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Constipation and Colon Cleansing

Constipation Relief

Constipation Relief

You may have constipation if you experience difficulty in passing stools and have infrequent bowel movement. Constipation has been linked to insufficient fiber intake, dehydration, lack of exercise, pregnancy, taking certain medicines, excessive use of laxatives, old age or a change in routine.

However, more often than not, it is your diet that may be the cause of your constipation. Of late, more people have been afflicted by constipation as a result of fast food choices and an unhealthy diet. If you regularly consume anything that is deep fried or loaded with sugar, you stand a good chance of clogging your colon leading to constipation.

Most people turn to medications to get relief from constipation, but laxatives are merely short term relievers.

Since constipation is viewed as a mere symptom or sign of a poor health condition, you may have to consult a doctor for proper treatment. In addition to prescribing medication for occasional relief, your doctor will most likely advise you to incorporate more fiber into your diet, get into a physical fitness program, and drink lots of water.

The discomfort that comes with taking laxatives means that this solution is not for everyone. More often than not, when taking a laxative, you may experience stomach pain and uncontrollable bowel movement. This can interfere with your ordinary routine as you may have to stay home to avoid social embarrassment.

An alternative to laxatives is a natural method of cleansing the colon using a combination of soluble fiber such as psyllium and traditional herbs. A major component of most effective colon cleansing products, psyllium is plant-based and comes in a powder form which when added to water, transforms into gel.

Once this gel-like substance passes your colon, it absorbs waste build-up and other toxins that have lodged in your colon and pushes it out of your colon without the pain that laxatives are known for. Unlike over-the-counter laxatives, regular intake of psyllium is not harmful to the body and is, in fact, essential to preventing constipation.

The path to long lasting constipation relief is in taking preventive measures. This may mean making lifestyle changes. Give fried foods a wide berth and reduce the amount of alcohol and caffeinated drinks you have. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Exercise regularly. Everyday drink at least eight to ten glasses of water and get into the routine of regularly cleaning your colon.

There is no need to suffer constipation any longer.

For a very limited period The Ultimate Colon Cleanse System is available on a free trial basis. Do not miss this golden opportunity.