Examine Hemorrhoid Bath For Immediate Relief far more

Stemming from the days of Hippocrates, baths have been prescribed for a variety of ailments. Among the most common ailments are dry/ itchy skin conditions, joint or back pain, insomnia and yes of course a hemorrhoid bath to relieve swelling, pain and infection. Soaking aching feet in a warm bath is common as well as relieving cramps, the pains of childbirth and eczema and hives. By placing the affected area in a bath of water, one is able to increase the blood circulation to this area and encourage healing all the while relieving the discomfort.

For anyone that suffers from any of the above problems, attesting to the relief a warm bath brings is a given. When one is contemplating a hemorrhoid bath, there are a few different options available. Maybe the easiest and most common is to fill your bathtub with warm, not hot, water and sit in it for at least fifteen minutes a day, three to four days a week. The other version includes a basin that is shaped to fit a toilet seat. This basin in place over the toilet seat opening, then a bag, usually similar to an IV bag, is hung either on a towel rack or shower rod to make sure it is above head level. From this bag runs a plastic tube that will drain the water from the bag into the basin, squirting water in the direction of the discomfort. Performing this sitz bath daily is a great way to obtain relief and heal hemorrhoids.

The cause of hemorrhoids is varied but can include straining in the bathroom due to constipation or diarrhea, childbirth secondary to pushing the baby out, being overweight or standing for extreme amounts of time. Of course, relief is necessary and a hemorrhoid bath helps, but prevention is the key. Elimination of and/ or prevention of hemorrhoids is the goal and to achieve this one must identify the cause and correct the issue. If it is constipation or diarrhea then one must take the appropriate measures to cure this disorder. Childbirth is self limiting, but if your occupation causes you to stand for most of the day, you must devise ways to eliminate the extent maybe through frequent, shorter breaks.

Whatever your ailment or reason for hemorrhoids, they can be one of the most uncomfortable situations that must be endured. By taking steps to eliminate the cause, prevent further formation and taking a frequent hemorrhoid bath, one will be able to tolerate the discomfort until the situation has cleared up. If hemorrhoids seem to be a chronic, recurring problem, further medical assistance is advised.

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Hemorrhoid Bath For Immediate Relief

Immediate Constipation Relief

Read through Effects of Constipation - Side Effects and Treatment of Constipation and Bloating extra

Constipation & bloating are among the most common ailments that people have. We do not even realize how it gradually undermines our minds & bodies. These have innumerable health hazards. These are physical, internal as well psychological.

Let us see some of the side effects of Constipation and Bloating

· You always feel light headache.

· One feels irritated

· You are actually never active. That means you always feel lethargic & fatigued.

· You have a trouble sleeping.

· You feel groggy.

· The people suffering with constipation & bloating easily catch cold.

· The taste buds almost fail at times as the food & drinks you take taste extremely bad & rotten.

· It causes rheumatic fever.

Treatment of Constipation & Bloating

The treatment of constipation & bloating are closely related to its causes. For instance, in case it has happened due to lack of fiber in your diet, you must start taking enough fibers in your meals in the form of salads, juices, etc. Also some times, they happen due to some particular medicines that you take. In that case, when you stop taking that medicine, the problem is cured.However there are several other tips & treatments to cure & prevent constipation & bloating.

Here are some of the tips that would help you avoid this chronic ailment:

· You must have loads of water. That is the best detoxifier for the bowel. Properly hydrated water system would always keep your bowel clean.

· Exercise regularly. That makes you active and brings the digestion system back on track.

· Have your meals on time & never miss them.

· As far as possible, avoid taking processed food. Whole grains are a much better diet option.

· Also there are several diet supplements that help in curing & preventing constipation & bloating; for instance acai.

· People do take enemas and other chemical options. But they have several side effects.

However, you must consult the doctor to get the right treatment in case you face severe symptoms of the disease!


