Read Use Natural Remedies For Constipation a lot more

If you'd like to maintain bowel regularity, try natural remedies for constipation. Don't sit around watching the world go by! Constipation is annoying and a waste of time, especially when you can actually do something about it.

The thing with constipation is that it can lead to other things, like hemorrhoids. You're sitting longer than you should, which puts added strain and pressure, which is obviously not a good thing. In doing this, you can end up with hemorrhoids, which can bleed and hurt. You don't need or want this, right? Well, you can do something about it by using natural remedies for constipation.

Constipation Relief With Diet

You've heard it all before. There are things you can do with your diet that can help, and, to be honest, it's true. Whether you're doing it or not is another matter. Sometimes, a change in diet is not only a difficult thing, but it's SO easy to revert back to old ways, especially at the first signs of improvement. Discipline is key.

Minerals can also play a part. Perhaps you're lacking some minerals in your diet, for example, magnesium. Minerals like magnesium, manganese and zinc help to maintain healthy fluid levels. Magnesium is arguably the most important, since it's vital for proper muscular function, which includes your intestinal muscles.

Whatever natural remedies for constipation you use, make sure to drink plenty of water.

As for fiber, it's been said a thousand times and it's 100% true. There's no need to even discuss this. Just make sure you include this, and stick to it!

Say Goodbye To Bloating & Discomfort

Constipation can cause other problems. After all, you're supposed to get rid of toxins, not keeping it hanging about and re-absorbed by the body. So imagine not being able to get rid of it! If you can't get rid of what you should, naturally, it can cause bloating, discomfort, pain and a loss of appetite. Your health can actually deteriorate...and all this for something that can be taken care of.

As mentioned, dietary fiber is important, but you MUST drink lots of water as well. The ironic thing is, even though you may be using natural remedies for constipation, eating lots of fiber and not drinking enough water can actually MAKE you constipated, so be careful.

Herbal Remedies For Constipation

There's an herbal remedy for constipation that begins to work on the body systems almost immediately and results should be seen within 12 hours or sooner. It contains 100% herbal ingredients and works with your system naturally.

Children over the age of 6 may occasionally use 1/2 - 1 tablet at night. Tablets may be crushed and mixed with a little food for those who prefer not to swallow them whole. It's perfectly safe to take in combination with other prescribed medication due to the high safety profile of the ingredients.

It aids healthy peristaltic movement through the digestive tract and as an added bonus, it also acts as a liver tonic. It can be taken with water or juice.

Whether you're looking for a constipation relief or cure, try using a natural remedy for your constipation.

Constipation Relief

Giri Anantha has experience in panic attacks and agoraphobia and recommends the use of herbal and homeopathic remedies. If you'd like to learn more on how you can get effective natural help for constipation, please visit [] or visit [] and flush this down the toilet once and for all!

Use Natural Remedies For Constipation

Study Colon Cleansers in the News additional

There are approximately 200 different types of colon cleansers on the market today-in addition to various clinical methods used to flush the colon of accumulated waste. Driven by consumer hype, celebrity procedures and media coverage that is more focused on colon health than at any other time in history, colon maintenance has suddenly become a topic that has gone from taboo to welcome at your dining table conversations! The big question often is: How safe are colon cleansers, and more importantly, do we need to use them?

Some doctors and nutrition experts do indeed say colon cleansers are not necessary except for helping to ease a bout of constipation from time to time. They maintain that the colon can clean itself. John Allen, chairperson of the American Gastroenterological Association Clinical Practice Committee has said, "Things don't stay in the colon for years and years and years. The colon is very efficient at ridding our bodies of waste. "However, experts agree that an unhealthy diet, stress and environmental pollution can hinder the functions of the colon. Most Americans eat less than one-third the daily requirement of fiber. Processed foods and other junk foods that you are accustomed to eating, offer very little nutritive value and contain even less enzymes that aid in the digestive process. Thus, we have an imbalanced intestinal flora, which results in less absorption of nutrients. Because most American diets contain less than the recommended amount of fiber, many Americans suffer from constipation. This will naturally manifest itself in sluggishness, low immune health, bad breath, headaches and other common but preventable maladies.

A healthy colon requires a healthy, balanced diet with lots of water intake, fresh fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables. One of the main reasons that the masses should consider colon cleansing is because most Americans do not maintain a healthy diet that supports regular waste elimination and natural detoxification. Here are a few colon cleansing methods that have been making the news:

Colonic irrigation or colon hydrotherapy is endorsed by holistic teaching and has become popular, due in part to celebrities having undergone such treatments, some even in a public forum. Many practitioners of holistic science believe that the colon is similar to a sewage system and needs to be cleansed periodically by inserting a rubber tube inside the rectum through which a solution is directed that flushes out waste. It has, however, received a bad reputation in the news due to poorly trained technicians and inadequately sterilized equipment. Many people report painful abdominal discomfort after treatment. Many conventional doctors do not recommend this kind of treatment as they believe it interferes with the natural functions of the colon. Colon hydrotherapy destroys the delicate balance of good bacteria, which is essential for colon health.

Natural or Herbal Colon Cleansers. Most herbal colon cleansers are fiber-based with an assortment of herbs that are meant to ease constipation, enhance digestion and reduce abdominal discomfort. Many people assume that natural or herbal means that the product is absolutely safe to use. However, many herbs carry side effects if used for a prolonged period. For example, senna, a common herb used in herbal colon cleansers, should not be used more than 10 days consecutively and for no longer than two weeks. Other sources state that senna usage should not exceed 5 consecutive days. These types of colon cleansing methods are among the safest, but finding the right type of herbal colon cleanser that suits you best may require some background study of the product and several trials. Many consumers who have used herbal products complain of severe abdominal cramps. This could be because of certain ingredients in the colon cleanser such as rhubarb root-which has been known to cause cramping and diarrhea. Other common side effects may include headaches and bloating. Oxygen-based colon cleansers may produce loose stools and bloating. For fiber-based colon cleansers, an adequate intake of water is required to achieve the desired results. Herbal cleansers have shown to have some benefits for those who suffer ulcerative colitis and other gastrointestinal disorders because of certain herbs, believed to offer some relief to such conditions.

Is It True?

Mucoid Ropes. Many of the herbal colon cleansers making the news today make fantastic claims and offer descriptive proof and even photos of years of waste accumulation that was released after using their products. These may attract customers, but experts say that the descriptive proof is usually caused by ingredients in the product itself and is not actually waste.

Weight Loss. Many herbal colon cleansers advertise the concept of weight loss using colon cleansers. Chief of colorectal surgery at the UC, Dr. Janice Rafferty, says that there is no proven scientific basis for these claims.

Colon Cancer. Some herbal colon cleansers claim to treat colon cancer which according to the National Institute of Cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States. While certain dietary fiber has been known to reduce the risk of colon cancer according to various studies, the claims and hopes that such colon cleansers advertise can be misleading. Fiber does, however, help to bind toxins in the digestive tract and quickly eliminate these before they are absorbed by the system.

Laxative and Purgatives. These may act harshly on your system. Using laxatives and purgative draw large amounts of fluids from the body, this kind of treatment can disturb the electrolyte balance of the body leading to fatigue and may, in certain cases, affect blood pressure. It empties the intestines without engaging the muscles and thus with prolonged use, can lead to chronic constipation. Having ready access to a restroom is required with this treatment as well, making it difficult for anyone who drives or takes long train rides daily to use.

Detox Diets

A detox diet is a counter-reaction to the typical American diet which consists of saturated fats, red meats, processed foods and the like. Detox diets, are said to help flush your system of toxins by eating only certain foods or drinking only certain liquids, for a day or a some allotted number of days, have potential health consequences. Christine Gerbstadt is a registered dietician and equates detox diets to starvation diets. Speaking on behalf of the American Dietetic Association, she explains "Your metabolism slows, the body shuts down [and] conserves, and any functions that are unnecessary, like 'cleansing,' are not going to occur." The most effective colon cleansers will eliminate waste and offer immediate relief for constipation. It will help the body to regulate natural elimination, improve digestion by restoring intestinal flora thus strengthening the immune system, and also offer nutrients that help maintain digestive and colon health. It will not hinder the natural functions of the colon, but aid its functions through proper nutrition. You can help achieve colon health by maintaining a balanced diet, avoiding saturated fats and eating fiber rich foods and by following a regular exercise pattern.

