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Piles Treatment - 7 Ways to Stop the Pain Fast

Immediate Constipation Relief

Hemorrhoids or piles, as they are commonly referred to is a condition that is believed to affect over 40% of the population.

Hemorrhoids occur when the veins around the anus become inflamed. Hemorrhoids can be internal or external. Many times those suffering from internal hemorrhoids never know they have them until they notice some bleeding after using the bathroom.

External hemorrhoids on the other hand tend to be a lot more painful and cause a great deal of pain and irritation to those suffering with them.

Many people never seek treatment for their condition and instead suffer in silence because they are embarrassed to tell anyone about their condition.

Some of the symptoms associated with internal and external piles are irritation, itching and swelling around the anus. Sometimes bleeding will occur as well.

The good news is that piles can be treated in most cases without resorting to surgery.

Some effective treatment for piles that can be done at home are:

Utilizing a stool softener - Stools softeners will help alleviated some of the straining caused by constipation.

Eating a diet rich in fiber - Included in this would be plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Foods high in fiber will help alleviate constipation and keep you regular.

Water - In addition to a high fiber diet be sure to drink plenty of water. 6-8 glasses a day is recommended. Drinking plenty of water is very important in the treatment of piles. Water helps keep the body hydrated and helps flush wastes from the body naturally.

Incorporating Exercise Into Your Daily Routine - Exercising for 20 minutes or more a day will also help keep your system regular.

Warm Sitz Baths - Work well as an external piles treatment. They are a great way to help soothe hemorrhoid pain. The warm water also helps to reduce the size of the hemorrhoid.

Over The Counter Creams - These may not completely heal your ailment but they do provide immediate relief from the itching and irritation you may be experiencing.

Ice - Another piles treatment that seems to give hemorrhoid suffers immediate relief is applying ice directly to the hemorrhoid. The ice provides cooling relief and helps to reduce the swelling.

Utilizing any of the above piles treatments should provide you with relief from hemorrhoid pain.

In most cases, your hemorrhoid will completely heal within a couple of weeks.

If you do not find relief from any of the above piles treatment and your symptoms persist or become worse you should contact your doctor for other alternative treatments.

For more information on an effective piles treatment that will eliminate your hemorrhoids in 48 hours or less check out the link below.

Tired of suffering with hemorrhoids? Put an end to them for good wit a treatment of piles that's guaranteed to work. See results in as little as 48 hours. Check out