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Effects of Constipation - Side Effects and Treatment of Constipation and Bloating

Study The Dangers of Laxatives As a Relief For Constipation - 3 Over the Counter Laxatives Examined a lot more

Looking for a relief for constipation? Laxatives are a common choice as a quick fix and are frequently prescribed by doctors but many unsuspecting sufferers are unaware of the hidden dangers of laxatives

Currently it is estimated that one in five people in America suffers from digestive disorders, constipation being the most common. Over $2.7 billion was spent on laxatives in the past 4 years. It is quite obvious from just these two facts that that bowel problems are a serious health issue for many. On top of this is the number of illnesses & diseases people suffer as a result of toxic laden bowels which is virtually impossible to estimate.

The use of laxatives basically is to eliminate compacted waste collected in the bowels causing discomfort due to the inability to be released easily and naturally. But the dangers of laxatives can sometimes be worse than the symptoms they are trying to get rid of.

3 prescription and over the counter laxatives are

Osmotic Laxatives

These types of laxatives stimulate the intestines to absorb excessive amounts of water from the body. The required result is to convert the compacted stool into diarrhea. This process is usually quite slow and can take up to a few days to be effective.


- Possible severe dehydration as water is leeched from the body and into the intestines.

- Depletion of electrolytes.

- Gas build up while waiting for the laxative to take effect (can take a few days in some cases). This can lead to bloating and cramping.

Stimulant Laxatives

Work by stimulating the intestinal muscles to contract and spasm with the use of chemicals and/or toxic and harsh herbs. These laxatives usually work within a few hours making them popular for those looking for a quick fix.


- Possible dehydration

- Gas related pain

- Possible liver damage

- Highly addictive.

- Long term damage to the intestinal lining can occur with overuse.

- Lazy bowel syndrome can occur after a regular use over a short period as your bowels lose muscle tone and strength. Resulting in a dependency on the laxatives for any bowel movement. A symptom of chronic constipation.

Stimulant laxatives include Senna and Cascara Sagrada (2 common ingredients in herbal laxatives) and Castor oil.

Bulk Laxatives

Works by increasing the overall mass of stool which in theory forces the bowel to work harder to evacuate the unwanted stuck waste. In most cases these laxatives use highly absorbent dead fibre instead of healthy living fruit and vegetable fibres. Psyllium is one of the most popular ingredients in these type of over the counter laxatives. People often experience a considerable amount of stool being removed. But how much of this is actually the clogged waste and how much is the fibre product taken remembering it increases substantially in size once in the body?


Psyllium products after long term use are known to cause in many people

- Possible clogging of already restricted bowels.

- Allergic reactions which include skin irritation (hives).

- Laboured breathing has also been recorded.

- Anaphylaxis (throat constriction) which can be life threatening.

Common bulk forming laxatives include - Psyllium, Methyl Cellulose and Guar Gum

If you wish to avoid the potential dangers of laxatives a substantially safer and clinically proven colon cleanser is an oxygen based cleanser. Oxygen based cleansers work by gradually liquefying hardened waste stuck in the bowels (up to 20 pounds in the average 40 year old) for a complete and total colon cleanse. Working naturally with the body for easy and efficient bowel movements, supporting a healthy immune and digestive system and assisting in maximum absorption of vital nutrients, all without the harsh side effects that accompanies laxatives and most herbal cleansers.

Constipation Relief

For more complete details about how an oxygen based colon cleanser can assist you in the relief of symptoms for constipation gently and naturally, please visit colon-cleanse-for-colon-health.

Steven is a Professional Therapist and Natural health advocate with over 3000hrs study in Exercise Science, Health & Nutrition and Massage. He has his own clinic and also works part time at one of the large exclusive health retreats set in the Gold Coast Hinterland. A part time Triathlete who strongly believes in natural therapies and prevention rather than cure.

The Dangers of Laxatives As a Relief For Constipation - 3 Over the Counter Laxatives Examined

Constipation Relief

Read through Relief for Constipation - Natural Remedies much more

Relief for Constipation - Natural Remedies

Constipation Relief

People who suffer from constipation find it difficult to move their bowels. Their stools are often hard and dry. Constipation may be accompanied by stomach pain, bloating, cramps and nausea. The problem is often caused by poor diet and lack of exercise. Oftentimes, a change in diet and lifestyle can bring relief for constipation.