Immediate Constipation Relief

NaturalDetox is a manufacturer of colon cleanse supplements that are carefully formulated by a physician. This colon cleanse program provides a 3-step approach for colon cleansing, promoting and nutritionally maintaining a healthy colon.

Colon Cleansers in the News

Immediate Constipation Relief

Go through Constipated? What to Do For Relief far more

Constipated? What to Do For Relief

Constipation Relief

Constipation Relief

So you're constipated again and your probably wondering what you can do in order to gain relief and to find a constipation remedy that will work for you. The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the immediate feeling of being constipated. There a number of things you can take that will help to solve the problem quickly.

Drink Prune juice or Pineapple juice as these are known to help in the passing of stools from your body. Drinking a cup of warm water with some fresh lemon juice and a couple of spoons of honey is an immediate stimulant for the bowels and this is known to work very fast. Drinking some coffee first thing in the morning will also act as a stimulant and should help to get the bowels working. Essentially increasing the intake of fluids immediately will help to soften the stools in your system and aid in the passing of them through the anus and rectum.

Another popular instant solution is to gently massage your abdomen. Waste is passed through your body by peristalsis which is the contractions of the smooth muscles to pass waste through your digestive tract. As you are constipated this peristalsis must have stopped working so by rubbing your abdomen gently up and down and all over in a circular massaging motion will stimulate peristalsis and help to move your bowels.

Over the counter laxatives always seem to be the answer to many peoples problem of being constipated. However many of these medications can have serious side affects and they can also lead to constipation in the future as your system becomes immune to them.

Once you have relieved the problem you need to educate yourself as to the causes of constipation and what you can do to prevent being constipated again.

So take a couple of minutes and check out one of the best Constipation Resources there is out there and for loads of free information and interesting facts on Constipation please explore

Understand Know More About Medication and Constipation Relief more

Know More About Medication and Constipation Relief

Constipation Relief

The basic meaning of constipation is hard stools and difficulty to pass them. This happens with poor dietary habits, lack of sufficient fluid intake and acute irritable bowel syndrome conditions. When the stools get hard it is not possible to pass through the passage in the rectum and remains within the intestines causing acute abdominal pain and discomfort due to accumulation. Constipation relief measures are many and should be considered in acute conditions of constipation.

As we get older the bowel movements experience many changes. Normally the bowel movements of adults change between 3 and 21 times a week. Less than 50% of the people have regular changes in their bowel movements limited to one change a day. Talking on medical terms constipation occurs when the bowel movements become infrequent. Neglected constipation can lead to cancer.

If a person suffering from constipation has symptoms like bleeding rectum. Nausea, cramps, vomiting, abdominal pain, involuntary weight loss etc. it should be taken care of with the help of a doctor to avoid the condition worsening and leading to cancer of the colon, or the cervix.

A few simple home remedies to treat constipation can be practiced. The first and the most important home remedy is a proper food intake. A diet rich in protein and fiber and less carbohydrates and fats is the best to stay healthy always. Regular exercise and work outs, enough water instead of aerated beverages, leafy vegetables and plenty of fruits are the natural ways of staying healthy and not having to get constipated.

When simple home remedies do not help in constipation relief the doctor has to be consulted. If you feel severe pain in the abdomen or bloating, too much of straining to pass stools, dry and hard stools, poor bowel movements, a sluggish feeling and flatulence it is better to consult a doctor.

However in certain cases constipation is caused due to hormones like thyroid or parathyroid hormones are capable of raising the calcium level in the blood. During the menstrual periods of a woman the progesterone and estrogen level gets high and as a result constipation occurs. These occurrences are not prolonged and will take care of itself without medication.

Some of the common causes of constipation include poor diet, lack of calcium, pregnancy, inadequate intake of water and poor exercise to the body. Foods like pizzas, hamburgers, fast foods, deep fried foods, meat and dairy products, processed pasta and white bread. Instead of these an increase amount of water, fruits, legumes, vegetables and a required amount of nuts would provide the best constipation relief.

You can now ensure Constipation Relief with the help of some useful medicines. Click here to know more about Constipation Relief

Read A Guide To Obtaining Constipation and Bloating Relief much more

A Guide To Obtaining Constipation and Bloating Relief

Constipation Relief

Constipation Relief

About 4 million Americans complain about constipation annually. Constipation is the irregular movement of bowels. This is because your stools are hard and you experience difficulty in passing them. When you do move your bowels, you may also get the feeling of incomplete evacuation. Constipation is triggered by insufficient water and fiber intake. Unhealthy diets and eating too much meat and unprocessed foods are all a precursor to constipation.

What is considered a regular bowel movement? The normal bowel movement of a healthy adult varies between 3 and 21 times a week. A healthy adult should pass at least one bowel movement a day. Less than three bowel movements is medically a condition of constipation and less than one bowel movement in a week is acute constipation.

Constipation can lead to bloating, which is the swelling of the abdomen. Bloating is simply a condition whereby the stomach becomes overstretched by excessive gas content.
Constipation and bloating relief should be addressed, as lack of effective treatment can lead to several other diseases.

Stagnant stools which cannot be effective cleared and therefore stored in your colon can give rise to several harmful bacteria. These bacteria can create inflammation on the colon linings, which then lead to colon cancer. In acute constipation, the bacteria from colon can enter other parts in the digestive system. These hamper your entire digestive process. Other symptoms that emerge include eczema, acne, skin problems, headaches, a lowered immune system and mood changes.

So how do you obtain constipation and bloating relief? There are several natural methods for constipation and bloating relief. Constipation is directly associated with what you eat. A fiber rich diet is the most common remedy. Fiber retains water in the stools and also increases the size of it as this can lead to their easy passage. A fiber rich diet also helps in the growth of good bacteria. Psyllium is high in soluble fiber and consuming psyllium with large amounts of water provides much constipation and bloating relief.

Prunes are also highly recommended. Prune contains large amount of potassium which stimulates the linings of colon and this leads to easy bowel movements. Potassium also cleans the fecal matter attached to the colon linings. Thus, you may wish to consider having more prunes for constipation and bloating relief.

In addition, you should include more vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber and tomato in your diet. These vegetables are rich in potassium and should help you with your bowel movements. Fruits like pineapple also contains large amount of potassium.

Herbs like aloe, senna, buckthorn and frangula are proven natural remedies for constipation. Flax seed and Rhubarb are other two herbs that can provide much constipation and bloating relief. Most of these herbs are available in the market. Some of these herbs have high laxative properties. You should therefore use them only taking professional advice.

Thus, it can be seen that there are many ways to obtain constipation and bloating relief. You should not allow your constipation to go untreated. Accumulating toxic waste in your body can only create problems later. Start making some changes to your eating and lifestyle habits from today!

Are you one of those that suffer from acute constipation but is leaving the problem untreated? Learn about the dangers of doing so. Check out this site by Sandra Kim Leong who writes on ibs symptoms [] at []

Go through Dog Constipation a lot more


Constipation is the most common cause of dyschezia. As you read on, this article will tell you how to fight this disease so your dog can regain its health.

Look for the following symptoms of constipation in your dog:

1. The dog will feel uneasy or uncomfortable when trying to pass feces.

2. The dog may find it difficult to pass feces.

There are several different causes of dog stranguria and at times it may as well happen for no apparent reason. Having said that, one of the most common reasons for constipation causing dyschezia is the lack of fibre in the body. The fibre makes the feces softer and thus it becomes easier to pass through the dog's body. Other symptoms for this include:

1. Grooming more than normal may result in excess hair which causes itching and scratching and results in harder feces.

2. Rectal diverticulum. This is where the dog pushes against walls of the rectum next to the anus which have become weak and stretched and due to this any pushing against it may cause a bulge to develop and further pushing against this bulge will produce a pocket and the feces will have nowhere to go. The pain will gradually increase as feces are passed because every time this happens the pocket will become larger and the feces will come hard and dry.

