Go through Constipation - How To Cure It And Find Relief a lot more

Constipation is one of the toughest, most embarrassing things that most of us have to go through at some point. Many even suffer from chronic constipation. It can be extremely frustrating to have trouble going, and the effect takes its toll on the rest of your day. Did you know that you can cure your constipation naturally without the use of laxatives or other drugs?

Constipation can be cured naturally by adjusting a few things in your life. Just by changing your diet a little, or your activities, you can cure your constipation and prevent it from returning. Here are a few tips that have helped me in the past to get rid of my constipation.

Water. Water is huge. Your body is made up of over 70% water. Water is essential in every function your body does. Most importantly though, water cleanses your body and removes toxins. This includes waste product. If you find yourself suffering from constipation, start drinking several glasses of water each and every day. This will help to get things moving.

Fiber is the next biggest thing when you can't go. Fiber helps keep things flowing in your digestive tract. If you find yourself suffering from chronic constipation, add fiber into your diet. Try eating bran cereals and more fruits and vegetables. A high-fiber diet will put your digestive tract on track for easy going.

Exercise is something many of us overlook in our busy days. People think exercise is what makes you really strong and really athletic, but exercise is important for many other things. Exercise helps strengthen the every day functions of our bodies like digestion. Getting outside and getting some regular exercise will help to regulate your digestive system.

Constipation Relief
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Constipation - How To Cure It And Find Relief

Understand The Truth About Essential Oils For Hemorrhoids far more

Immediate Constipation Relief

Essential oils for hemorrhoids are well known natural substances for removing piles quickly and forever.

However, not many hemorrhoids sufferers are aware of their existence and the health benefits that natural oils can bring to them in terms of fast pain relief.

What is more, these completely natural substances can:

eliminate even your chronic piles fast
stop the bleeding from your hemorrhoids quickly
shrink the engorged external or internal hemorrhoids once and for all.
Why are natural oils so powerful?

Essential oils are the most potent substance derived from the plants.

This substance concentrates in itself the healing properties of the corresponding herb.

This curative power is fortified additionally by deep penetration capability of these oils.

As you know, the various gels, and suppositories when applied locally stay only on skin.

As a result, their healing power is limited by the skin area of their application.

They bring temporary relief but cannot heal your hemorrhoids completely. Over time your piles become inflamed, and you should repeat this process again.

What is more, this topical application cannot be used for a long time during the one course of treatment, because the skin of your hemorrhoids may become sensitive.

This sensitiveness may trigger new inflammation. Some topical gels containing corticosteroids, after prolong usage, may cause atrophy of the skin layer also known as thinning of the skin treated.

In contrast, natural oils can pass through the skin surface and get into the blood stream.

Thanks to that deep penetration, they bypass the kidney, the digestive system and the immune system suppression.

By doing so, they continue to heal your body internally. The blood stream brings these unique completely natural healing substances to every cell of your body.

Therefore, they combat your hemorrhoidal condition holistically.

This, in turn, leads to fast pain relief, immediate stop of the bleeding, followed by permanent shrinking of your piles.

If you suffer from bleeding hemorrhoids, a special blend of essential oils is applied initially to stop the bleeding. When the bleeding stops another special blend removes and shrinks your hemorrhoids completely.

You may visit us if you'd like to learn more how the essential oils for hemorrhoids can help you remove your piles fast and forever.

Please bear in mind that it is advisable every natural cure to be used under the supervision of a qualified physician.

The Truth About Essential Oils For Hemorrhoids

Immediate Constipation Relief

Read Psyllium is Effective For Easing Constipation much more


The name Psyllium is derived from the Greek word "psylla", meaning "flea", referring to the appearance of the tiny seeds. Primarily, Psyllium is a bulk-forming laxative high in both fiber and mucilage, which is why this herb is commonly found in many over-the-counter laxative products available today. The main property of the psyllium is comparable to many other herbs in that, its main role is in the restoration of normal functioning in the organs of the body.


Constipation and other bowel disorders can be a sign of a possible serious organ dysfunction. Constipation is most often caused by a low-fiber diet, lack of physical activity, inadequate intake of fluid each day, or delay in going to the bathroom when you have the urge to defecate. Traditionally, psyllium husk is used as a gentle bulk-forming laxative for constipation. The main effect for humans is relief of chronic constipation. This is often beneficial for overweight people who have preferred dieting practices that result in constipation.

Fiber supplements such as psyllium have been proven to be effective for easing constipation, but most nutritionists agree that the best source of fiber is from foods. One recent published study assessed the validity of psyllium as a remedy for constipation versus docusate sodium, a synthetic, anionic laxative that is also marketed as a cure for constipation, and psyllium was shown to be a faster and a more consistent remedy for constipation by increasing water content. Although other studies suggest that psyllium may be beneficial in the treatment of diarrhea or constipation in general, it is not known if psyllium is an effective therapy for irritable bowel syndrome.


Recently, the American Heart Association gave its approval for food manufacturers to make a health claim that "eating soluble fiber from foods such as psyllium as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, all foods bearing a psyllium health claim must also bear a label statement concerning the need to consume them with adequate amounts of fluids. The studies confirm the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables but suggest that other substances in these foods may be responsible for their protective effect. Incorporating high-fiber foods (such aspsyllium-enriched cereals) into the diet may help lower heart disease risk. In a recent study of the consumption of psyllium-containing foods, a trend was observed toward a greater LDL-cholesterol response in men than in women, with some groups consuming amounts of psyllium daily that were lower than the standard for this meta-analysis.


The psyllium husk is a source of water soluble fiber, similar to fiber found in grains such as oats and barley. But the amount of soluble fiber in psyllium is much higher than oat bran. Every 100 grams of psyllium provides 71 grams of soluble fiber; a similar amount of oat bran would contain only 5 grams of soluble fiber. To avoid bloating and gas, it is recommended to start with alower dose and increase it as the body adjusts. It must be taken with plenty of water to avoid choking or blocking the esophagus, throat, or intestine. Psyllium should be avoided by people who have throat problems or difficulty swallowing.


Although fiber supplements are useful in treating constipation, fruits and vegetables are considered to be more effective in lowering cancer risk. If you have a medical condition, or are taking other drugs, herbs, or supplements, you should speak with a qualified healthcare provider before starting a new therapy. People using other herbs or supplements that may alter blood sugar levels, such as bitter melon Momordica charantia, should be monitored closely by their healthcare provider while using psyllium. Fiber supplements may reduce the body's ability to absorb digoxin, a medication used to regulate heart function.

Psyllium is one of the only fiber supplements that contains a beneficial amount of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Psyllium is available as nonprescription drug products and as herbal dietary supplement products. Psyllium is a bulk laxative used for short-term treatment of constipation. Psyllium is well accepted as a safe and effective bulk laxative and is an adjunct to dietary intervention for individuals who do not adequately respond to a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet.

Constipation and other bowel disorders can be a sign of a possible serious organ dysfunction. Fiber supplements such as psyllium have been proven to be effective for easing constipation, but most nutritionists agree that the best source of fiber is from foods. Find out more about Psyllium Is Effective for Easing Constipation [http://naturalcolontherapy.com/psyllium_easing_constipation.html]

Paul Rodgers specializes in marketing natural health and beauty products [http://naturalcolontherapy.com].