Constipation happens when the movement of food through the colon or large intestine is slowed down or stopped. This can be caused by illness, certain medications, pregnancy, aging, dietary changes, etc.

Over-the-counter remedies can bring relief for constipation, but they are not necessarily the best options. Aside from being expensive, they can have unwanted side effects. In fact, if you use laxatives for too long your body may become reliant on them so that you will find it difficult to have a regular bowel movement without taking a laxative.

Natural remedies bring the best relief for constipation. These remedies will not cause undesirable side effects and are often readily available. They also promote a healthier digestive system.

More Fiber

Eating more fruits and vegetables is one of the best remedies for constipation. The fiber in fruits and vegetables add bulk to the stool, making it easier to pass. You can also increase your intake of dietary fiber by eating whole-grain cereals and dried fruits such as prunes, raisins, apricots and figs. Green leafy vegetables contain plenty of fiber. Have them raw in fresh salads for best results.

Drink Plenty of Fluids

Make sure you drink plenty of water and fruit or vegetable juices. Fluids help keep the stools soft. If you are constipated, you should drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. This hydrates your body, allows the proper flow of moisture in the digestive tract, and makes it easier to pass stool.

Add Bran to Food

Your daily diet should include 20 to 35 grams of fiber. If you find it hard to get enough fiber in your diet, you can add small amounts of miller's bran or unprocessed bran to cereals, baked goods or fruit. Some people experience bloating and gas for a few weeks after including bran in their diets. Make diet changes slowly so your digestive system can adapt.

If you are getting sufficient fiber from fruits and vegetables, it may not be necessary to add bran to your food.

Lifestyle Changes

If you lead a sedentary life, you can get relief from constipation by making a few changes in your lifestyle. Regular physical exercise is a very effective remedy for constipation. Also, make sure you don't ignore the urge to have a bowel movement.

Get constipation relief [http://www.cureforconstipation.org/constipation-relief.html/] and find a cure for constipation [http://www.cureforconstipation.org/] today!

Examine Using Calcium and Magnesium For Constipation a lot more

Constipation Relief

Calcium helps reduce constipation

Using calcium and magnesium in the right quantities can prevent or relieve constipation. They can support the health of your colon and keep you regular.

In your colon, calcium combines with excess bile and decaying fat to form a harmless insoluble soap, which is excreted with your stool. This helps to keep your colon clean.

Most Nutritionists recommend you take 1000 - 1500mg daily of Calcium. Because Calcium can cause constipation, it is necessary to take 500 - 1000 mg of magnesium at the same time you take Calcium.

You should space out your intake of calcium over Take only 400 to 600 mg each time. Also take some time-out when taking calcium and other vitamin supplements. In a month, take 2-3 Sundays or Saturdays of from taking vitamins.

Avoid taking calcium carbonate, which will reduce the times you will have a bowel movement. Avoid, also, taking calcium when eating foods that contain oxalates phosphates, or phytates. They tie up calcium and are excreted with the fecal matter

If you are taking a thyroid hormone, beta-blockers, calcium-channel blockers, or antibiotics, calcium supplements can interfere with adsorption of these drugs.

It is best to take calcium around 2 hours before or after taking these and other drugs.

Avoid taking calcium citrate with aluminum-containing antacids. This combination has been seen to increase your body's absorption of aluminum. Aluminum has been associated with senility and Alzheimer's

Calcium is safe for pregnant women and they should take an adequate amount of calcium.

The best calcium to take is calcium gluconate, orotate or aspartate. The gluconate type is similar to the calcium you get from milk and some vegetables. It is a gentle calcium and is easily absorbed by children and adults with weak digestion.