3. Painful obstructions which result in scraping in the rectum such as chicken bones may make the dog not want to pass feces due to the pain.

4. Other conditions which include rectal and colitis tumors or growths.

In most cases your vet will lower the mass of the feces by pumping some sort of fluid into the rectum helping to release the blockage. After the enema the vet will probably want to examine the feces in order to find the problem and choose an appropriate prevention method for future cases of dyschezia.

If the problem is hair then conditions such as fleas or mites may be what has caused the disease and thus should be cured first in order to treat the disease. The same is the case when colitis or rectal growths are the problems.

If due to the straining caused by passing of the feces the dog feels weak or is struck by hernia then an operation may be conducted to correct this condition.

For more information on dog constipation or Canine Health take a look at this Dog Training website.

Dog Constipation

Understand A Guide To Obtaining Constipation and Bloating Relief additional

About 4 million Americans complain about constipation annually. Constipation is the irregular movement of bowels. This is because your stools are hard and you experience difficulty in passing them. When you do move your bowels, you may also get the feeling of incomplete evacuation. Constipation is triggered by insufficient water and fiber intake. Unhealthy diets and eating too much meat and unprocessed foods are all a precursor to constipation.

What is considered a regular bowel movement? The normal bowel movement of a healthy adult varies between 3 and 21 times a week. A healthy adult should pass at least one bowel movement a day. Less than three bowel movements is medically a condition of constipation and less than one bowel movement in a week is acute constipation.

Constipation can lead to bloating, which is the swelling of the abdomen. Bloating is simply a condition whereby the stomach becomes overstretched by excessive gas content.
Constipation and bloating relief should be addressed, as lack of effective treatment can lead to several other diseases.

Stagnant stools which cannot be effective cleared and therefore stored in your colon can give rise to several harmful bacteria. These bacteria can create inflammation on the colon linings, which then lead to colon cancer. In acute constipation, the bacteria from colon can enter other parts in the digestive system. These hamper your entire digestive process. Other symptoms that emerge include eczema, acne, skin problems, headaches, a lowered immune system and mood changes.

So how do you obtain constipation and bloating relief? There are several natural methods for constipation and bloating relief. Constipation is directly associated with what you eat. A fiber rich diet is the most common remedy. Fiber retains water in the stools and also increases the size of it as this can lead to their easy passage. A fiber rich diet also helps in the growth of good bacteria. Psyllium is high in soluble fiber and consuming psyllium with large amounts of water provides much constipation and bloating relief.

Prunes are also highly recommended. Prune contains large amount of potassium which stimulates the linings of colon and this leads to easy bowel movements. Potassium also cleans the fecal matter attached to the colon linings. Thus, you may wish to consider having more prunes for constipation and bloating relief.

In addition, you should include more vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber and tomato in your diet. These vegetables are rich in potassium and should help you with your bowel movements. Fruits like pineapple also contains large amount of potassium.

Herbs like aloe, senna, buckthorn and frangula are proven natural remedies for constipation. Flax seed and Rhubarb are other two herbs that can provide much constipation and bloating relief. Most of these herbs are available in the market. Some of these herbs have high laxative properties. You should therefore use them only taking professional advice.

Thus, it can be seen that there are many ways to obtain constipation and bloating relief. You should not allow your constipation to go untreated. Accumulating toxic waste in your body can only create problems later. Start making some changes to your eating and lifestyle habits from today!

Are you one of those that suffer from acute constipation but is leaving the problem untreated? Learn about the dangers of doing so. Check out this site by Sandra Kim Leong who writes on ibs symptoms [] at []

A Guide To Obtaining Constipation and Bloating Relief

Constipation Relief

Study Using Rhubarb For Constipation extra

Vegetables like fruits and their juices have healing properties because of the fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals they have. For constipation, vegetables are an excellent source of minerals and fiber. In addition there are specific vegetables and their juices that stimulate the colon become more active.

The benefits of Vegetables

Juices are absorbed quickly into your bloodstream. As a result, your cells are provided quickly with nutrients that feed them and that wash away waste. Juices give you the opportunity to get quick relief from various body conditions such as constipation. Juices move into your colon quickly to cleanse it and to activate peristaltic action.

Eating and drinking vegetables and their juices provide you with minerals and nutrients that build your blood, tissue, bones, and cells. It is minerals that build every part of your body. It is minerals that keep your body's pH at the required level. It is minerals that keep your body alkaline by neutralizing body acids.

It is minerals that build your colon wall tissues and cells so your colon can perform those activities that prevent constipation.

Keep in mind that some natural recipes for clearing constipation require drinking vegetable juices that are bitter or have a strong taste. As you will find, some of the vegetable juices taste good and some don't. Remember you are dealing with a condition that needs clearing and that what you drink for this is not for pleasure.

As you drink some of these vegetable juices, you may find that you like certain ones and these can become your regular daily or weekly drink.

James A. Duke, PhD, in his book, The Green Pharmacy, gives the following constipation remedy using rhubarb,

"Rhubarb has strong laxative action so it is best to use it with other juices. Here's how you can use this herb.

Blend together three stalks of rhubarb, without leaves, 1 cup of fresh apple juice, and one quart of peeled lemons and one tablespoon of honey or maple syrup. This tart drink will help you with your constipation.

Drink one glass three times a day."

A smaller quantity of this rhubarb drink would be,

Blend three stalks of rhubarb, ¼ - ½ peeled lemon, a teaspoon of maple syrup, and ¾ cup of fresh organic apple juice. You may add more syrup if the taste if to harsh for you. Don't use rhubarb leaves since they contain toxic chemicals.

Use rhubarb only raw since it is high in oxalic acid. Use it sparingly and do not cook it. Cooking converts the organic oxalic acid into inorganic oxalic acid. The body does not easily absorb inorganic oxalic and it forms crystal deposits in the kidney and throughout the body.

If you have arthritis or gout, do not use rhubarb.

In other articles, I will be discussing the use of other vegetables that provide good constipation relief.

Constipation Relief

Rudy Silva gives you more free constipation information. Go get his free "Constipation Secrets 10 Week Course" to discover how to get rid of Constipation: Constipation Fruits Go here for more free tips: Constipation Information

Using Rhubarb For Constipation

Constipation Relief

Read through Colon Cleanse And Constipation Remedies Heal much more

Colon Cleanse And Constipation Remedies Heal

Immediate Constipation Relief

Immediate Constipation Relief

It is thought that malnutrition is the most serious threat facing large parts of the World, and urgent and ongoing action by the provision of remedial nutrients remains on the agendas year on year. A result of an imbalance in the diet, malnutrition can be combated in many ways but the most effective way to provide a long term solution to the problem is an investment in infrastructure, agriculture and industry.

The most recent famines which hit the headlines in Ethopia, and those in other parts of North East Africa and beyond have often led to the transportation of many tonnes of food to relieve the immediate crisis, but a stronger school of thought suggests that aid in a more tangible long term form would be far more effective.

Local production van feed local populations, but of course the problem of the rains failing can hit the most organised of relief efforts. Where irrigation can provide a permanent water source, the urgency need is fertilsers.

More than half the people who die in the world each year do so with some form of malnutrition, and the figure is estimated to be close to forty thousand. Malnutrition leads to the susceptibility to catch virulent disease, with tuberculosis a particular threat. The absence of safe drinking water increases the problem leaving both adults and children weakened and vulnerable.

The critical provision of medicines, and remedies to disease and problems of all kinds, colon cleanse and constipation remedies, treatments that are taken for granted in the more fortunate parts of the World are a priority.

It is not just natural disaster that has led to malnutrition and starvation. Warring factions and no go areas in Africa have seen people suffer dreadfully, and there are claims that it has effectively been genocide in some instances.