Psyllium is Effective For Easing Constipation


Read through The Most Appropriate Way to Attain Constipation Relief a lot more

Immediate Constipation Relief

Because of the busy lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits constipation is a common problem faced by large number of people. It is the most frequently heard digestive illness. If you are passing hard and dry stools and that too less than thrice a week, you are suffering from constipation. Constipation is a disorder associated with the digestive system of the body. If you are suffering from constipation, you feel uneasy and bloated throughout the day. Also you will be uncomfortable with the sensation of the full bowel. For passing the stools you get yourselves straining the bowel movements that sometimes become painful. Though it seems difficult but actually there are numerous ways by which you can get constipation relief.

Constipation is just a symptom and it is not to be confused with a disease. Almost 80% of the people across the world suffer from constipation due to their poor dietary habits. Yes, the poor diet is the main cause of constipation. In most of the cases it is seen that the form of constipation is temporary which remains for a short span and is not considered as too serious one. It is advisable to understand its cause, treatment as well as the prevention, if you really want to acquire the constipation relief. There are certain suggestions in the article which will be helpful in eradicating the constipation in a quick and effective way thereby granting you the constipation relief in the most effectual manner.

First and the foremost thing is the dietary aspect. Diet plays the crucial role in curbing the constipation. Your diet should be rich in fiber, containing about 20 to 35 grams of fiber each day which is helpful in forming the soft bulky stools. Include lots of green vegetables in your diet. You can get the best diet plan by consulting the doctor or a dietician. The food which contain high fibers constitute beans, wheat germs, whole grain bread, brown rice, bran cereals including fresh fruits and vegetables including green leafy, asparagus, Brussels sprout, cabbage and carrots. If you are suffering from constipation, it is better to avoid foods containing little or almost no fiber like ice creams, cheese, meat and all processed foods.

Secondly it is equally necessary to consume around 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. You can also consume other form of liquids like vegetable and fruit juices including clear soups. Also consuming hot soups like clear soups will help in making the bowel movements softer and relatively easier to pass. Also it is recommended to limit the intake of alcohol, tea and coffee and all the aerated drinks like colas.

The above stated methods are the most appropriate ones for the constipation relief. Follow them sincerely and it is sure that you will get rid of the so called disorder of constipation.

If you want constipation relief, I recommend you go to [http://www.getridofconstipation.org]. They show excellent natural methods which will help you in no time.

The Most Appropriate Way to Attain Constipation Relief

Go through Constipation - When the Bowels Won't Move! extra

If a child passes less than 3 stools per week and there is associated difficulty in passing them, then it is called constipation. Some normal breastfed babies pass soft stool on the 2nd or 3rd day without difficulty. This is not constipation because there is no associated difficulty in passing stool. A child may pass stool daily but if there is accompanying difficulty in passing it (due to hard consistency or size) then also it is called constipation.

Initial constipation may be due to:

o Change in routine diet

o Various illnesses

o Stressful events

o Unavailability of toilets (travel etc.)

o Child's busy schedule (morning school)

Leads to large, hard stools

These cause pain during defecation

May lead to fissures or cuts near anus

More pain during every subsequent passage of stool

Stool-withholding due to fear of pain

Stools become drier, firmer, and larger

Further increase in constipation

Most of the cases of constipation (almost 95%) are precipitated and perpetuated by these events. Other causes of constipation in children are:

o Spinal cord lesions

o Cerebral palsy

o Congenital megacolon (Hirschsprung's disease)

o Anal stenosis

o Hypothyrodism

o Diabetes insipidus

o Hypercalcemia

o Codeine containing cough syrups

o Anti epileptic drugs

o Anti psychotic drugs

Once the viscous cycle of constipation - painful defecation - stool withholding - constipation sets in the child refuses to sit on the toilet, rises on his toes, holds his legs and buttocks stiffly and often rocks back and forth, holds on to a furniture, screams, turns red until the stool is passed. With time, such withholding behaviour becomes an automatic reaction.


Most children with constipation will benefit if proper treatment plan is implemented under the guidance of a Paediatrician with active involvement of parents.

A. Disimpaction (Clearing of retained stools).

In a child having constipation a hard mass may be felt in the lower abdomen due to impaction of fecal matter (stool). Sometimes multiple, small, hard, masses may be present. The first thing to do in such cases is to disimpact (remove) the retained stool.

In an infant glycerine suppository (a medical preparation which melts in the rectum) is used for disimpaction. This is pushed in after lubricating the anus. It melts inside and facilitates the passage of impacted stools. Bisacodyl suppository, 5 mg for under-twos and 10 mg for children over 2, is available in the market (Junifree, Dulcolax) and in quite effective. Enemas and lavage solutions should be avoided in infants.

In older children Polyethyleneglycol (PEG) solution is given orally or by naso-gastric tube (25ml/kg/hour) till the imparted stool is cleared. As the amount of solution is large, Reglan or Perinorm is given 15 to 30 minutes prior to giving PEG solution to reduce nausea and vomiting.

Another approach is to give Phosphate enema (proctoclysis) to disimpact the stools. Some doctors recommend normal saline enema for this purpose, but our experience is that phosphate enema (available as Proctoclyss) works better.

Once the impacted stools have been cleared, maintenance therapy should be initiated to prevent re-accumulation. This is done by the use of laxatives, toilet training and dietary modification.

B. Laxatives.

The commonly used laxatives in children are:

1. Lactulose

2. Sorbitol

3. Milk of magnesia (magnesium hydroxide)

4. Mineral oil (castor oil)

All of these are equally effective and are given in a dose of 1-3 ml/kg/day. Mineral oil and milk of magnesia are not palatable.

Lactulose is the most commonly used laxative but is expensive. Various market preparations (Duphalac, Laxose, MT - Lac) cost is the region of Rs.100/- for a bottle of 100 ml, which lasts for roughly 10 days.

The most important thing to remember regarding the use of laxatives is that they need to be continued for prolonged periods (sometimes several months). An early stoppage of laxatives invariably leads to recurrence of constipation.

C. Toilet Training.

Too early and too strict toilet training is detrimental to the child. The ideal age to impart toilet training is 2 years. Initially the child should be encouraged to sit on the toilet for 5 to 10 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day. Gradually the habit of going to toilet once daily in the morning can be developed.

Parents should neither threaten, nor punish the child for not going to toilet at the appointed hour. This can make the child tense or stubborn. In both cases the problem of constipation will worsen. Instead the parents should follow a reward system. The child should be rewarded for regular sitting on the toilet. This will act as a positive reinforcement for the child.

Older children with constipation should be encouraged to maintain a daily record of bowel movements, pain or discomfort, consistency of stool and the laxative dose. This helps to monitor compliance and to make appropriate adjustments in the treatment program.

D. Dietary Changes.

Most children with constipation consume a low fiber diet. Many of them are predominantly milk fed. Foods low in roughage (fiber) are - meat, gelatin, white bread, starches, potatoes, rice, macaroni, noodles, ice cream, cheese and of course milk.

The daily requirement of fiber is: Age + 5 = grams/day. For a five year old child it will be 5 + 5 = 10 grams/day. The fiber content of the diet can be increased by giving fruits like apples, pears, prunes and plums. Raw, leafy vegetables should be introduced. Figs, raisins, apricots contain lot of fiber. Peas, beans, sprouts, whole-wheat flour chapattis, should be added to the diet. These children should be encouraged to drink lot of fluids.

Constipation often can be a difficult problem to tackle, because instituting dietary change in children is easier said than done. On top of it parents are liable to stop the prescribed laxatives early due to the fear of habit formation. The treating doctor must allay parents' fear and also involve a dietician wherever necessary.

Constipation - When the Bowels Won't Move!