The foods to eat for good calcium are:

Goat milk, egg yolk, fish, lemons, rhubarb, cheese, skimmed milk, bone broth, seeds, dulse, kelp, greens, nuts, cauliflower, celery, cottage cheese, gelatin preparations, barns,

Magnesium helps reduce constipation

Magnesium, a gentle laxative, helps to prevent constipation by relaxing your colon walls when you are under stress, have anxiety, or have too many worries. It normalizes tension on colon walls allowing for a normal peristaltic action.

Because magnesium attracts water, you can bring in more water into your colon by taking magnesium supplements or by eating foods, which are high in magnesium. Water in your colon makes your stools softer and allows your colon to absorb water from your fecal matter if you body needs it.

How do you know if you are short on magnesium? You will get cramps in your calves at night or so called "Charlie horses." Or, you will feel sore after some mild exercise or activity.

Take 400 mg in the morning and 400 mg in the evening of Magnesium gluconate, or citrate.

Jesse Lynn Hanley, M.D., in his book call, Tired of Being Tired, 2002, gives another way to take Magnesium to relieve your constipation,

"Take at bedtime. Begin with 200 milligrams magnesium oxide or magnesium citrate-you may increase the dosage in 200-milligram increments until your bowels move regularly. The dose for magnesium is individual, so begin low and increase the dosage as needed. Reduce the dosage if you experience loose bowels. Unlike irritating laxatives, magnesium does not create laxative dependency."

If taking hypoglycemic drugs, magnesium may increase absorption of these drugs. It is recommended you consult with your doctor on the effects of magnesium with the type of hypoglycemic drug you are taking.

If taking magnesium, do not take it within 2 hours of taking any kind of drug.

If you have severe kidney or heart disease, you need to avoid magnesium and consult with your doctor on its use.

Magnesium is considered safe for pregnant women.

Foods High in Magnesium

Chlorophyll is high in magnesium and chlorophyll comes in capsules. These are some of the foods that are high in magnesium.

Greens, berries, wheat germ, grains, nuts, cornmeal, apples, apricots, oats, pears, pecans, spinach, tofu, lentils, honey, fish, cabbage, avocados, cashews, peas, prunes, soy milk, chard

You can see that calcium and magnesium is not just for bone building and acid neutralization, but it is also good for constipation prevention and relief.

Rudy Silva gives you more free constipation information. Go get his free "Constipation Secrets 10 Week Course" to discover how to get rid of Constipation: Calcium and Magnesium Go here for more free tips: Constipation information

Using Calcium and Magnesium For Constipation

Read Improving Your Overall Health Through Detoxification additional

In a world that is seemingly fickle with energy drinks and immune system boosters that are commonly advertised on television and sold over the counter at many local convenient stores and pharmacies, there are some other all-natural ways that people can implement to improve their overall health. For those who suffer from getting sick all of the time (weakened immune system) to those who suffer from chronic migraines or poor digestion. Even those who suffer abnormal weight gain, excess weight or obesity, and even those who may not have the clearest, most ideal looking skin, there are ways that you can easily improve your overall health.

A term that is quickly becoming as commonplace as any other is detoxification. This is a newer trend that is just burgeoning on the precipice of popularity which involves using natural supplements and formulas, and or herbal remedies, to cleanse the body and to cleanse the colon. The facts are in and a dirty colon can quite often lead to a myriad of unpleasant side effects that can take a long lasting and painful toll on the sufferers. We are what we eat; we all have had that one drilled into our heads over the years. But the term could not be any truer than it rings now for many who need to get detoxification to get their body back on track.

With detoxification (colon cleaning) a variety of ailments may be lifted that were once a day-to-day drag down. Those suffering from bloating and constipation will notice immediate relief of their symptoms. Similarly those who are trying to rid their bodies of excess weight will also see immediate results. And for people who are suffering from a poor digestive system, slow metabolism or even bad breathe, headaches and slower immune system will also notice the immediate benefits through detoxification.

Detoxification rids the body of harmful toxins which can build up in the colon as the years pass. Rather than succumb to these side effects, those who suffer from the aforementioned symptoms should seek an at home detoxification systems, like Colopril, to flush out those dangerous toxins from their body and start to enjoy life again. While it may not be fun to talk about the colon-a dirty colon can make your life worse, fast! Bringing more meaning to the term: we are what we eat-And to add on to that: we feel like what we digest.