It must be everyone's aim to eradicate these problems. There are a whole raft of aid and charity agencies working tirelessly to improve medical provision, basic infrastructure, and the tools and means for agricultural production.

There are other parts of the world where the level of poverty is similar but in the equatorial forests and jungles of Asia and South America, those environments provide the means for feeding and clothing its inhabitants. They possess the vital resource of water which the huge desert areas of North Africa lack.

In the twenty first century, with all the invention and innovation that mankind has produced, the technology that our ancestors would have not thought possible, there must be a concerted effort to find solutions to the problem of feeding and clothing the world's poor. To fail to find those answers would be a sad conclusion. We take our health for granted in the West, we seek a healthy life, and treatment for our ailments, be it colon cleanse or constipation remedies, aspirins for a headache or ointments for our sore feet. Surely we have a duty to improve the lot of others less fortunate?

To learn more about colon cleanse and constipation remedies please go to, you can buy products of your choice.

Examine Types of Hemorrhoids and their Treatment with Ayurveda much more

Immediate Constipation Relief

Hemorrhoids - more commonly known as piles - is a very painful condition wherein the internal and external veins of the anal region become varicose. The veins can be seen protruding from the anal area. If bleeding occurs, then they are called as bleeding piles. Both bleeding and non-bleeding piles are painful.

In Ayurveda, hemorrhoids are called as Arsha Shoola, which literally means 'pain from pricking like needles'. This is indeed how the pain from the hemorrhoids is felt. It is caused due to vitiation of any of the three doshas. It is classified as a digestive disorder; accumulation of waste materials in the rectal area can give rise to piles. The chances of piles are increased by other factors such as sitting on hard seats, chronic constipation and pregnancy.

Since hemorrhoids can be caused due to any of the three doshas, the symptoms are different.

1. Vata type of Hemorrhoids - These piles are hard and darker in color; almost black. The pain is acute. Constipation is present.

2. Pitta type of Hemorrhoids - These piles are soft and reddish in color. Bleeding is present. Other symptoms are excessive thirst, fever and diarrhea.

3. Kapha type of Hemorrhoids - These piles are slimy to the touch. They are large and soft and whitish in color. The person has digestive problems.

(1) Useful Herbs in the Treatment of Hemorrhoids

1. Carrot (Daucus carota)
Carrots are effective in reducing the bleeding of the piles. They can be eaten in either raw or in cooked form.

2. Garlic (Allium sativum)
Garlic can stop the growth of bleeding piles. When it is kept in contact with the piles, i.e. in the rectum, then there is relief from the bleeding of the piles. Ideally it must be inserted high up in the rectum so that it stays there overnight.

Apart from these herbs, several herbs are prescribed in Ayurveda as drugs of choice during hemorrhoids. The following is a list of these herbs:-
1. Trikatu

2. Cassia fistula

3. Mimosa pudica

4. Ailanthus excelsa

5. Blumea balsamifera

6. Semicarpus anacardium

(2) Dietary Treatments for Hemorrhoids

Since hemorrhoids are generally caused due to low digestive fire, it is necessary to take a proper diet in order to prevent or treat the disease. The following dietary guidelines must be followed:-

a. Any food that is difficult to digest must not be consumed. This includes oily and spicy foods, red meats and rich desserts. Instead green leafy vegetables must be consumed in high amounts as these have the necessary fibers required for proper digestion.

b. Bitter and astringent tastes are better in case of hemorrhoids. Foods having these tastes must form the major bulk of the diet.

c. Vegetables such as yam, spinach, radish, carrots and okra are beneficial.

(3) Ayurvedic Treatment for Hemorrhoids

Ayurvedic treatment for hemorrhoids has a twofold intention:- (i) to reduce the constipation that is associated with the hemorrhoids and (ii) to relieve the pains of the piles and reduce them.

In order to reduce the constipation, asafetida, fennel and cumin are generally prescribed. There are other dietary elements like ghee, buttermilk and green leafy vegetables which the patient is supposed to take.

Once the constipation is brought under control, methods are employed to reduce the pains of the piles. Application of sandalwood or sesame oil on the piles can help in case of external piles.

Kankayana vati, Arshogni vati and Pranada gutika are medicines of choice if the piles are caused due to a vata constitution. If the hemorrhoids are due to a pitta constitution, then Avipattikara choorna is prescribed. For bleeding piles, Kutajavaleha taken in a quantity of 1 teaspoon twice a day is beneficial.

(4) Home Medications

a. Prepare a mixture of turmeric, the leaves of the Indian hemp and onion in hot sesame oil. Use this as an ointment for application over the piles. This is effective in the treatment of painful and protruding hemorrhoids.

b. A carefully prepared mixture of the pulp of the raw bael fruit, sugar, black peppers and cardamoms is useful in allaying hemorrhoids, especially if they are bleeding.

c. A concoction prepared of the outer seeds of the soap nut with honey is also an efficient hemorrhoids remedy.

d. Radish can be heated and applied as a poultice on the piles. This remedy works in case the hemorrhoids are not bleeding.

e. Before going to sleep every night, take a glassful of warm milk with ghee in it. This will soothe the large intestine and make the passing of stools easier.

f. Buttermilk with rock salt in it is a good remedy to reduce constipation in piles.

g. A laxative of flaxseed in warm milk or ghee can also be taken at night to reduce the constipation in the morning.

h. Put some warm water in a tub and sit in it such that the piles are in contact with the water. This provides immediate relief from the piles. Fomenting the piles with warm water also provides relief.

Read More on hemorrhoid treatments by Ayurveda at Read more about Ayurveda at World's Largest Portal on Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Remedies: - The Free Ayurvedic Encyclopedia

Types of Hemorrhoids and their Treatment with Ayurveda

Read through Chronic Constipation - How to Get Relief From Chronic Constipation far more

Chronic Constipation - How to Get Relief From Chronic Constipation

Constipation Relief

Even though many people have problems with bowel movements at least once in their lifetime, some people suffer from chronic constipation. You should definitely learn more about the condition and find the most appropriate treatment that will provide relief. Here are the most important things to know valuable tips on how to get cured.

Chronic constipation is diagnosed, when the patient has fewer than three bowel movements a week for three months or more. Other symptoms that define this condition include hard stools more than a quarter of the time, straining bowel movements more than a quarter of the time and incomplete evacuation more than a quarter of the time. If you have any of these two symptoms, you should definitely call your doctor to set an appointment immediately.

It is important for your condition to be diagnosed so that you can get the most appropriate treatment and eventually relief. In some cases, the condition is primary. This means that it is caused by problems such as stool hardening or weakening of the bowel muscles. In other cases, the condition may be secondary. This means that it is caused by another medical condition. This medical condition can range from dehydration to a disorder of the nervous system.

For all these reasons, you need to get complete medical evaluation and undergo different tests so that you can be diagnosed with either primary or secondary chronic constipation. Your treatment will depend on the diagnosis. If you have secondary constipation, you will get treated for your primary medical condition. Usually, patients have the opportunity to combine this treatment with natural treatments for their secondary problem. If you have primary constipation, then you should get treatment that counters the causes of your condition.

Most people get this condition because they have a poor diet low in fiber and lack hydration and exercise. In such cases, the best treatment involves a eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains, drinking more fluids and exercising. Generally, all patients with chronic constipation are encouraged to adopt this natural and simple form of treatment for relief.

If the cause of your condition is weakening of the bowel muscles, your doctor will most likely recommend biofeedback. This is a form of physical therapy. The therapist will teach you how to coordinate your bowel muscles more effectively. You will also do some exercises for strengthening of these muscles. Even though this treatment takes more time to produce the desired results, several studies have shown that it is around 4 times more effective compared to laxative use.

In general, laxatives are sometimes recommended as treatments for this condition, but their use should be limited to less than two weeks as they can cause weakening of the bowel muscles. That is why these medications are often not the best choice for those who suffer from a chronic condition, even though they may provide some relief initially.