Study Hemorrhoid Relief - The Best Way to Treat Your Piles much more

I guess as you are reading this article you must at some time have experienced hemorrhoids. You won't need me to tell you how painful the complaint is and how much discomfort sufferers go through. You may also be in the large group of people who are too embarrassed to go and ask for help from the medical profession. If you are suffering from piles for the first time it is really important to go and get a medical diagnosis, particularly if you have noticed bleeding.

If you are sure that you are dealing with hemorrhoids there are a number of very easy treatments that you can carry out at home and that will bring your rapid relief for your hemorrhoids.

The first place you will find relief is in the local drug store. There is an array of ointments and suppositories that will reduce swelling, relieve pain and stop bleeding. These products will bring relief and if you are an occasional mild sufferer of piles they may be all you need. Unfortunately many people find they only offer temporary relief and within a week or so the piles return.

If you want long term relief you really need to address the cause of the problem and to do that you need to understand what is happening. Hemorrhoids are actually damaged blood vessels around the anal area. The whole area has numerous blood vessels, some of them very small. If excess pressure is placed on the vessels they can become swollen or even rupture. The result is bleeding, itching and in some cases fairly severe pain.

The most common cause for the pressure is a poor diet. Eating a diet low in fiber and full of processed food can lead to constipation, which in turn leads to straining whilst passing a motion. To allow piles to heal and prevent further episodes it is really important to make sure your diet is high in fiber, around 24g a day will be enough. There is no need to measure, all you really need to do is make sure that each meal contains good portion of high fiber food including; oats, whole grain cereal, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and beans The foods to cut back on include; white bread, high fat foods and generally anything that is highly processed.

It will also help tremendously if you increase the amount of water that your drink. 8 glasses of water a day will avoid you becoming dehydrated and will support the increased fiber intake by ensuring your gut is functioning healthily.

If you are suffering pain and want very fast relief the fastest treatment is a simple ice-pack. Make sure the ice is wrapped well in a towel or cloth. Low temperatures encourage the veins to shrink which will bring almost immediate relief; unfortunately the effect is only temporary.

Aloe Vera, or products containing this amazing plant extract will also bring relief and will also promote more rapid healing. Aloe Vera is best used immediately after each motion. Clean the area gently using a baby wipe then apply the Aloe Vera using a cotton wool ball.

Natural methods may take a little more effort than an over the counter remedy but the extra effort really will be worth it as it is the difference between a temporary solution and long term relief.

These actions are really just the start, if you are serious about finding a long term solution go to health supplement reviews [http://healthsupplementreviews.org] I have gathered the Best Remedies [http://healthsupplementreviews.org] that I found when treating my condition and finding a way to long term relief.

Hemorrhoid Relief - The Best Way to Treat Your Piles

Immediate Constipation Relief

Examine Hemorrhoid Relief - 7 Simple Home Remedies to Give You a Break From the Pain much more

Hemorrhoid Relief - 7 Simple Home Remedies to Give You a Break From the Pain

Immediate Constipation Relief

Immediate Constipation Relief

If you have been suffering with hemorrhoids, you don't have to. There are plenty of effective and easy to apply natural hemorrhoid relief options available.

Hemorrhoids are caused due to increased pressure from the hemorrhoidal veins around the rectum. There are various reasons for increased pressure. Some of the reasons could be due to chronic constipation, pregnancy, diarrhea, lack of fiber in a diet, excessive straining during bowel movement, childbirth, lifting heavy weights, or poor blood circulation in the veins.

A person suffering with this condition may have symptoms such as, itching, burning or pain. In a more chronic condition, a person may see blood in the toilet or on the toilet paper.

If you have similar symptoms, here are effective alternative hemorrhoid relief options to give you a relief right away:

1. Apply Aloe Vera cream to soothe the pain.

2. Use witch hazel to get rid of an itching sensation. You can apply it with a cotton boll.

3. Wash your bottom with warm water and mild soap after each bowel movement, and blot dry.

4. Keep the hemorrhoids dry all the time. There are two simple ways you can do that. Use a hair blow dryer or apply a baby powder to keep them dry.

5. Another very effective and safe alternative remedy to get a soothing effect from a burning sensation is to apply unsalted frozen butter. Keep an inch size piece of unsalted butter in a freezer, and use it as needed.

6. Don't strain during bowel movement. If constipation is a challenge, make sure to relieve it with natural constipation treatments.

7. Soak them in a warm sitz bath for 10 to 15 minutes. You can also add lavender or peppermint oil in the sitz bath to give you a soothing sensation.

Immediate relief from the pain is possible by applying these remedies. However, don't have a wrong expectation wanting them to clear up overnight especially if you have those that have been considered chronic.

Hemorrhoids take a while to develop, thus be patient with them as they will eventually clear up as long as you're determined to cure them. Your commitment to reverse your condition is as important as finding the right remedies. Thus, pat yourself for taking the time to research and learn about hemorrhoid relief options.

Now that you have this information, see which one of these will give you a break from the pain. Give them a try; you will be glad you did.

For more helpful tips and advice for hemorrhoid treatments and constipation remedies, visit Hemorrhoid Symptoms

Read Curing Constipation much more

Curing Constipation may be challenging for some, but it can be done naturally. Constipation is defined as having a bowel movement fewer than three times per week. With constipation, stools are usually hard and dry and small in size. Often when you are constipated, the bowel movement can be difficult to eliminate. You can often experience straining, bloating, and the sensation of a full bowel if you are constipated. Some people think they are constipated if they do not have a bowel movement every day but everyone's body is different. Normal stool elimination may be three times a day or three times a week. Again, every body is different.

Constipation is a symptom, not a disease and curing constipation does not have to be hard. Almost everyone experiences constipation at some point in their life, and a poor diet is usually the cause. Constipation can also be aggravated by travel, pregnancy or sudden changes in diet, or simply ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement on a regular basis.

For some people, constipation can be triggered by certain medications. Curing constipation can be a huge problem for many people. For many people endeavoring to cure their constipation, laxatives are a regular part of the treatment. Laxatives should only be used when everything else has been tried and as a last resort. Herbal laxatives are readily available and it is always best to look at natural products available.

Some of the main causes of constipation are

o not enough fiber in the diet
o lack of physical activity
o Medications
o Not drinking enough water daily
o milk
o irritable bowel syndrome
o abuse of laxatives
o ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement
o dehydration
o changes in life or routine such as pregnancy, aging, and travel

So how do we fix the problem?

Nowadays everyone takes a pill and you get some relief from your problem but it is just a band aid. Persevere and try and repair your problems through diet and exercise if you are suffering from constipation, you really need to look at your diet and attempt to cure your constipation naturally. This is where your food diary will come in handy. It will help if you can increase your fruit and vegetables on a regular basis, along with increased fluids, and two litres of water a day will help cure your constipation. A fibre supplement such as gallium is useful as it provides not only relief to constipation, but also many other benefits such as helping to lower cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of developing colon polyps and cancer. Psyllium is available from the supermarket and you just need a little sprinkle each morning (half a teaspoon) in cereal. Eat fruits such as prunes, grapes, pears, oranges. Avoid excessive coffee and alcohol although a strong cup of black coffee will often trigger a bowel movement. The caffeine in coffee has a bowel loosening effect. Massage the stomach in a clockwise direction as stomach massage is an excellent way to cure your constipation.

