Read through A Constipation Prescription For Relief more

We all know that constipation can make our lives miserable from time to time. However did you know that it is possible to not just reduce constipation, but to eliminate it completely. There are many natural and effective ways to relieve constipation and improve the digestive system.

So many people have taken numerous constipation relief products with little effect. Constipation treatments include: dietary fiber, emollient laxatives, lubricant laxatives, herbs, hyperosmolar, stimulant or Saline laxatives, senna, enemas, and the latest, called electrical pacing.

Then there is fiber, and the best way of adding fiber to the diet is increasing the quantity of fruits and vegetables that are eaten. This would require a minimum of five servings of fruits or vegetables every day. This amount of fruits and vegetables that are necessary may be too large or may not provide adequate relief from constipation, so fiber supplements can be useful.

Defined as material made by plants that is not digested by the human gastrointestinal tract, fiber is one of the mainstays in the treatment of constipation. There are a cariety of types of fiber within the intestine bind to water and keep the water within the intestine. Fiber adds bulk to the stool while the water softens it.

Different sources of fiber are categorized by the source - including fruits and vegetables, oat bran, wheat, psyllium seed or synthetic methyl cellulose or polycarbophil and extract of malt. Fiber basically causes gas, or flatulence, which often occurs because the bacteria normally inside the colon are capable of digesting fiber to a small extent, and bacteria produce gas as a byproduct of their digestion of the fiber.

Due to concerns about obstruction, persons with adhesion from previous surgery or narrowing of their intestines should not use fiber unless it has been discussed with a medical provider.

And there is yet another type of laxative that is known as a lubricant which contain mineral oil - plain oil or an emulsion of that oil. It resides within the intestine and typically coats the stool, preventing the removal of water which results in softer stools. Only short term use is recommended because oil can absorb fat-soluble vitamins from the intestines and may lead to deficiencies if it is used for too long.

Stimulant laxatives which cause the muscles of the small intestine and colon to propel their contents faster, plus these also increase the amount of water in the stool. This happens by reducing the absorption of the water in the colon or by causing active water secretion in the small intestines. Stool softeners, otherwise known as emollient laxatives contain a compound called docusate, which is a wetting agent that improves the ability of water within the colon to penetrate and mix with stool in order to soften it.

Stool softeners can be used in the long-term treatment of constipation. This can take a week or more to work. Whereas emollient laxatives are commonly used to soften the stool temporarily for individuals with hemorrhoids and even after surgery or childbirth.

There are also saline laxatives that that work within a few hours to help soften the stool, containing non-absorbable ions including magnesium, sulfate, phosphate, citrate, magnesium hydroxide, and/or sodium phosphate. The ions remain, causing water to be drawn into the colon. Magnesium also stimulates the colonic muscles. Laxatives containing magnesium are partially absorbed from the intestine and into the body, and then eliminated from the body by the kidneys. Saline laxatives should not be used regularly.

Stimulant laxatives contain cascara, or castor oil, senna and aloe, and they are usually effective, but they can cause severe diarrhea. This results in dehydration and loss of electrolytes. They often cause intestinal cramping, and there are concerns that chronic use of stimulant laxatives may damage the colon.

By distending the rectum with an enema the colon contracts and eliminates stool. Some enemas also have saline which causes water to be drawn into the colon. Phosphate enemas stimulate the muscles in the colon, while mineral oil or emollient enemas lubricate and soften hard stools. Enemas are only meant to be used occasionally.

Last, there is an experimental method known as electrical pacing of the colon which relieves constipation by using electrodes implanted into the colon's muscular wall. In summary, look for constipation relief products that create overall body balance and stimulate body's innate healing ability to eliminate constipation completely.

Constipation Relief
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A Constipation Prescription For Relief

Understand Constipation Symptoms Can Be Caused By Many Factors extra

Constipation Symptoms Can Be Caused By Many Factors

Immediate Constipation Relief

Constipation Fundamentals

Constipation is very bothersome condition and it can be rather embarrassing for the sufferer. Nevertheless, most of us have experienced it at some point of our lives.

Even though it can affect individuals in both genders, it is somewhat more common among women. The reason for this is that a woman's body has to go through several changes during her life, such as pregnancy and menopause.