Now you know what you have to do to get relief from chronic constipation. Just remember that even thought the problem may be embarrassing you need to get diagnosed to have the most adequate treatment.

for more information on chronic constipation please visit for all the information you need for relief.

Examine The Top Six Ways To Get Help For Constipation additional

If you are not sure what is the best way to get relief from constipation, you are not alone. You may not even be constipated when you think you are! It may be natural for you to not have a bowel movement for several days. There is a lot of variation in peoples routines in this regard. Constipation is a situation that is quite variable and you need to be aware.

Determining what kind of constipation relief to use can be confusing, and if you need fast relief, it can be even more maddening when you are not sure what to do. You may not even be constipated when you think you are! It may be natural for you to not have a bowel movement for several days. There is a lot of variation in peoples routines in this regard. Constipation is a situation that is quite variable and you need to be aware.

Infrequent bowel movements, more than 3 days apart, are cause for concern and you would be well advised to seek treatment from a professional.

Six Tactics To Get Proper Constipation Relief

1) Outdoor activities and regular exercise can help relieve constipation. By exercising you improve blood flow, reduce and maintain weight, and you tone your core muscles.

Walking instead of taking the car, even if you just park at the far end of a parking lot, is a good way to start moving.

2) Yoga, which could be considered a specialized exercise in this case, can be very effective in stimulating peristalsis and helping to relieve constipation. The practice of yoga can include bodily cleansing techniques to help with constipation and detoxification. Learning about yoga is a great way to move your body and cleanse the body of toxins as well.

3) Dietary steps you can take to help with constipation include choosing whole grain foods. Bran muffins and brown rice are two easy to add foods that can help get things moving. These foods stimulate bowel movements, and also help to soften stool.

4) Drink plenty of water. Not so much fruit juices, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages. You should be drinking at least 1/2 your body weight, in ounces, of water per day. So if you weigh 210 pounds, 1/2 that is 105, you should drink 105 ounces of water per day. Instead of coffee, try drinking yerba-mate tea. These drinks do provide caffeine, plus they have other beneficial ingredients that coffee does not.

5) If you are taking prescription medication, it may be causing or contributing to your constipation. Discuss this with your doctor. You may have to compensate for taking medication with increased fluid intake, or more fiber.

6) Finally, fiber is an easy way to get help with constipation. Most people don't eat enough on a daily basis. You should be eating at least 20 grams a day. Fiber is found in many vegetables, such as beans, peas, corn and more. Fiber is also found in whole grains. It's better to get your fiber from your food, than from store-bought laxatives. Flaxseeds are a great source of fiber, and can be used in many recipes, including salads, breads, muffins, pancakes, etc.

In addition to these six ways to get help for constipation, you can also use medications and laxatives. You can make constipation worse if you use medication, or laxatives, on a regular basis. Talk it over with your doctor.

This article is for informational purposes only, and is not meant as medical advice. Always consult with a physician prior to starting any kind of constipation relief program. This article is intended to provide general information, it is not the last word on the topic.

Constipation Relief

Read more about help for constipation at my website. There you will find more articles about constipation relief and tips and recipes you can use to help with this terrible condition.

Allison Steele writes about various health and wellness topics. She is an expert in relief of bad breath and gastro-intestinal problems.

The Top Six Ways To Get Help For Constipation

Constipation Relief

Study Treatment Options for Cat Constipation much more

I had never heard of cat constipation until one of our cats had problems with it over a year ago. In fact, I took him to the doctor thinking he was having problems urinating because he would go in and out of the litter box all day long without any results. What I learned when I too him to the veterinarian is that cat constipation is not all that rare and that is often "misdiagnosed" by cat owners because it isn't talked about as much as urinary problems.

While any age cat can have constipation problems, must of the cases reported are for cats that are 8 years old or older (our cat was 10). Cats will typically have one to two bowel movement everyday, although some might have more or less. If a cat goes for three or more days with no bowel movement, it is likely an indication that there is a problem. By not treating cat constipation, you could seriously harm your pet. Cat constipation can be treated both medically and naturally. We chose the natural route, which worked for our cat.

Fortunately, our cat liked canned pumpkin, which is high in fiber, so we mixed it with his food. We also cut out dry cat food for awhile since wet cat food has more water in it. Water bowls were in every room of our house to encourage him to drink more water and we found that in front of the bay window was his favorite watering hole. We also read up on herbal remedies for cat constipation, but did not have to try them since he got better.

If your pet is experiencing cat constipation, you need to act now to help them get better. Consult with your veterinarian for ideas on how you can help alleviate the constipation. There are plenty of natural remedies for cat constipation that you can try to find the one that works for him.

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Treatment Options for Cat Constipation

Read Constipation Cure - 14 Useful Home Remedies for Constipation Relief far more

Constipation Cure - 14 Useful Home Remedies for Constipation Relief


Constipation is more of a symptom, rather than a disease. A person is usually considered to be constipated if he is having fewer bowel movements than usual, takes a long time to pass stools, and if bowels are hard.

Constipation is a common digestive tract disturbance, which restricts regular bowel movement. It is broadly defined as less than three bowel movements per week. Severe constipation is less than one bowel movement per week. Nearly everyone becomes constipated at one time or another; and older people are more prone than younger people.

The number of bowel movements generally decreases with age. Majority adults have bowel movements between three and 21 times per week, and this is considered normal. The best habit is one bowel movement a day, but most people are irregular and do not have bowel movements every day or the same number of bowel movements each day.

Constipation mostly lasts for a short time and is not serious. If you can make out what is causing constipation, you can take steps to prevent it.

Symptoms -

o No bowel movement at least once a day

o Difficulty in eliminating fecal matter - may lead to anal fissures

o Mucus coated tongue

o Foul breath

o Pain in the lower legs

o Loss of appetite

o Headache

o Dizziness, nausea

o Vertigo

o Diarrhoea alternating with constipation

o Acidity

o Wind formation

Causes of constipation:

1) Faulty diet - Lack of dietary fibre like vegetables, fruits and whole grains leads to hard stools, which slows the passage of waste food through the bowel. Eating a lot of high-fat meats, dairy products and eggs, or rich desserts and sweets also may cause constipation.

2) Lack of fluids - Without adequate fluids, waste matter in the intestine dries out, making it difficult to pass.

3) Lack of exercise - If you follow a sedentary lifestyle, muscle contractions that move waste matter through the bowel slow down.

4) Overuse of laxatives - causes damage to the nerves and muscles.

5) Hormonal and physical changes - pregnancy, menstrual cycle, menopause

6) Smoking, consuming too much tea or coffee

7) Anxiety

8) Aging - bodily functions including digestive system usually slow down with age.

9) Certain medicines - such as some anti-allergies, anti-histamines, painkillers, iron tablets and some antacids


A change in what you eat and drink and how much you exercise daily will help relieve and prevent constipation. The easiest solution is the increase of fluids (preferably water) and dietary fibre. This may be achieved by consuming more vegetables, fruits and whole grains to one's diet. The routine use of laxatives is to be discouraged as this may result in bowel action becoming dependent upon their use.
Avoid all types of processed and refined foods such as white flour, rice, bread, cakes, pastries, biscuits, white sugar.

Increase intake of wholegrain cereals, whole wheat, green vegetables, spinach, cabbage; and fruits such as guava, grapes, apples, orange, and papaya.

Drink lot of fluids - Drink between ten to twelve eight glasses of fluids/water a day to prevent constipation. Avoid alcohol or caffeine containing drinks.

Get adequate exercise - as it helps prevent constipation by stimulating the colon. Do things that keep you moving and active as it also promotes overall health.

Use laxatives only if advised by the doctor

Check medications - Certain drugs can cause constipation such as medications to relieve high blood pressure, antipsychotic drugs and even some over-the-counter pain relievers. If you are regularly taking any such over-the-counter drugs, discontinue them for a while and notice the difference.

Constipation requires immediate treatment if it is accompanied by symptoms such as rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, cramps, vomiting, and involuntary weight loss.