The Top tips are as follows:

o Two litres of water a day
o More fibre at breakfast, lunch and dinner (fruit and vegetables and salads) Good sources of fiber are most of the fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables. Excellent sources of fiber are broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, all eaten raw or thawed. Spinach, beans, whole-grain cereal all cooked are excellent sources. Fruits such as apples, peaches, tangerines, and raspberries will help increase the fiber content (apples also lower your blood sugar, so this is an added bonus)
o Massage the stomach in a clockwise direction each morning
o Half a teaspoon of Psyllium husk in the morning
o Never ignore a bowel movement
o Never force a bowel movement
o The humble prune is one of the oldest home remedies in curing constipation
o Exercise
o Flaxseeds are high in fibre. A tablespoon a day will help cure your constipation
o Magnesium is found in most green vegetables and it helps to cure your constipation eg: legumes, peas, beans are great sources of magnesium.

Let us remind you, that good health takes work and effort. But it is worth it. Try to curing your constipation naturally and commit yourself to living a healthy life through good nutrition.


For more information on weight loss and nutrition visit [http://www.weightlosssecret.info]

For more information on exercise and hiking visit [http://www.hikinginfoonline.com]

Curing Constipation


Read Things That Could Help Ease Constipation Symptoms much more

Things That Could Help Ease Constipation Symptoms

Constipation Relief

If you are one of those people battling with a need for constipation cure, there are a couple of things you should know about constipation relief that might help.

First, you need to know that some constipation cure options may worsen your trouble with constipation.

Many people who are looking for constipation cure use laxatives. Well, while it may seem like a wise thing to do to use laxatives for constipation relief, the truth is they could make the problem worse over time.

Laxatives pull water out of your body as a way to loosen up any stool and flush it through your digestive system. Apparently this could leave you dehydrated and make things worse as your body tries to process foods after the new few meals. There will not be adequate hydration to move the waste through and you'll be back to square one looking for constipation relief. They also are something your body becomes dependent on. If you are using them enough, eventually you will have to use them at all times to have normal bowel movements and sometimes they may stop working altogether leaving you in more desperate need of constipation relief than you ever were from the beginning.

Now, the key question is: how do you take care of your body and keep this from happening? Well firstly you should look at a few natural steps to reduce the possibility you need relief for constipation.

The best thing you need to consider is making sure you have enough fiber in your diet. Fiber, of course, is very important for it could help move all that waste through your system efficiently. Usually you may want to try to get at least 30-35 grams of fiber in your diet a day.

Next make sure you have enough water in your diet. If your body does not have adequate water within the system to operate it will not be able to keep the waste moist while it pass through and leave you blocked up and searching for constipation treatment.

Another thing you may want to consider is natural colon cleansing. Colon cleansing is the best treatment for constipation. This is also the best way to give your body a boost every couple of months to make sure nothing is getting backed up in your colon system. You can even consider some of these colon cleanse supplements, which makes things a lot simpler and more convenient.

Stuart Griffin is an internet marketer. He also a writer and often write articles about constipation issues. He prides himself on finding great alternative for constipation problems. He agrees that the best treatment for constipation are found at newcolonsweep.com.

Read Constipation - A Serious Health Concern more

How often do you go to the bathroom and have a bowel movement?

I realize that this question may seem odd, but it the most basic sign of good digestive health. Over 95% of health problems start in the digestive system and constipation is certainly a culprit in many of these maladies.

Bowel movements should correlate to how many meals are eaten in a 24 hour period. If you eat three meals in a 24 hour period, you should have three bowel movements. If not, you are constipated. The statistics show that over 65% of the American Population is constipated.

There are two different theories related to constipation. They are the traditional Medical Opinion as well as the holistic opinion.

Traditional Medicine defines constipation as the passage of small amounts of hard dry stool. However it also states that we have different levels of metabolism and because of this we all experience different frequencies of elimination.

Holistic Medicine believes that you should have one elimination for every meal you eat each day. The holistic practitioner would tell you that the healthiest digestive system is one that absorbs food and nutrition at meals and eliminates the toxic waste 12 to 18 hours later. If the food stays in your system for more than 18 hours it putrefies, accumulates toxins which get absorbed into the bloodstream and contributes to numerous other health concerns.

If you are constipated there are several things that you can do to bring your body back into balance.

1) DRINK more water. Ideally you should drink one ounce of water for every pound of body weight each day. This will help rehydrate the digestive system.

2) Exercise Regularly. This will increase the blood flow which will assist with normal elimination.

3) Supplement with a good daily fiber product that consists of ground flax.

4) Lubricate your digestive system with Essential Fatty Acids like Flax, Borage and Fish Oils which make it easier to have an elimination.

The reason that Constipation is a serious health concern is that we absorb whatever is put in our digestive system. If your digestive system is blocked and filled with waste you will absorb that waste and put the burden on your liver, lungs, lymphatic system, blood, skin, colon and kidneys to assist in getting those toxins out of your body.

It is always a great idea to see a naturopathic medical practitioner who can suggest great supplements, reading materials and healthy alternatives when confronted with poor digestive health.


Charles O. Palmerson is the webmaster for http://www.skinnyasap.com He writes regularly about Weight Loss Product Reviews and shares his research on health and fitness as a full time staff writer.

Constipation - A Serious Health Concern

Understand Constipation Remedy Using Citrus Juice far more

Citrus Juices

Citrus juices are a constipation remedy that is an excellent way to stimulate your colon and other parts of the body. Since your colon is less active at night, drinking juices as soon as you awaken and get up can stimulate strong peristaltic action and promote a bowel movement.


Lemons are filled with minerals, especially potassium, Vitamin C, and bioflavonoids. They have a cleansing action for the entire body.

Fresh lemon juice is the king of fruit juices. It contains citric acid, which acts in the body in a way no other juice does. First it acts on the liver to build up its enzymes so it can detoxify toxins in the blood. Then it combines with calcium to form soluble chemical substances. This makes it effective in removing kidney and pancreatic stones, plack build up along artery walls, and other calcium deposits that occur in the body.

When the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are not working right, food digestion is affected. This in turn will create constipation.

Use lemons moderately since they break up oils during digestion and in our body they make oils less available to our cells and joints.

If you have lemon allergies or ulcers then you should avoid lemon juice. If you have arthritis lemons are not a good choice.

Here's what to do:

Squeeze one lemon into a glass of warm distilled water. Drink it first thing when you wake up. Don't drink anything else for at least 1/2 hour

You can use a citrus press to juice the lemon or just squeeze it to get the juice out.

Grapefruit Juice

Another constipation remedy you can use is drinking a glass of fresh squeezed grapefruit first thing in the morning. Again wait at least 1/2 hour before you eat anything.

If you are taking any anticonvulsant drugs, birth control pills, estrogen, protease inhibitors and even other types of drugs avoid drinking grapefruit juice. It slows the breakdown of certain drugs allowing them to increase in the blood to dangerous levels.

Grapefruit and Orange Juice

One drink I like in the morning is a combination of grapefruit and orange juice. Just prepare a half and half drink of these citrus fruits and drink it first thing in the morning.

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Constipation Remedy Using Citrus Juice

Examine Piles Relief - Natural Treatments For Piles a lot more

Immediate Constipation Relief

There are literally millions of people around the globe who suffer with the condition known as piles or hemorrhoids. Piles are caused when the wall of the bowel weakens allowing a vein to break through and is very similar to how a hernia forms, this vein then becomes inflamed resulting in pain, itchiness and general discomfort, quite often these blood vessels will begin to bleed and it is when this happens that people start to look for types of piles relief.

There are many reasons why the bowel wall becomes weakened, one of the most common is the straining of trying to empty a bowel when constipated. This straining causes extreme pressure on the walls of the bowel and also to the veins in that area which often results in piles.

There are fundamentally two specific types of piles, internal and external. External piles are generally the more painful of the two but bleed less frequently than internal piles. Internal piles are usually more uncomfortable than they are painful, although the pain can be quite unbearable during a bowel movement, they are however, far more likely to bleed than external piles which is often the first symptom of an internal pile that is noticed and this is generally when wiping after an evacuation.

