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Constipated? What to Do For Relief

Constipation Relief

Constipation Relief

So you're constipated again and your probably wondering what you can do in order to gain relief and to find a constipation remedy that will work for you. The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the immediate feeling of being constipated. There a number of things you can take that will help to solve the problem quickly.

Drink Prune juice or Pineapple juice as these are known to help in the passing of stools from your body. Drinking a cup of warm water with some fresh lemon juice and a couple of spoons of honey is an immediate stimulant for the bowels and this is known to work very fast. Drinking some coffee first thing in the morning will also act as a stimulant and should help to get the bowels working. Essentially increasing the intake of fluids immediately will help to soften the stools in your system and aid in the passing of them through the anus and rectum.

Another popular instant solution is to gently massage your abdomen. Waste is passed through your body by peristalsis which is the contractions of the smooth muscles to pass waste through your digestive tract. As you are constipated this peristalsis must have stopped working so by rubbing your abdomen gently up and down and all over in a circular massaging motion will stimulate peristalsis and help to move your bowels.

Over the counter laxatives always seem to be the answer to many peoples problem of being constipated. However many of these medications can have serious side affects and they can also lead to constipation in the future as your system becomes immune to them.

Once you have relieved the problem you need to educate yourself as to the causes of constipation and what you can do to prevent being constipated again.

So take a couple of minutes and check out one of the best Constipation Resources there is out there and for loads of free information and interesting facts on Constipation please explore http://www.squidoo.com/constipation-remedies-fast.