Home remedies for Constipation-

o Drinking a glass of warm milk before going to bed helps in easy bowel movement in the morning. In case of severe constipation, mix two teaspoons of pure castor oil in the milk. This remedy is one of the most useful Home Remedies for Constipation

o Drink one litre of luke warm water on an empty stomach, and take a light walk for a few minutes immediately after waking up early in the morning.

o A common Ayurvedic medicine for constipation is Triphala Churna. A teaspoon of this powder to be taken with warm water or milk at the time going to bed. This remedy is another effective and good Home Remedy for Constipation

o Guava is helping in relieving constipation, if eaten with seeds. One or two guavas to be taken daily, as it provide good roughage to diet.

o Eat only when hungry and give a gap of at least 4 hours between meals.

o Food should be slowly and properly chewed. Hurried meals and meals at odd times should be avoided.

o Use spices like cumin, coriander, turmeric powder, fennel as they make the food easy to digest.. This is helpful in Constipation Cure.

o Fried foods, beans, wind-forming vegetables like cauliflower, radish and dried fruits should be avoided. Do not mix too many kinds of foods in one meal.

o All fruits, like guava, grapes, papaya, figs, orange (except banana and jackfruit), are beneficial constipation cure.

o A teaspoon of linseed swallowed with water before each meal provides both roughage and lubrication.

o Ginger tea is a very good Home Remedy for constipation. It helps start bowel movement.

o Avoid milk and milk products as they contain casein, an insoluble protein that tends to block up the intestinal tract.

o Take 10/12 pieces of raisin (Munakka), and then boil them in a glass of milk. Cool it, eat the raisins and drink the milk. This is very good and effective Home Remedy for constipation.

o Turmeric powder boiled in milk along with figs also helps in relieving constipation and constipation cure.

Expert's advice - constipation is usually easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, try and follow a healthy life style.

Dr James Sameul is an Ayurvedic doctor having years of experience in the field of Ayurveda and Alternative medicine. Find out more Home Remedies for Constipation at He has an exclusive website on Home Remedies for various diseases. You can also contribute to the Home remedies by visiting the website

Read Piles Treatment - 7 Ways to Stop the Pain Fast a lot more

Piles Treatment - 7 Ways to Stop the Pain Fast

Immediate Constipation Relief

Hemorrhoids or piles, as they are commonly referred to is a condition that is believed to affect over 40% of the population.

Hemorrhoids occur when the veins around the anus become inflamed. Hemorrhoids can be internal or external. Many times those suffering from internal hemorrhoids never know they have them until they notice some bleeding after using the bathroom.

External hemorrhoids on the other hand tend to be a lot more painful and cause a great deal of pain and irritation to those suffering with them.

Many people never seek treatment for their condition and instead suffer in silence because they are embarrassed to tell anyone about their condition.

Some of the symptoms associated with internal and external piles are irritation, itching and swelling around the anus. Sometimes bleeding will occur as well.

The good news is that piles can be treated in most cases without resorting to surgery.

Some effective treatment for piles that can be done at home are:

Utilizing a stool softener - Stools softeners will help alleviated some of the straining caused by constipation.

Eating a diet rich in fiber - Included in this would be plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Foods high in fiber will help alleviate constipation and keep you regular.

Water - In addition to a high fiber diet be sure to drink plenty of water. 6-8 glasses a day is recommended. Drinking plenty of water is very important in the treatment of piles. Water helps keep the body hydrated and helps flush wastes from the body naturally.

Incorporating Exercise Into Your Daily Routine - Exercising for 20 minutes or more a day will also help keep your system regular.

Warm Sitz Baths - Work well as an external piles treatment. They are a great way to help soothe hemorrhoid pain. The warm water also helps to reduce the size of the hemorrhoid.

Over The Counter Creams - These may not completely heal your ailment but they do provide immediate relief from the itching and irritation you may be experiencing.

Ice - Another piles treatment that seems to give hemorrhoid suffers immediate relief is applying ice directly to the hemorrhoid. The ice provides cooling relief and helps to reduce the swelling.

Utilizing any of the above piles treatments should provide you with relief from hemorrhoid pain.

In most cases, your hemorrhoid will completely heal within a couple of weeks.

If you do not find relief from any of the above piles treatment and your symptoms persist or become worse you should contact your doctor for other alternative treatments.

For more information on an effective piles treatment that will eliminate your hemorrhoids in 48 hours or less check out the link below.

Tired of suffering with hemorrhoids? Put an end to them for good wit a treatment of piles that's guaranteed to work. See results in as little as 48 hours. Check out

Understand Gas, Constipation, Belching and Other Digestive Problems a lot more

From your mouth to your colon, your digestive tract is loaded with bacteria and so is a common site for a variety of infections or inflammations. Other digestive problems, such as constipation and irritable bowel syndrome, are usually caused by a faulty diet. Specific food intolerances can be corrected by avoiding certain foods; lactose (in milk) and gluten (in wheat, barley and rye) cause problems for many people.

All of these digestive problems can cause inflammation, and they may keep you from getting the nutrients you need or from making good food choices. Some digestive problems are difficult to treat, while others are easy; none should be ignored. The brief summaries below highlight some of the more common digestive problems; more information is available at my web site (see the link at at the bottom of this article. Check with your doctor.

BURNING AND BELCHING: Stress does not cause stomach ulcers; they are caused by common bacteria. Anyone with belching or burning in the stomach or esophagus should be tested and most should be given the one-week course of antibiotics that treats the bacteria called Helicobacter pylori and their relatives.

GAS: Whenever you change your diet, particularly if you add foods that contain fiber, you are likely to have an increase in intestinal gas. When carbohydrates (fiber and resistant starches are not broken down and absorbed in the intestines, they pass to the colon where bacteria ferment the carbohydrates to release gas. This is perfectly healthful and the problem will probably diminish as you build up a colony of friendly bacteria in your colon. Add new foods gradually; if the problem persists, check with your doctor.

CONSTIPATION: Gas is usually not painful unless you are also constipated, with pockets of gas stretching your colon where it is trapped by hard stool. The contents of your intestines are liquid until they reach your colon, where water is absorbed and stool is formed. If you don't drink enough fluid or eat enough fiber, the stool rapidly turns into hard stones. Try avoiding all foods made with flour, eating lots of fruit, vegetables and whole grains, and drinking plenty of water. If this does not correct the problem, check with your doctor. Constant use of laxatives can deprive you of essential nutrients.

GLUTEN INTOLERANCE: In some people gas, diarrhea, cramping and failure to absorb nutrients are caused by gluten, which is found in wheat, barley and rye. You can try avoiding these foods to see if your symptoms are relieved, or your doctor can do blood tests for celiac sprue. You should also be checked for nutritional deficiencies such as lack of B12 and iron.

LACTOSE INTOLERANCE: Half of the world's population develops gas and cramping after drinking milk because they lack the intestinal enzyme that is necessary to break down the double sugar in milk called lactose. If lactose is not absorbed in the upper intestinal tract, bacteria ferment it in the colon to release gas. If you are lactose intolerant, you can avoid dairy products or buy the lactose-free milk that is widely available.

IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME, CROHN'S DISEASE, ULCERATIVE COLITIS: The term Irritable Bowel Syndrome may be used to describe alternating diarrhea and constipation that can be cured by following the dietary changes for constipation (above). However, if you have digestive problems that are chronic and disabling, you need a complete workup to find the cause; check with your doctor who will probably refer you to a gastroenterologist.


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Gas, Constipation, Belching and Other Digestive Problems

Examine Constipation - Some Ways to Relieve It additional

Obviously, constipation is a condition which involves the digestive system. A patient experiencing constipation usually suffers having hard stools that are quite difficult to expel. Constipation generally occurs because the colon absorbed too much water from the food, making the feces dry and hard.

In some cases, defecation is quite difficult and painful. There can be some instances wherein constipation is a symptom of an underlying medical condition such as bowel obstruction.

Aside from absorbing too much water, constipation may also occur when the muscles in the colon are not contracting at the pace like it normally does. The contraction is slow that the feces are not able to move about.