These days, many people who have piles choose to use natural remedies, often utilizing common and readily available herbs and fruits. Two such popular remedies involve the use of dried figs and the seeds of the mango, which are both effective at stopping constipation, the fruit of the blackberry is another favorite for those suffering with piles that are bleeding.

Dried Figs: Wash the dried figs thoroughly and then soak them in water overnight, they should then be taken, along with the water they were soaked in, once in the morning and again in the evening.
Mango Seeds: The process of using mango seeds as a piles treatment is a little longer as they will need to be dried out thoroughly and then crushed into a powder. Mango seed powder can be taken as and when piles flare up but only twice a day and a single dose should be no more than two grams, many people find an easier and more pleasant way to take this powder is to mix it with honey.
Blackberry Fruit: The fruit of the blackberry will help stop your piles from bleeding and should be looked upon as a long-term strategy rather than a short-term cure as they need to be eaten throughout the season of the fruit which is normally between two and three months, by doing so bleeding piles should be prevented from returning. To use this remedy simply eat the blackberry fruit each morning with salt.

In general, most natural piles cures work by helping to soften stools and thereby stopping any periods of constipation. No constipation means that there is not any unnecessary pressure in the areas of the anus where piles are common, this will also help in shrinking existing piles to the point where they contract fully.

If you really want to get rid of hemorrhoids for good then you need to check out this H Miracle Review [http://bleedinghemorrhoidstreatmentnow.com/bleeding-hemorrhoids-treatment-h-miracle-review/] or, click on ' bleeding hemorrhoids treatment [http://bleedinghemorrhoidstreatmentnow.com] ' to learn more about the most popular alternative treatment system for hemorrhoids.

Piles Relief - Natural Treatments For Piles

Immediate Constipation Relief

Examine Foods to Relieve Constipation - Top 5 Foods to Eat For Constipation Relief & Easy Bowel Movement a lot more

Chronic constipation mostly occurs due to bad eating habits. Doing regular exercises and eating high fibrous foods can prevent them. Although this is a common problem but it can be much frustrating at times. Your daily routine gets disrupted and you feel stressed out and uneasy. There are many factors for constipation such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), lack of sleep, pregnancy, medications, lack of fibers in your diet and infected colon.

A constant pain is generated due to this problem, which is intolerable sometimes. It is advisable to consult a doctor if you feel such pain. Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle is extremely beneficial for preventing chronic constipation. Exercising regularly stimulates activities and helps your body to maintain an easy bowel movement.

Top 5 Foods to Eat for Constipation Pain Relief & Easy Bowel Movement

1. Green Leafy Vegetables: Increase the intake of richly colored vegetables like spinach, cauliflower, and green peas etc. because they contain fibers. High fibrous foods are easily digestible. They also keep your digestive tract clean and stimulate more digestion in your body.

2. Salads: You can eat more salads to maintain a healthy bowel movement. They also act as pain relief diets.

3. Fruits: You should eat more apples, strawberries, blackberries, oranges etc for eliminating this problem.

4. Juices: Fresh fruit and vegetable juices can be extremely beneficial for constipation pain relieve and easy bowel movement. You should drink at 2-3 glasses of juice daily.

5. Water: Drink plenty of water in order to keep your body hydrated. Water is helpful for dissolving all hard substances, which obstructs your bowel movement easily. You should drink at least 10-12 glasses of water regularly.

Constipation Relief

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Foods to Relieve Constipation - Top 5 Foods to Eat For Constipation Relief & Easy Bowel Movement

Constipation Relief

Read Natural Constipation Relief: Find The Best Constipation Treatment a lot more

Constipation is a frequent problem that can affect anyone regardless of age and sex. This is a difficult experience that is accompanied by several discomforts. Often than not, you would want to have the best relief at the earliest possible time. However, taking prescription medicines is quite troublesome. Aside from having to consult your physician, there are a number of side effects associated with these agents. This makes natural constipation relief agents a first choice.

There are lots of available natural constipation relief products that provide effective remedy for constipation. You simply have to ensure that the product your using is the right one for your unique condition.

Natural Laxative Smooth Oral

One of the most popular natural constipation reliefs is the naturally formulated laxatives. These products are taken orally at least three times a day or as directed by the packet insert while some doctors would prescribe specific dosage intended for unique conditions. It is not uncommon for doctors to recommend dosage more than what the products insert says. This is definitely true with chronic cases that require extra amounts of laxative agents.

To make these laxative products work, you need to take it together with large volumes of water. Whether it is in liquid, wafers, or chewable tablet forms, it requires an increased fluid intake to take full effect. It is even advisable that you consume at least a large glass of water right after taking these products.

Most of these natural products have a packet insert that determines the recommended dosage for your age and medical condition. Sometimes you would need to use the product for a longer period of time to attain a regular bowel movement.

Senokot S Natural Source Laxative Plus Softener

This is another effective way of providing natural constipation relief. These stool softeners are taken before sleeping that works overnight by maintaining the fluidity of the fecal matter. Some find this kind of medications helpful especially in relieving transient bouts of constipation. Doctors and pharmacists would recommend the use of these products before trying other potent prescription medications. If you don't want to seek medical help, this would be the best choice for you.

Although natural laxative products are great in providing immediate relief for constipation, maintaining proper and physical activity remains to be the best natural constipation relief. It is recommended that the diet be packed with fiber-rich food products, increasing intake of liquid, and improving the quality of physical activity through regular exercise. These simple measures will definitely prevent the recurrence of constipation in the future.

A visit to your doctor will guarantee that you are hitting on the right natural constipation relief for your specific medical condition. Usually, constipation is an unrelenting problem that affects your overall wellbeing. It can even lead into some serious conditions if left untreated for a long time. Chronic constipation that recurs repeatedly could have an underlying serious health problem. This usually needs an immediate medical attention to prevent further complications. So if natural constipation relief does not provide a permanent effect, you might need to set a schedule with your doctor.

Constipation Relief

If you want to get the best natural constipation remedies,please visit my blog at http://www.constipationremediesblog.com. I have been researching constipation remedies and natural constipation treatment for quite long time to solve my problem, you can view some videos to learn more how to treat constipation with health diet plan.

Natural Constipation Relief: Find The Best Constipation Treatment

Go through Better Relief With Arthritis Homeopathy more

If you are seeking for an alternative treatment for stiff and painful joints, arthritis homeopathy is one effective solution. Arthritis is often a painful experience, and may eventually worsen if left untreated. In the U.S. millions of Americans are suffering from arthritis, whether its arthritis of the knees, ankles, or osteoarthritis. Typical treatments for arthritis include prescription medicines, pain killers, and even steroidal injections. Knee surgeries and knee braces are also recommended, especially in severe cases.

The Effects of Homeopathy on Arthritis

Homeopathy is considered to be an alternative form of medication, used to treat a variety of ailments. It has been used in the treatment of gout, erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation in men. Homeopathic treatment has also been found to offer cure for psoriasis, allergic rhinitis, tonsillitis, constipation, and migraine.

One of the benefits of homeopathy is that there is the absence of side effects. This is due to the fact that homeopathy treatments do not utilize the aid of prescriptive, chemically-manufactured medicines. Instead, it uses natural compounds in order to deliver immediate and lasting relief to specific areas, such as the joints.