Immediate Constipation Relief

For more information on how Colopril can help you to detoxify, please visit their website: http://www.Colopril.com Article written By: Michael-Jon: A leading content author on the web, and has written more than 20,000 articles and blogs in printed and online mediums around the world over the past five years. If you need quality content with a fast turnaround, please visit him online at: http://www.Content-Author.com

Improving Your Overall Health Through Detoxification

Immediate Constipation Relief

Read Symptoms and Relief of Constipation During Pregnancy far more

Constipation can be very common in pregnant women, and unfortunately can sometimes be chronic and prove to be very uncomfortable. On the whole, this is generally because the whole digestive system is influenced by hormonal changes during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the body produces more of the female hormone progesterone than usual which is perfectly normal and part of the natural state of a woman's body whilst carrying a child. The effect of this however, is that sometimes the progesterone causes relaxation of the muscle wall of the bowel which is then less able to move food and bodily waste along. This slowing of the woman's intestinal movements often brings about the state of being constipated.

The main signs of constipation during pregnancy are:

Faeces are hard, making them difficult to pass. This can sometimes cause bleeding from the rectum in severe cases
Three or four days between each bowel movement
A general feeling that not all the faeces are being passed - this can cause some discomfort
Constipation can also be a cause of lower abdominal pain.
In extreme, but rare, circumstances, constipation can result in difficulties giving birth

In some cases, though they rare, these symptoms can be indicative of other more serious conditions and so you should always consult your doctor if you are concerned.

Some precautions and remedies include:

It is quite important for pregnant women to look after their diet and maintain regular bowel habits to avoid unnecessary discomfort and possible complications.
Eat plenty of fibre since this stimulates the intestines to work harder and also absorbs liquid, which helps ensure that the faeces do not dry out, but remain soft.
Include a range of the following in your diet: fruit (especially prunes), vegetables, wholemeal bread, breakfast cereals
Drink plenty of water - at least six tumblers of fluid per day. This will help ensure that the intestine works as well as possible and keep the faeces soft
Take gentle exercise to gently stimulate the bowel and help digestion. Walking or swimming for about 20 to 30 minutes per day, three times a week will help digestion
Potential complications of constipation?

In extreme cases, excess straining and weakening of the muscles in the lower abdominal area can contribute to a prolapse of the womb or rectum, although this is generally rare
Dependency on laxatives has been known to be an issue in people with chronic constipation. The bowel in someone who has overused laxatives for a long period of time may often become sluggish and dependent on their use
A Hernia, where there occurs bulging of the abdominal contents through a weak point in the abdominal wall can in some cases be caused by too much straining when trying to get rid of hard, persistent stools.
Hemorrhoids - these are swollen veins at the site of the anus, and are caused by straining over a long period of time. If they are large enough they can often be visible from the outside, and are generally painful and can cause local bleeding.

Immediate Constipation Relief
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Symptoms and Relief of Constipation During Pregnancy

Read through Is There Fast Relief For Constipation? additional

Is There Fast Relief For Constipation?

Constipation Relief

Fast relief for constipation like over the counter drugs are popular - it is cheap and well, fast. This is a sure lazy way to wash off the constipation problem - but not the best way.

Let's us be more specific about constipation. Constipation may be defined as a common disturbance of the body digestive tract. It imply irregular bowel movements, or passing of hard and dry stool. Constipation is now the major cause of many diseases as it produces toxins which find their way into the bloodstream and are carried to all parts of the body, poisoning our body in the process. Appendicitis, rheumatism, arthritis, high blood pressure, cataract, cancer, loss of appetite, ageing are some of the diseases in which chronic constipation is an important predisposing factor.

Our stomach is designed to churn and mixes food so it can be digested and absorbed by the body. The near-liquid food then enters into the small intestine which the intestines extracts calories, minerals and vitamins. The small intestine ends in the right-lower abdomen where it connects to the colon. The colon, or large bowel as it is otherwise known, is 5 to 6 feet long. Its function is to withdraw water from the liquid stool, so that by the time the digested reaches the rectum, it has became soft formed stool. However, if an excessive amount of water is extracted, the stool can become hard and difficult to expel from the body.

