Understand Constipation Symptoms Can Be Caused By Many Factors extra

Constipation Symptoms Can Be Caused By Many Factors

Immediate Constipation Relief

Constipation Fundamentals

Constipation is very bothersome condition and it can be rather embarrassing for the sufferer. Nevertheless, most of us have experienced it at some point of our lives.

Even though it can affect individuals in both genders, it is somewhat more common among women. The reason for this is that a woman's body has to go through several changes during her life, such as pregnancy and menopause.

When bowel movements become difficult or less frequent this is known as constipation. One of the most common gastrointestinal ailments is chronic constipation which no one wants to experience.

Common Causes of Constipation

When you are constipated, your bowel doesn't function the way it should. Constipation is rarely caused by some structural issues. Here are the most typical causes of constipation:

- The lack of fiber and water in your diet

- Too much dairy products like cheese and milk

- Psychological reasons, such as stress, eating disorder, and depression. Irritable bowel syndrome and pregnancy can also be the culprits of constipation.

- Long periods of sitting

- Lack of exercise or mobility

- Ignoring the urge of having a bowel movement

- Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson's disease

- Antacids that contain calcium and/or aluminum

- Antidepressants, iron pills, pain medicines

There are some typical constipation symptoms. Naturally, the most obvious one is difficulties to pass stool. Other symptoms include abdominal pain, swollen abdomen, and vomiting. Even though laxatives can be a quick solution to get relief from constipation, they should be used only as the last option. Frequent use of laxatives can cause loosening of the rectum which can cause more serious problems in the long run.

Dealing with Constipation Problems

People are using millions of dollars every year to laxatives in order to get relief from their constipation. However, if you want to obtain permanent results you should use natural constipation remedies. The easiest way to avoid constipation is to make sure that you drink enough water and follow healthy, high-fiber diet.

An infant may become constipated crying frequently due to pain in their tummy. A few things you may try are:

- If your baby is over two months old you can give him or her two or three ounces of fruit juice twice a day. For example, apple or grape juice often helps.

- If the baby is over 4 months old and is eating solid foods, try baby foods with a high-fiber content such as peaches, pears, plums, peas, beans, and prunes.

Every person's bowel movement in a day is different from the next. If it has been longer than three days without a bowel movement the stool becomes harder and more difficult to pass, which may then become an obstruction and more painful.

Other Constipation Causes

Intestinal obstructions with the normal functions of the bowel may occur in the following ways:

- Joining of tissues and inflamed adhesions

- A wedged gallstones

- Hernia in the abdomen

- Lead poisoning

Older adults are more likely to have constipation due to a poor diet and insufficient intake of fluids, lack of exercise, side effects of prescription drugs used to treat other conditions, poor bowel habits, and the use of enemas and laxatives.

Visit Home-Remedies-for-Constipation.net to read more about constipation symptoms. You will also find great information regarding home remedies for constipation.