Arthritis homeopathy takes into consideration the health condition of the patient as a whole. The specific ailment is given due focus, but the lifestyle and emotional health of the patient is reviewed as well. For the past years, homeopathy has been known to provide relief from arthritis. When homeopathy is practiced correctly, it can bring long term aid from joint inflammation and discomfort. The course of treatment used is commonly dependent on the area of the pain and the patient's medical history.

A few examples of homeopathic remedies are Aconitum, Actea spic, Bryonia, and Belladonna. Aconitum is typically administered to patients who are also inflicted with fever and anxiety. Bryonia is an excellent remedy for worsening pain, especially if the pain escalates when the joint is moved or touched. Belladonna is commonly provided to arthritic subjects when the nature of the pain is abrupt.

Finding a Good Arthritis Homeopathy Professional

Those who want to be treated through homeopathy should consult with a professional. A good homeopathy professional will seek to find what the problem is or where the pain is located. Whether you are suffering from intense stiffness or joint pain, these symptoms need to be addressed through the homeopathic treatment. Most of these professionals also try to seek out clues through your daily activities. These include your social life, dietary habits, and total lifestyle. Interviewing the patient thoroughly is a common practice of homeopathic professionals.

Why Homeopathy is Excellent for Arthritic Patients

Since homeopathy does not encourage the use of prescriptive medicines in the treatment of arthritis, patients can expect minimal adverse effects. Most painkillers can produce ill effects such as gastrointestinal bleeding, dizziness, and liver damage. In most cases, arthritis patients end up taking more prescriptive medications due to the evolving ailments. Homeopaths on the other hand focus on the source of the pain, so as to deliver a drug-free form of treatment.

Homeopathy is also considered to be less expensive than most traditional forms of treatment in arthritis including medications and surgery. Convenient, safe from side-effects, and effective, it is not surprising why homeopathy is growing in popularity. Arthritis homeopathy is one alternative form of treatment that patients should start looking into.

Immediate Constipation Relief
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Better Relief With Arthritis Homeopathy

Go through Constipation - The Fast, Easy Answer to Something No One Talks About a lot more

Everyone jokes about constipation, but it's no joke if you're the one suffering from it. And "suffering" is the right word for it! It's a miserable feeling. You may feel bloated, sluggish, and often you'll have a low-grade headache. But perhaps we can make that feeling no more than a memory.

Constipation is, simply put, an inability to move your bowels. The body is designed so that waste products will move quickly through the system, and out of the body. Although several things can be the cause of it, the root cause is a lack of moisture in your digestive system, and water is the primary cure for that.

The best way to deal with constipation is to prevent it. And a regular system of getting water into your body is the best way to practice prevention.

Most conventional medical advice is that there is no "normal" routine for the human body to have bowel movements. Some will tell you with a straight face that "for some people" it's normal to have a bowel movement every 3 or 4 days.

And while I agree that our systems will vary widely in their "normality" it is not normal to go for days without a bowel movement. Your body is taking in food several times a day. It just makes sense that your body will also need to get rid of waste products at least once a day.

There's no need to become greatly concerned if you go a day without a bowel movement. But if skipping days becomes a routine, you might want to step up your prevention program -- especially if you start feeling lousy.

Prevention starts off in the morning. During the night, your body has been fasting -- on an involuntary basis! Unless you are in the habit of eating a midnight snack, your body will often have gone without food for 7 or 8 or more hours.

During that time, your digestive system has been resting -- like the rest of your body. And you should give it the chance to rest! If you've ever eaten a large meal, and then quickly gone to bed, you know it's not a recipe for a good night's sleep. Most people sleep poorly and restlessly after a large meal, because the digestive system's having to do a lot of work. And digestion is hard work.

When you awaken in the morning, immediately drink 2 to 3 glasses of lukewarm tap water. This is not the time to have ice water. You don't want to slow your body down, and that's what cold does. If you don't like the taste of your tap water first thing in the morning, you might try adding something to perk it up -- a twist of lemon is a good water pick-me-up.

After drinking your water, do not sit down. Remain standing. This is the time to read the newspaper, empty the dishwasher, or whatever. Just remain in an upright, standing position. You see, chairs are not the optimal position for the human body. All of your digestive organs get scrunched together. Until a few hundred years ago, chairs were not common, and people traditionally stood or squatted in most situations. Now, I don't think I'm going to get you to give up your chairs, but at least for the first 30 minutes of so of the day, pretend you don't have a chair, and give your body a chance to work without being scrunched up.

After 15 minutes, drink another 2 or 3 glasses of water. Your body will be working to get the digestive system kicking back in. A side benefit is that you will find yourself waking up much faster than you have in the past. Part of the grogginess most of us feel is simply a side-effect of dehydration.

For most people, your bowels will move after the second couple of glasses of water. If they haven't, don't worry about it ... it will happen later in the day as you continue drinking water. Remember, aim for drinking 20 glasses of water every day. As you get into that regular habit, you will find that constipation will take care of itself.

Jim Huffman, RN specializes in natural and alternative healing therapies. His first book is 'Dare to Be Free: How to Get Control of Your Time, Your Life, and Your Nursing Career,' and is aimed at helping other nurses find satisfying, dynamic careers. His website is http://www.NetworkForNurses.com and his health blog is at http://www.pro-longevity.blogspot.com

Constipation - The Fast, Easy Answer to Something No One Talks About


Read Constipation Hemorrhoids - How to Get Permanent Relief Naturally & Fast much more

Constipation Hemorrhoids - How to Get Permanent Relief Naturally & Fast

Constipation Relief

The types of hemorrhoids that people usually form are constipation hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are caused by too much pressure being placed on the pelvic and anus areas. This can be caused by straining to make a bowl movement. Often constipation causes straining. If you have hemorrhoids, the best way to treatment is to treat the symptom(s) causing them. 

The best way to treat constipation is to treat it naturally. This can be done by eating fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and bran products. Avoid drinking sodas and caffeinated beverages. Try to not eat processed food and other junk food. Drink plenty of water. Maintain a healthy exercise routine.

After determining the cause of the hemorrhoids and taking the measures to correct the problem, you will still be left with the hemorrhoids. To make them heal quickly, try using natural remedies that will work safely and efficiently. Some of those natural cures are: Witch Hazel, Aloe Vera, Sitz baths, Butcher's Broom, Horse Chestnut, Venapro, and H Miracle. Many of these work just as well if not better than over the counter or prescribed medicated treatments. Not only are natural treatments safer and often more effective, they are also usually cheaper and can be used for a wide variety of ailments.

Do not use expansive treatments that can contain harmful chemicals to treat hemorrhoids. 

First determine the source of the hemorrhoids, treat the root problem, and then heal the hemorrhoids naturally. With Constipation hemorrhoids, treatment can be effective, harmless and permanent using natural products.

I suffered from painful and embarrassing hemorrhoids for 12 months. Then I discovered the secret to being permanently hemorrhoid free and got rid of them in just 4 days. I have created an all natural hemorrhoid cure treatment plan which is guaranteed to work. Learn how my shocking hemorrhoid story and how I finally got rid of it at http://www.HowICuredHemorrhoids.com and be finally free of your hemorrhoids in just 48 hours.

Study Constipation - Is Taking Laxatives The Best Option? a lot more

Constipation - Is Taking Laxatives The Best Option?


Struggling with constipation pain is usually a painful and very private issue that we all deal with every once in a while. In the US, over $800 million is spent every year by sufferers looking for laxatives to help with their problem, and many more search out help on the internet as they put up with their constipation. What some don't know is that, many times, they may want to consider a laxative as a secondary option. Laxatives can be described as an addictive substance and can actually be dangerous to your bowels over a period of time.