Other causes of bowel difficulty include faulty and irregular habit of defecation, frequent use of purgatives, weakness of abdominal muscles due to sedentary habits, lack of physical exercise and emotional stress and strain.

So what are the common causes of constipation?

Poor diet or diets rich in animal meats but low in fibre are the most common cause of bowel difficulty. Do note that fibre helps to smoothen the bowel movements process and promoting bowel regularity.

Poor bowel movement habits - this is a common cause especially in kids. It is important that once the children are toilet trained, they must be encouraged to go to the toilet regularly everyday. Adults usually suffer from the bowel problem when they ignore the urge to evacuate the waste over a long period of time.

Constipation symptoms include lesser than three bowel movements per week, one or more episodes of stool incontinence per week, passing of huge stools in which that they obstruct the toilet, retentive posturing (withholding behaviour) and painful defecation.

Symptoms of Constipation - Take note if you experience these:

a) If you experience a variation in your bowel routine (going to toilet lesser) this is sign of constipation.

b) If you still have regular bowel habits but you are having difficulty passing stools because they are hard and small, this is also constipation.

Treating constipation include avoiding caffeine and alcohol, because they deplete body water stores. If you cannot avoid them, then try to match your caffeinated or alcoholic beverage intake with an equal amount of plain water.

Control your diet by trying to eat three meals per day that are at least 4 hours apart. Frequent feeding keeps your intestines contracting and moving smoothly stool along.

Constipation Natural Remedy Treatment That You Can Consider

By far, the most effective method is to make fundamental changes in your lifestyle. To help ease the constipation symptoms, try including a fiber supplement diet, such as oat bran, Metamucil, Konsyl or Citrucel. These natural fibre supplements help make stools softer. They are natural and are safe to use every day. Be sure to drink plenty of water or other fluids every day as well. Otherwise, fiber supplements can actually worsen your constipation problems. Incremental adding of fiber to your diet is key to avoid problems with gas.

Water is the best health drinks and is beneficial not only for constipation but also for cleaning the system diluting the blood and washing out the poisons in our body. It is highly recommended six to eight glasses of water to be taken daily. This helps facilitate digesting and dissolving food nutrients so that they can be absorbed and utilized by the body. But one must remember that water should not however be taken with meals as it actually dilutes the gastric juices which is essential for proper digestion of the food we eat.

No more constipation. Learn how you can Cleanse Your Colon Naturally. For more about body detox, visit How to detox your body naturally.

Go through Constipation Relief is But a Bowel Movement Away much more

Good grief!

Constipation relief is a delight like few others if you are the one who has been fighting the battle of the poop. There are way too many patients seeking help from their healthcare provider for a bout of constipation. It is one of the most common gastrointestinal (GI) complaints heard in a physician's office.

The cramping, the bloating and of course the embarrassment of admitting that you are struggling to get things moving again is often more than some can admit to owning. When waste remains in your colon for too long and too much water is sucked up into the intestines you are left behind with rock hard, dry stool which can leave you straining to relieve your constipation.

When constipation occurs, your bowel movements can cause you a lot of pain and discomfort when you try to pass them. You may even experience some bloating as a result of the dry, hard stool being locked up in the colon.

Ok, let's put one thing to rest right now. There are many who feel something is wrong if they don't have a bowel movement every single day. But this in fact is not true. Every individual has a differing regularity pattern and so there is not need to worry if yours is different from your best friends or your mothers. You are an individual, so live like one! As long as you know what is normal for you and pay attention to that pattern then you are ok.

One of the most common causes of constipation is dietary. An adequate amount of fiber is necessary if you want to have a regular pattern of bowel movements. But when you eat a diet that is loaded with fat or refined sugar and slim on whole grains and vegetables, then you are headed for trouble.