Constipation is quite common and anybody can possibly experience having constipation. There are numerous causes of constipation and one would be lacking intake of fiber. People who are consuming adequate amount of fiber in their diet are less likely to suffer from constipation because fiber facilitates bowel movement. Foods that have low fiber content such as meat, cheese, fatty foods, and eggs should be limited in the diet because this will not help much to relieve or to avoid constipation. On the other hand, you need to increase your consumption of foods that are rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, wheat, and whole grains because these foods contain a lot of fiber which can help in relieving and preventing constipation.

Another reason why a person would experience constipation is because it has been a side effect of a certain drug that they are taking. Drugs such as narcotics, antidepressants, calcium channel blockers, and diuretics can cause constipation. Some people who are frequently using laxatives or those who are abusing laxatives will also experience constipation because the normal functioning of their colon is already affected.

Aside from those mentioned, milk and other dairy products can also cause constipation. Thus, it would be advisable to limit your intake especially if you are frequently experiencing constipation.

Another common cause of constipation is inactivity. Those who are living a sedentary lifestyle or those who are not engaged in physical activities are the ones who are often experiencing constipation. According to experts, physical activity is necessary in order to keep the metabolic rate at high levels and prevent constipation. Consider having a regular exercise or you might want to consider exercising through the use of a Swiss ball.


Personal Trainer and fitness expert Josh Panebianco is the owner of

Constipation - Some Ways to Relieve It

Understand Constipation, Parasites, Candida Overgrowth and Other Digestive Disorders far more

Most people are abusing their digestive system causing the body to react with digestive disorders, constipation, diarrhea, gas, and many other physical complaints. Intestinal colon cleansing using all natural herbs is a way to rid the body of accumulated harmful substances.

A cleansed, detoxified body is able to heal itself of a variety of common ailments. Therefore, cleansing is expected to improve health. There are many health benefits when cleansing the colon. When the digestive system is not working properly, foods will not be absorbed.

Herbal blends are designed to draw old fecal matter off the walls of the colon and out of any bowel pockets. It will also draw out poisons, toxins, heavy metals such as mercury and lead, parasites and candida overgrowth. The natural ingredients will soften old fecal matter for proper elimination. Herbal blends will not only clean out the intestinal tract, but will also provide nutrients which will strengthen the inner lining of the intestines.

The intent of cleansing is to repair the body and restore health. At the beginning of the intestinal cleanse program, you may feel worse before feeling better. As toxins are released and parasites and candida overgrowth die off, waste products pour into the system. This is usually short-lived, and results are life changing.

Herbal blends work to eliminate and restore balance to the metabolism and the digestion system. During the time of cleansing, liquid intake should increase. A minimum of eight - 8 oz. glasses of water and vegetable juices are preferred. It is important to replenish the healthy bacteria by consuming yogurt or a supplement with active bacteria - live cultures called lactobacilllus acidophilus.

Once intestinal colon cleansing is completed, the results should be noticeable with improved digestion and elimination and more energy. In order to restore good health, a focus on nutrition, exercise and reducing stress is also recommended.

Complete Natural Blends:


Kathy Kafka is the owner of Complete Natural Blends, a company that offers natural products for natural health. We are a company committed to providing the highest quality products, and educating those wanting to learn. Complete Natural Blends:

Constipation, Parasites, Candida Overgrowth and Other Digestive Disorders


Study Natural Remedies For Constipation Relief a lot more

Constipation Relief

Constipation is very annoying condition and can effect your overall health. This is because it prevents the elimination of toxic substances from the body. If you are searching for the natural remedies for constipation relief then your search ends here. Just keep reading this article and find an easy solution to cure your problem naturally.

Before discussing about the natural remedies for constipation, this article will talk about the types of constipation. There are generally two types of constipation - acute and chronic. Acute constipation is normally sudden and caused by a particular reaction to a certain food, emotional upset or from an injury or medical treatment. In normal cases natural bowel movement will return after a few days. There are certain natural remedies that can help in this case. Chronic constipation should be investigated by a doctor to find the exact cause because it can be a symptom of something more serious.

Natural remedies for constipation -

Fiber rich food is the key to fight against constipation. Fruits and vegetables contain enough fiber content and help prevent constipation. Fluids also help to keep colon healthy. It is advisable to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. Keep yourself active by participation in sports activities or even 20-30 minutes morning walk can improve your overall health and keep your digestion proper.

Two common fruits for constipation relief -

Apple - Eat 3-4 apples a day to get relief from constipation. Using baked apples also helps to clear constipation. Eat one baked apple at night, right before bedtime, and one just upon rising. Do this until you constipation is cleared.

Papaya - Papaya is also good source of fiber. It contains papain, an enzyme that helps digest proteins. Concentrated amounts can especially be found in unripe papaya. This enzyme helps prevent the accumulation of mucoprotein (partially digested protein) in the body and lymphatic system. Thus, the unripe papaya is considered to have more healing powers for constipation than the ripe one.

Herbal remedy for constipation -

Triphala, an ayurvedic herbal composition of three natural herbs - haritaki, amalaki and bibhitaki (in equal proportion), has worldwide gained its reputation as a natural colon cleanser. It also helps in treating constipation naturally.

Read more about Triphala and know how it can cure your constipation from the root. Also read home remedies for constipation at biggest home remedies website - a home remedies guide for natural health care.

Natural Remedies For Constipation Relief

Constipation Relief

Read through Causes of Constipation a lot more

Causes of Constipation



The condition of constipation is essentially when your bowel motions are very hard and/or prove difficult to pass, although the definition can have slightly different meanings depending on the sufferer. Being constipated generally refers to experiencing difficulty with evacuation, but for some people it is also associated with the time taken, abdominal pain, bloating possibly with discomfort, discomfort during stool passage, a sensation of incomplete evacuation, and even stool consistency and shape.

A slow transit through the bowel is often related to inadequate dietary fibre and fluid, possibly a lack of exercise and repeatedly ignoring the need to have a bowel movement (this latter point is especially true in young children). The person is likely to visit the toilet infrequently, maybe only every two or three days. Problems with passing the stools are generally related to hard stools and/or a poor evacuation technique (failure to relax the anus and pelvic floor because of posture, pain or muscle weakness). The two are often related and occur at the same time, one often exacerbating the other. There are also other factors which will contribute, such as other diseases or medications, lack of toilet access and carer availability for people with disabilities.

Some symptoms can be indicative of serious illness and should not be ignored, they may possibly indicate bowel cancer, which is the second most common cancer in the UK. You should seek professional advice if you experience any of the following symptoms, especially if you have a history of bowel cancer in your family:

Unexplained anaemia
Rectal bleeding, especially in the patient over 50. Even if you have bleeding haemorrhoids, there may also be a bleeding tumour distally
The common causes of constipation?

Insufficient fluid intake is one of the main causes of chronic constipation, especially infant constipation. This is why its important to make sure children drink enough fluids especially in warm weather and climates
A low-fibre diet can contribute to the causes - fibre helps retains fluid and makes stools light and soft Some medicines, eg. painkillers such as those containing codeine (co-dydramol, co-proxamol), antidepressants, iron supplements, aluminium-containing antacids, and anticholinergics such as procyclidine (Kemadrin)
Illnesses, such as multiple sclerosis, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Tumours and other lesions of the bowel, Kidney failure, underactive thyroid gland, may all cause or contribute to
Inadequate toilet facilities or a reluctance to obey the need to pass a stool, this is one of the main causes of constipation in infants
Immobility or an inactive lifestyle, especially in the aged
Common symptoms include:

Passing motions that are dry and hard
Having to strain to pass a motion
Fewer bowel motions than is usual for the individual
A feeling of incomplete bowel emptying Pain or discomfort when passing a motion
Being bloated combined with any of the symptoms above

You can read more about the causes and symptoms of chronic constipation at SearchMedica where John contributes

Go through Remedies For Constipation and Relief Tips additional

Constipation and our digestive system:

Remedies for constipation are many, but before that little knowledge about how we get constipated and our digestive system works is necessary. Understanding the simple method of having food then digesting and execration is simple to understand. Our food passes from our mouth down to the esophagus, then to the stomach, then into the large intestine called colon and then rectum. Inside the Colon our food is separated without water. Our colon absorbs all the water from food. Then the waste food is moved out of our digestive system through rectum. But by some problem stool become hard and cannot pass out of the rectum. And here you are in the condition called constipated.