If you are looking to buy a laxative, there are a few choices:

Lactulose - This method often comes in liquid form and is a liquid that isn't easily processed through the digestive system. Lactulose passes through the body as a fiber, may cause significant cramps, and takes a few days to be fully taken through the system.

Bulk - If you are searching for something to take for weeks at a time, this will be the best method. After a few days you'll usually find much less pain, but don't forget to drink plenty of water as this can cause dehydration. You can pick this up through any number of brand names from most health food stores.

Stimulant - Created to improve the number of bowel movements made, this sometimes has the side effect of causing additional cramps. They are usually effective past 10 hours, but doctors state that these can, over time, cause damage to the stomach muscles, causing the problem to become even more painful. Doctors state it shouldn't be used for pregnancy constipation.

Osmotic - These will assist the body by allowing it to retain more water and by softening the stool. (Epsom Salts, for example)

While some people might require laxatives, it's important to remember that there are natural solutions that are effective against constipation, particularly when it comes to prevention. While not a quick fix, allowing for increased fiber in your food intake over a period of time will strengthen your digestive system and focus direction on fixing the root issues that caused constipation. Aside from just looking at your fiber intake, you might want to remember that live cultures i.e. yogurt can help to break down the issues that are causing constipation problems. Additionally, you can review strengthening exercises that help to cause less strain on anus muscles, properly allowing them to relax naturally.

Whether you are focused on constipation in toddlers, young adults, or elderly, maintaining a healthy fiber-balanced diet will assist with the digestive system and provide long-term health. If you can stick to the diet for sixty days, you'll notice these improved benefits and actually see yourself constipation-free.

Justin Cooke is an author, business investor, and internet marketer. In addition to managing Trybpo, a company in Davao City, Philippines, he also creates topical sites about interesting subjects like pregnancy constipation and constipation in toddlers

Understand Foods to Relieve Constipation - Top 5 Foods to Eat For Constipation Relief & Easy Bowel Movement a lot more

Constipation Relief

Chronic constipation mostly occurs due to bad eating habits. Doing regular exercises and eating high fibrous foods can prevent them. Although this is a common problem but it can be much frustrating at times. Your daily routine gets disrupted and you feel stressed out and uneasy. There are many factors for constipation such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), lack of sleep, pregnancy, medications, lack of fibers in your diet and infected colon.

A constant pain is generated due to this problem, which is intolerable sometimes. It is advisable to consult a doctor if you feel such pain. Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle is extremely beneficial for preventing chronic constipation. Exercising regularly stimulates activities and helps your body to maintain an easy bowel movement.

Top 5 Foods to Eat for Constipation Pain Relief & Easy Bowel Movement

1. Green Leafy Vegetables: Increase the intake of richly colored vegetables like spinach, cauliflower, and green peas etc. because they contain fibers. High fibrous foods are easily digestible. They also keep your digestive tract clean and stimulate more digestion in your body.

2. Salads: You can eat more salads to maintain a healthy bowel movement. They also act as pain relief diets.

3. Fruits: You should eat more apples, strawberries, blackberries, oranges etc for eliminating this problem.

4. Juices: Fresh fruit and vegetable juices can be extremely beneficial for constipation pain relieve and easy bowel movement. You should drink at 2-3 glasses of juice daily.

5. Water: Drink plenty of water in order to keep your body hydrated. Water is helpful for dissolving all hard substances, which obstructs your bowel movement easily. You should drink at least 10-12 glasses of water regularly.

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Foods to Relieve Constipation - Top 5 Foods to Eat For Constipation Relief & Easy Bowel Movement

Go through Constipation - When the Bowels Won't Move! extra

Constipation - When the Bowels Won't Move!


If a child passes less than 3 stools per week and there is associated difficulty in passing them, then it is called constipation. Some normal breastfed babies pass soft stool on the 2nd or 3rd day without difficulty. This is not constipation because there is no associated difficulty in passing stool. A child may pass stool daily but if there is accompanying difficulty in passing it (due to hard consistency or size) then also it is called constipation.

Initial constipation may be due to:

o Change in routine diet

o Various illnesses

o Stressful events

o Unavailability of toilets (travel etc.)

o Child's busy schedule (morning school)

Leads to large, hard stools

These cause pain during defecation

May lead to fissures or cuts near anus

More pain during every subsequent passage of stool

Stool-withholding due to fear of pain

Stools become drier, firmer, and larger

Further increase in constipation

Most of the cases of constipation (almost 95%) are precipitated and perpetuated by these events. Other causes of constipation in children are:

o Spinal cord lesions

o Cerebral palsy

o Congenital megacolon (Hirschsprung's disease)

o Anal stenosis

o Hypothyrodism

o Diabetes insipidus

o Hypercalcemia

o Codeine containing cough syrups

o Anti epileptic drugs

o Anti psychotic drugs

Once the viscous cycle of constipation - painful defecation - stool withholding - constipation sets in the child refuses to sit on the toilet, rises on his toes, holds his legs and buttocks stiffly and often rocks back and forth, holds on to a furniture, screams, turns red until the stool is passed. With time, such withholding behaviour becomes an automatic reaction.


Most children with constipation will benefit if proper treatment plan is implemented under the guidance of a Paediatrician with active involvement of parents.

A. Disimpaction (Clearing of retained stools).

In a child having constipation a hard mass may be felt in the lower abdomen due to impaction of fecal matter (stool). Sometimes multiple, small, hard, masses may be present. The first thing to do in such cases is to disimpact (remove) the retained stool.

In an infant glycerine suppository (a medical preparation which melts in the rectum) is used for disimpaction. This is pushed in after lubricating the anus. It melts inside and facilitates the passage of impacted stools. Bisacodyl suppository, 5 mg for under-twos and 10 mg for children over 2, is available in the market (Junifree, Dulcolax) and in quite effective. Enemas and lavage solutions should be avoided in infants.

In older children Polyethyleneglycol (PEG) solution is given orally or by naso-gastric tube (25ml/kg/hour) till the imparted stool is cleared. As the amount of solution is large, Reglan or Perinorm is given 15 to 30 minutes prior to giving PEG solution to reduce nausea and vomiting.

Another approach is to give Phosphate enema (proctoclysis) to disimpact the stools. Some doctors recommend normal saline enema for this purpose, but our experience is that phosphate enema (available as Proctoclyss) works better.

Once the impacted stools have been cleared, maintenance therapy should be initiated to prevent re-accumulation. This is done by the use of laxatives, toilet training and dietary modification.

B. Laxatives.

The commonly used laxatives in children are:

1. Lactulose

2. Sorbitol

3. Milk of magnesia (magnesium hydroxide)

4. Mineral oil (castor oil)

All of these are equally effective and are given in a dose of 1-3 ml/kg/day. Mineral oil and milk of magnesia are not palatable.

Lactulose is the most commonly used laxative but is expensive. Various market preparations (Duphalac, Laxose, MT - Lac) cost is the region of Rs.100/- for a bottle of 100 ml, which lasts for roughly 10 days.

The most important thing to remember regarding the use of laxatives is that they need to be continued for prolonged periods (sometimes several months). An early stoppage of laxatives invariably leads to recurrence of constipation.

C. Toilet Training.

Too early and too strict toilet training is detrimental to the child. The ideal age to impart toilet training is 2 years. Initially the child should be encouraged to sit on the toilet for 5 to 10 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day. Gradually the habit of going to toilet once daily in the morning can be developed.

Parents should neither threaten, nor punish the child for not going to toilet at the appointed hour. This can make the child tense or stubborn. In both cases the problem of constipation will worsen. Instead the parents should follow a reward system. The child should be rewarded for regular sitting on the toilet. This will act as a positive reinforcement for the child.