The American Dietetic Association (ADA) teaches that the average adult should take in a minimum of 20 to 35 grams of fiber every day. But is seems that most folks only get between 12 and 17 grams of fiber a day. When you get enough fiber, it works to keep your colon from absorbing too much water and so helps your bowel movements to remain softer and moist.

Other possible causes of constipation include lack of exercise as well as certain types of medications. There are many medications on today's market treating a variety of conditions that have constipation as a side effect. Also a lack of physical activity can also lead to constipation. So if you want to get moving, review your list of medications and then get moving!

Here's another important constipation relief tip. If you have to poop, then by all means, take the time to go to the bathroom and relieve your bowels. Ignoring the urge to defecate can actually cause constipation.

While extreme cases of constipation require laxatives in order to obtain relief, other cases of constipation may be resolved by simple lifestyle changes. Easy changes in your day such as taking in enough water, getting enough fiber and taking the time to exercise can help you to find constipation relief.

Start out by working on the things that you can easily change to give you constipation relief and then if those things aren't working then see your healthcare provider in order to get the constipation relief you need.

Constipation Relief
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Constipation Relief is But a Bowel Movement Away

Understand Relief From Constipation Symptoms a lot more

You have to understand that you are suffering from constipation when you find out that you are having a feeling of insufficient evacuation of bowel movement and the stool you are passing is hard and dry. You will feel pain while you are passing the stool.

Most of the people have the misconception that if you do not have daily bowel movements then you are suffering from constipation. But this has been proved to be false. Medical science itself discards this view. You are said to have constipation if your bowel movement is less than three times a week. Constipation symptoms are quite hard to find, because it does not have any fixed symptom.

Actually constipation itself is a symptom of other underlying diseases. But still some of the constipation symptoms can be listed as, dry and hard stools, painful movement of bowel, and too much strain while passing the stool, feeling bloated, feeling of an evacuation which is incomplete and feeling uneasy and sluggish.

Constipation is the symptom of an unhealthy colon. When your colon has an accumulation of waste materials and toxins and the bowel movement is not regular, it gives rise to constipation. There are other symptoms of unhealthy colon like diarrhea, gas, cramps and bloating.

One of the best ways to be sure whether you are having constipation or not is to check with the doctor. There are some medical tests which can help you to know what you are suffering from and then the doctor can prescribe you medicines for that. You need to treat constipation as soon as possible because in the beginning constipation is not serious and is temporary.

But with time the constipation symptoms might get permanent and you can suffer from chronic constipation. There are certain laxatives which can help you clear the bowel movement. But before treating constipation find out the actual cause.

I bet you're sick and tired of constipation. It's so frustrating. If you're looking to finally be constipation free then this product is for you, visit here. It contains the best ingredients that have been clinically proven and documented to remove your constipation frustrations. To get the best discounted prices visit Here.

Relief From Constipation Symptoms

Constipation Relief

Read through Treat Constipation With an Electronic Form of Acupuncture and Find Relief more

Treat Constipation With an Electronic Form of Acupuncture and Find Relief

Constipation Relief

One of the most common gastrointestinal complaints that doctors treat is constipation. You know what constipation is... it is that painful experience in the bathroom where you would love to eliminate but simply cannot perform when you would like. Everyone's elimination schedule is different but treatment is often the same. While you can adjust your diet to include more fibre and fluids, over the counter medications are common too for constipation relief. However, if you find that you are reaching too often for a laxative, despite a healthy diet, consider adding electronic acupuncture to your constipation treatment.

Defining Constipation and its Causes

Constipation is typically characterised by hard, dry stools that are often difficult to pass. Elimination is infrequent causing a host of other symptoms such as bloating, fatigue, haemorrhoids and abdominal discomfort. Small children often experience constipation simply because of stubbornness against potty training. Pregnant women develop the problem due to the extra weight they are carrying and seniors over age 65 may experience hormonal or dietary changes that affect the bowels.