Constipation is associated with our bad digestive system. It's a situation that affects a being by hardening of feces (stools), which can be experienced as difficulty in passing the stool out of rectum. Intense uneasiness and utter pain is inflicted upon the afflicted. If not diagnosed and treated, in its premature stages by home remedies for constipation bowel obstruction can develop. It is an agony that many middle aged and old aged peoples undergo.


Improper diets, some side effects of medicines, drinking less water, hormonal imbalance, less physical activity etc. are some of the major causes of constipation. And also irregular eating habits lead to constipation and related problems. Other causes include you ignore the urge for having a bowel movement or postpone whenever you have the urge, which in turn makes the faces in your rectum and colon hard because your colon absorbs more water than normally it has to absorb. Eating food which are less in fiber and high in fat.


Some of the remedies for constipation and relief includes:

1. Laxatives (medicines that soften the feces and soothes the colon and rectum where the waste foods pass)
2. Having 1 or 2 good ripe banana every day.
3. Involving in some physical activity which lasts for at-least for 15 to 30 minutes.
4. Prunes juice.
5. Wearing cloths which are comfortable to your waist (abdomen).
6. Fasting every 15 days. While fasting only have citrus fruits and bananas.
7. Reduce intake of coffee, tea, alcoholic drinks.

Constipation Relief

If untreated in early stage constipation can lead to hemorrhoids, anal fissures (tears in the skin around the anus), rectal bleeding and fecal impaction.

For more information on home remedies for constipation, constipation relief and constipation prevention can be found here. Remedies for Constipation.

Remedies For Constipation and Relief Tips

Constipation Relief

Go through Cavity Relief, Constipation Cure: Probiotics more

Probiotics and Cavities - What You Need to Know

Here are some key points to understand why probiotics protect your teeth

* Plaque is made up of many different kinds of bacteria - you know that a dentist always tries to remove plaque, but did you know that what we think of as "plaque" is actually a variety of oral bacteria that adhere to our teeth and gums? This "biofilm" is a community of bacteria that serve different roles and rely on each other to survive.

* Plaque isn't necessarily bad - much of dental research has focused on particular bacterial strains in plaque like Streptococcus mutans that produce acid which cause cavities. But if this same strain is present with an alkaline producing bacteria, then it doesn't cause cavities because its effects are cancelled out. Plaque is only bad when it is out of balance from a bacterial standpoint.

* Kill 'em all does not work - Western medicine often advocates the use of antibiotics anytime a patient has a bacterial infection. While antibiotics do provide short term relief, constipation and other negative side effects often result because killing all the bacteria in the intestines (beneficial and harmful) leaves the body open to colonization by harmful microbes and causes constipation. Laxatives can barely help this form of constipation because they don't contain the probiotics the intestines need to function properly.

The link between cavity relief & constipation cures

The same principle of "Kill em all" applies to your teeth. When dentists remove all the plaque from your teeth, they eliminate helpful bacteria as well. Often, pathogenic bacteria are the first to move in and your teeth may end up being worse off than they were before. This is where cutting edge probiotic treatments are coming into play.

In recent studies, researchers have found that when probiotics like Lactobacillus rhamuosus were taken by kindergarten children, a reduction in cavities occurred. Other research has shown that certain probiotics seem to reduce the amount of Streptococcus mutans (the acid producing bacteria) present in plaque while not hurting other part of the plaque biofilm. Think of the probiotic as a targeted smart bomb that only fights the harmful bacteria instead of wiping out everything living in your mouth.

This research is making it clear that the biofilm in our mouth isn't much different than the bacteria in our gut. To effectively treat issues present in either area requires precision. Probiotics offer this precision. In numerous studies of patients needing constipation relief, constipation was cured by a probiotic supplement that helped feed the colon's beneficial cells instead of killing them.

Constipation Relief

Just like with plaque, chronic constipation is best cured not with a one-time laxative or antibiotic, but with the introduction of organisms that will keep the gut in balance over the long-term. Humans have been relying on this intricate balance since the beginning of the species and it is time we harness its power in our medicine.

Nydia Fieldcroft is an avid consumer and researcher of natural products. She used her passion for supplements to cure her chronic constipation and insomnia. She currently works in the natural products industry.

Cavity Relief, Constipation Cure: Probiotics

Read Treatments for Hemorrhoids - How Do You Get Rid of Hemorrhoids by Avoiding These 3 Things? extra

How do you get rid of hemorrhoids? I know why you are repeatedly asking that question. You want immediate relief from this painful and embarrassing condition. But the first thing to do is getting them less uncomfortable. To do that, there are things that you should avoid doing. In this article, I will tell you three of them to get you started. So you can get immediate relief right after reading this.

The first thing that you should avoid is the unhealthy foods, including junk foods, spicy foods and oily foods. These foods will irritate your anal walls, making the hemorrhoids worse. Some of them even cause constipation, which will strain the skin of the veins in the rectal area, causing or worsening the condition. Now that we get what you should not eat out there, let's take a look at what you avoid drinking.

Alcohol and coffee should be avoided. The reason is that they can dehydrate your body system, causing hard stool or even constipation. Smoking is another bad habit that should be avoided if you want to eliminate the symptoms of hemorrhoids fast.

Another thing that you should adjust is using the toilet paper. The toilet paper you use should be as soft as you can find. Water is also recommended. When water is used, scratching can be eliminated as much as possible. And water can be much more cleansing than paper. In addition, water can make you feel good.

Now that you know what you should avoid in order to remove hemorrhoids, it's your turn to do a sanity check to your own habits. If you have them, then you should get started with avoiding them right away so that you can alleviate your condition as quickly as possible.

Immediate Constipation Relief

Want to get a permanent relief from hemorrhoids right away with completely homemade remedies? Grab the hemorrhoid away ebook for FREE now at

Treatments for Hemorrhoids - How Do You Get Rid of Hemorrhoids by Avoiding These 3 Things?

Immediate Constipation Relief

Read Constipation - All Natural Remedies For Constipation far more

Constipation - All Natural Remedies For Constipation

Constipation Relief

Constipation, why do we get constipated, and what can we do about it?  Constipation is an all too common digestive complaint, with symptoms of course, of the inability to have a bowel movement or having to strain to pass stools that are dry and hard. Most people normally have a bowel movement from a couple of time a day to a couple of times a week. If you are less frequent than this or find you have difficulty having a bowel movement and if you pass dry hard stools than you very well may be constipated.

Constipation effects nearly everyone at one time or another, with over 5 million people suffering from chronic or severe constipation. Constipation can have many causes, including, insufficient water intake, lack of exercise, poor diet, ignoring the urge to go, some medications and/or supplements can cause constipation, changes in your life or routine, surgeries, pregnancy, stress, hormonal disorders, and some conditions that can effect the central nervous system, colon, bowels, rectum, or digestive tract.

Constipation tends to be more common as we age, and in women more than men. Whether you are irregular infrequently or suffer from chronic or severe constipation, you may get relief through simply making a few lifestyle changes (visit my site for the specifics.) There are many all natural herbs that can help you find relief from your constipation, such as, licorice, Aloe Vera, garlic, caffeine, and many others. Visit my site for a complete list. Some vitamins and supplements can also prove helpful in relieving and sometimes virtually eliminating constipation (MSM- taken to help joint function can provide lasting relief from constipation.) If you suffer from constipation, be aware there are many very effective, all natural, homeopathic, remedies and cures, that will offer quick and lasting relief with a much less chance of dependence than OTC (over the counter) alternatives!     

If you need to fine relief from constipation, please visit my page devoted to this condition at

Or visit my main site at Natural Home Remedies And Cures