Older children with constipation should be encouraged to maintain a daily record of bowel movements, pain or discomfort, consistency of stool and the laxative dose. This helps to monitor compliance and to make appropriate adjustments in the treatment program.

D. Dietary Changes.

Most children with constipation consume a low fiber diet. Many of them are predominantly milk fed. Foods low in roughage (fiber) are - meat, gelatin, white bread, starches, potatoes, rice, macaroni, noodles, ice cream, cheese and of course milk.

The daily requirement of fiber is: Age + 5 = grams/day. For a five year old child it will be 5 + 5 = 10 grams/day. The fiber content of the diet can be increased by giving fruits like apples, pears, prunes and plums. Raw, leafy vegetables should be introduced. Figs, raisins, apricots contain lot of fiber. Peas, beans, sprouts, whole-wheat flour chapattis, should be added to the diet. These children should be encouraged to drink lot of fluids.

Constipation often can be a difficult problem to tackle, because instituting dietary change in children is easier said than done. On top of it parents are liable to stop the prescribed laxatives early due to the fear of habit formation. The treating doctor must allay parents' fear and also involve a dietician wherever necessary.

Read through Is There a Natural Way to Relieve Constipation? extra

Is There a Natural Way to Relieve Constipation?

Immediate Constipation Relief

Immediate Constipation Relief

Have you ever had constipation? Do you know what are constipation and the treatment? All of you who have this problem should address to it immediately. This article is all about constipation relief and all the best ways to do it. Constipation is a bowel disorder in simple terms. The best way to treat it is the natural way.

If you are suffering from this you probably have low fiber in your every day food. You need to include a lot of vegetables and fruits in your diet as well as brown rice and whole grain bread. They are essential for your bowels to process the food. Another great way to relieve constipation is fluids. You need to increase water consumption since it makes the bowels move softer. Stimulant laxatives made from herbs such as aloe are extremely helpful. But you need to be careful because they should not be used for more than a week unless you are supervised by a doctor.

You can buy a very good book online that will teach you and relieve you of constipation almost instantly. It contains chapters with everything you need so that you never get constipated ever again. People have bought it with sever constipation and cured it in less than a day. The 38 constipation relief methods teach you exactly how to lead a normal and very healthy life without suffering from constipation ever again. You should try it and see what other people have accomplished with it.

The most precious thing in life is our health and well being. It is absolutely priceless. People with constipation pain spend hundreds of dollars on constipation cure and laxatives that aren't effective on the long run. They only relieve you from constipation for the day and that's it. To permanently get rid of it you need to get a constipation solution that is available only in specific places like the website I'm talking about.

Gjorgji Atanasov is an online expert on health care condition. I have studied constipation thoroughly and i know that it can lead to very severe consequences. Don't wait for your constipation to get worse. This will be the only book you'll need to help you with your constipation problem. I am so confident about it, we offer a 60 days money back guarantee should the techniques in the eBook not work for you! The cost is only $29.95 and is processed through secure payment processor here: [http://abdominalpainconstipation.info]

Read through Relief From Constipation Symptoms a lot more

You have to understand that you are suffering from constipation when you find out that you are having a feeling of insufficient evacuation of bowel movement and the stool you are passing is hard and dry. You will feel pain while you are passing the stool.

Most of the people have the misconception that if you do not have daily bowel movements then you are suffering from constipation. But this has been proved to be false. Medical science itself discards this view. You are said to have constipation if your bowel movement is less than three times a week. Constipation symptoms are quite hard to find, because it does not have any fixed symptom.

Actually constipation itself is a symptom of other underlying diseases. But still some of the constipation symptoms can be listed as, dry and hard stools, painful movement of bowel, and too much strain while passing the stool, feeling bloated, feeling of an evacuation which is incomplete and feeling uneasy and sluggish.

Constipation is the symptom of an unhealthy colon. When your colon has an accumulation of waste materials and toxins and the bowel movement is not regular, it gives rise to constipation. There are other symptoms of unhealthy colon like diarrhea, gas, cramps and bloating.

One of the best ways to be sure whether you are having constipation or not is to check with the doctor. There are some medical tests which can help you to know what you are suffering from and then the doctor can prescribe you medicines for that. You need to treat constipation as soon as possible because in the beginning constipation is not serious and is temporary.

But with time the constipation symptoms might get permanent and you can suffer from chronic constipation. There are certain laxatives which can help you clear the bowel movement. But before treating constipation find out the actual cause.

Constipation Relief
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Relief From Constipation Symptoms

Read through How To Easily Manage Your Hemorrhoid Problem more

One of the primary causes of hemorrhoids is constipation or hardened stools. It's important to understand what factors are contributing to this problem so that you can treat it effectively. The more you understand about what is taking place the better you will be able to deal with it.

Other causes of hemorrhoids include diarrhea and long periods of sitting or standing. Women who are pregnant can also be affected by this problem. When you do get hemorrhoids avoid heavy lifting. Any stress or strain can cause further irritation.

In some cases hemorrhoids can get ruptured and as a result bleed. You can apply apple cider vinegar to the hemorrhoid if this happens so as to stop the bleeding however if it continues to occur then go visit your doctor.

For immediate effective relief apply witch hazel to the affected area. You can buy wipes at your local pharmacy that contain witch hazel. Not only will this help soothe the pain it will also help shrink the hemorrhoid. This is because witch hazel has natural anti inflammatory properties.

Take supplements with horse chestnut. This helps to improve blood supply and tighten veins. It also helps strengthen the connective tissue which is the primary reason for your hemorrhoid in the first place.

Address your diet and make the necessary changes so as to avoid both constipation and diarrhea. Drink lots of water and take a soothing bath to keep the area clean.

Select any of the links provided to get rid of hemorrhoids starting today.

Immediate Constipation Relief

Hemorrhoid Treatment.

Learn how to Get Rid Of External Hemorrhoids

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A Guide to Pregnancy Constipation


The pregnancy hormone known as progesterone is responsible for causing many incidents of constipation within women who are pregnant, because it causes the muscles within the intestine to become weaker, which leads to problems when attempting to have a bowel movement. Constipation during pregnancy is a problem which is fairly common among women who are pregnant.

It can cause a number of other problems in pregnant women as well, including back pain, nausea, and digestive problems. In addition to this, constipation can also lead to problems giving birth. However, there are a number of solutions which can help women treat this condition.

The first solution is to drink water, lots of water. At the very minimum, a pregnant woman should drink two quarts of water per day, while avoided drinks rich in caffeine or fruit juices. Drinking soda, juice, and other such products will cause more problems than solutions.

A pregnant woman should also avoid consuming large amounts of meat, especially meat which contains lots of fat such as bacon or sausage. Fiber is a must for someone who wants to avoid becoming constipated, and this means eating lots of fruits and vegetables on a consistent basis. Vegetables and fruits should replace foods which are rich in white flour such as breads and cereals.

Exercise is also important, even for pregnant women. Exercising is an important factor in helping you avoid constipation, and while pregnant women are limited in the number of exercises they can perform, taking a simple walk or dancing around the house are basic exercises that can go a long way towards helping you avoid pregnancy constipation.

Certain yoga based exercises can also be useful for pregnant women. However, you will want to consult your doctor to find out which exercises are safe and healthy. If you should become constipated, avoid laxatives or certain remedies, and stick to prune juice instead. Laxatives and certain natural remedies can be detrimental to the growth of the baby.

For More information on pregnancy constipation [http://symptomsofconstipation.org] and other constipation related issues, please visit: [http://symptomsofconstipation.org]