There is no standard norm for the number of bowel movements a person has per day or per week. What is normal for one person may be abnormal for another. Only you know whether your bowel elimination schedule is out of whack. Stress could temporarily cause constipation as could certain medications you are taking. Lack of exercise and dietary control are contributing factors as well. A variety of health conditions like stroke, depression, irritable bowel syndrome and neurological problems can exacerbate bowel issues.

Treatment Options

As long as constipation is an infrequent problem, over the counter meds like laxatives are OK to turn to for the short term. However, if you recognize a more frequent problem with elimination, you should look to your lifestyle first and make necessary changes. Drinking more water, adding additional fruits, vegetables and grains to your diet and eliminating some processed foods can help. Examining your medications and talking with your doctor about possible dosage or medication changes is another important step.

However, if you have an underlying medical problem, you hesitate to change your medications or you simply want a non-invasive complementary constipation treatment, electronic acupuncture can be effective. There are easy to use handheld devices available for purchase so you can self-treat in the home. Employing the principles of traditional acupuncture, these devices use electromagnetic wave impulses directed to specific acupoints on the hand and palm. When you experience a problem like constipation, one or more energy pathways in your body are blocked. Electronic acupuncture works to restore the flow of qi, your life-sustaining energy, to achieve a healthy balance. The good news is that your investment in an acupoint therapy device will pay off quickly because you can use it as a complementary treatment for dozens of other medical issues.

Interested in learning more about Aculife and electronic acupuncture? N Strickland is a former cancer patient who is thankfully now in remission. He has a keen interest in pain management, most particularly using alternative therapies. To get more information on hand acupoints and Electro-Acupuncture visit the Get Aculife Now blog. Get a free full colour Hand Map when you visit our website.

Study Constipation Remedies - How to Prevent Constipation extra


Young or old, constipation spares no one. It is one of the most common digestive disorders and is characterized by the inability to defecate on a regular basis. Stool is hard to pass because it is hard and dry. Chronic constipation can cause headaches, bad breath, stomach pains, bloating and uneasiness. You can avoid these discomforts if you know how to prevent constipation in the first place.

A major cause of constipation is lack of water. You can prevent constipation by drinking 2 liters of water daily. You can drink a glass or two at a time throughout the day. Start your day by drinking two glasses of warm water early in the morning.

Aside from water, you can also drink fruit juices and eat vegetables and fruits that are rich in fiber. Dietary fiber adds bulk and helps loosen your stool. Fiber also reduces indigestion and stimulates bowel movement. If the colon's muscle contractions are sluggish, the colon will absorb too much water from the feces. The result is stool that is hard, dry and difficult to evacuate.

Whole wheat bread, cereals and whole wheat grains add fiber that can help prevent constipation. Prepare a natural remedy for digestive problems by mixing seeds of sunflower, sesame, linseed, almonds or flax seeds. A teaspoon of this mixture daily will aid in relieving constipation. Don't forget to drink plenty of water.

Probiotics or good bacteria in your digestive system will help keep you regular. Live bacterial cultures of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus are found in fermented dairy products such as yogurt. They are beneficial in treating digestive disorders.

A healthy lifestyle includes regular exercise. Plan an exercise program that is appropriate for your physical condition and age. Your exercise routine should be easy to maintain, otherwise you will not stick to it. Walking is an excellent form of exercise that can be done by practically anybody.

Exercise helps to prevent constipation by keeping the muscles of the intestines in good working order. This is true especially for exercises that focus on the abdominal region. Invalids and elderly people are often constipated because they have poor muscle tone in their digestive tract due to lack of exercise. Exercise and a healthy diet are two of the best natural ways to avoid constipation.

There are other ways to prevent constipation. Before taking medication, find out if there are any possible side effects. Some types of medicine can make you constipated. In that case, take the necessary steps to prevent or reduce the side effect. Finally, when you feel the urge to go, don't ignore it. Constipation is often the result of not moving your bowels when it is time to go.

Find a cure for constipation [http://www.cureforconstipation.org/] including infant constipation remedies [http://www.cureforconstipation.org/infant-constipation-remedies.html/] today!

Constipation Remedies - How to Prevent Constipation