When bowel movements become difficult or less frequent this is known as constipation. One of the most common gastrointestinal ailments is chronic constipation which no one wants to experience.

Common Causes of Constipation

When you are constipated, your bowel doesn't function the way it should. Constipation is rarely caused by some structural issues. Here are the most typical causes of constipation:

- The lack of fiber and water in your diet

- Too much dairy products like cheese and milk

- Psychological reasons, such as stress, eating disorder, and depression. Irritable bowel syndrome and pregnancy can also be the culprits of constipation.

- Long periods of sitting

- Lack of exercise or mobility

- Ignoring the urge of having a bowel movement

- Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson's disease

- Antacids that contain calcium and/or aluminum

- Antidepressants, iron pills, pain medicines

There are some typical constipation symptoms. Naturally, the most obvious one is difficulties to pass stool. Other symptoms include abdominal pain, swollen abdomen, and vomiting. Even though laxatives can be a quick solution to get relief from constipation, they should be used only as the last option. Frequent use of laxatives can cause loosening of the rectum which can cause more serious problems in the long run.

Dealing with Constipation Problems

People are using millions of dollars every year to laxatives in order to get relief from their constipation. However, if you want to obtain permanent results you should use natural constipation remedies. The easiest way to avoid constipation is to make sure that you drink enough water and follow healthy, high-fiber diet.

An infant may become constipated crying frequently due to pain in their tummy. A few things you may try are:

- If your baby is over two months old you can give him or her two or three ounces of fruit juice twice a day. For example, apple or grape juice often helps.

- If the baby is over 4 months old and is eating solid foods, try baby foods with a high-fiber content such as peaches, pears, plums, peas, beans, and prunes.

Every person's bowel movement in a day is different from the next. If it has been longer than three days without a bowel movement the stool becomes harder and more difficult to pass, which may then become an obstruction and more painful.

Other Constipation Causes

Intestinal obstructions with the normal functions of the bowel may occur in the following ways:

- Joining of tissues and inflamed adhesions

- A wedged gallstones

- Hernia in the abdomen

- Lead poisoning

Older adults are more likely to have constipation due to a poor diet and insufficient intake of fluids, lack of exercise, side effects of prescription drugs used to treat other conditions, poor bowel habits, and the use of enemas and laxatives.

Visit to read more about constipation symptoms. You will also find great information regarding home remedies for constipation.

Understand Better Relief With Arthritis Homeopathy a lot more

Immediate Constipation Relief

If you are seeking for an alternative treatment for stiff and painful joints, arthritis homeopathy is one effective solution. Arthritis is often a painful experience, and may eventually worsen if left untreated. In the U.S. millions of Americans are suffering from arthritis, whether its arthritis of the knees, ankles, or osteoarthritis. Typical treatments for arthritis include prescription medicines, pain killers, and even steroidal injections. Knee surgeries and knee braces are also recommended, especially in severe cases.

The Effects of Homeopathy on Arthritis

Homeopathy is considered to be an alternative form of medication, used to treat a variety of ailments. It has been used in the treatment of gout, erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation in men. Homeopathic treatment has also been found to offer cure for psoriasis, allergic rhinitis, tonsillitis, constipation, and migraine.

One of the benefits of homeopathy is that there is the absence of side effects. This is due to the fact that homeopathy treatments do not utilize the aid of prescriptive, chemically-manufactured medicines. Instead, it uses natural compounds in order to deliver immediate and lasting relief to specific areas, such as the joints.

Arthritis homeopathy takes into consideration the health condition of the patient as a whole. The specific ailment is given due focus, but the lifestyle and emotional health of the patient is reviewed as well. For the past years, homeopathy has been known to provide relief from arthritis. When homeopathy is practiced correctly, it can bring long term aid from joint inflammation and discomfort. The course of treatment used is commonly dependent on the area of the pain and the patient's medical history.

A few examples of homeopathic remedies are Aconitum, Actea spic, Bryonia, and Belladonna. Aconitum is typically administered to patients who are also inflicted with fever and anxiety. Bryonia is an excellent remedy for worsening pain, especially if the pain escalates when the joint is moved or touched. Belladonna is commonly provided to arthritic subjects when the nature of the pain is abrupt.

