrition. You can help achieve colon health by maintaining a balanced diet, avoiding saturated fats and eating fiber rich foods and by following a regular exercise pattern.
Immediate Constipation ReliefNaturalDetox is a manufacturer of colon cleanse supplements that are carefully formulated by a physician. This colon cleanse program provides a 3-step approach for colon cleansing, promoting and nutritionally maintaining a healthy colon.