Finding a Good Arthritis Homeopathy Professional

Those who want to be treated through homeopathy should consult with a professional. A good homeopathy professional will seek to find what the problem is or where the pain is located. Whether you are suffering from intense stiffness or joint pain, these symptoms need to be addressed through the homeopathic treatment. Most of these professionals also try to seek out clues through your daily activities. These include your social life, dietary habits, and total lifestyle. Interviewing the patient thoroughly is a common practice of homeopathic professionals.

Why Homeopathy is Excellent for Arthritic Patients

Since homeopathy does not encourage the use of prescriptive medicines in the treatment of arthritis, patients can expect minimal adverse effects. Most painkillers can produce ill effects such as gastrointestinal bleeding, dizziness, and liver damage. In most cases, arthritis patients end up taking more prescriptive medications due to the evolving ailments. Homeopaths on the other hand focus on the source of the pain, so as to deliver a drug-free form of treatment.

Homeopathy is also considered to be less expensive than most traditional forms of treatment in arthritis including medications and surgery. Convenient, safe from side-effects, and effective, it is not surprising why homeopathy is growing in popularity. Arthritis homeopathy is one alternative form of treatment that patients should start looking into.

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Better Relief With Arthritis Homeopathy

Immediate Constipation Relief

Study Constipation Cure - Get Relief from Constipation through Natural Remedies much more

Constipation Cure - Get Relief from Constipation through Natural Remedies

Constipation Relief

Chronic constipation is a problem that in itself becomes a cause of several other diseases like appendicitis, rheumatism, arthritis, high blood pressure, cataract and cancer.

Constipation is a common disorder that causes disturbance in the digestion system. It is a condition in which bowel movements are not proper. And the result is that it gives rise to toxins that get mixed with the blood and are carried to all parts of the body.

Chronic constipation is a problem that in itself becomes a cause of several other diseases like appendicitis, rheumatism, arthritis, high blood pressure, cataract and cancer.

Constipation Relief through Fruit Juice

Apple Juice and Prune Juice - Prepare fresh apple juice for best result in curing constipation. If you have a juicer you can prepare fresh apple juice and drink 3-4 glasses a day. To speed up the laxative effects of apple juice, take the below combination first thing in the morning before you have breakfast,

Step 1 - Drink 2-3 cups of prune juice.

Step 2 - After half hour, drink one cup of apple juice

Step 3 - One hour later drink another cup of apple juice

Now be prepared to head for the bathroom after you drink your prune juice and your first glass of apple juice. You may need to head to the bathroom soon after you drink prune juice.

Prune juice by itself is very beneficial for constipation. It is a safe, gentle and an effective natural laxative. Drink a cup of prune juice in the morning and a cup in the evening. Prune juice contain the substance dihydrophenylisatin, which is responsible for the laxative action.

If you add prune juice to your diet, do not drink as much of it as you would when you have constipation. Drink half glass in the morning and perhaps half glass in the evening.

Home Remedies for Constipation

o Eat guava with seeds, which provides adequate amount of fiber to the diet and aids in normal evacuation of the bowels. Consume about 1-2 guavas on a daily basis. It will prevent constipation.

o Papaya, figs, grapes and orange are natural effective laxatives. They are beneficial in constipation cure.

o You may also consume about four or five dry figs soaked in water overnight. It is another good remedy for constipation.

o Bael fruit is very effective in treating constipation. Consume it everyday for about 2-3 months.

o Another important home remedy for constipation is spinach. You can eat it either raw or prepare its juice. Mix 100 ml spinach juice with an equal quantity of water and drink it twice a day.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. Nick Mutt is an active writer on alternative health and has published many ebooks on natural health. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

Know more on Home Remedies for Constipation and also about herbal treatment for constipation - Triphala and its benefits. Visit for easy and effective home remedies for all common health problems from acidity to yeast infection.

Understand Healthy Natural Remedies For Constipation Relief far more

Constipation is a relatively common issue in the United States, and can commonly be cured by over the counter medication. Constipation is a problem with the digestive system in which the colon absorbs an excess of water from the food that passes through. This process results in stool that is hard and dry and painful to pass, or in an inability to have bowel movements on a regular basis.

Individuals suffering from constipation may only have bowel movements three times a week. Another symptom of constipation may cause you to feel like your bowel movements aren't complete, and that you are unable to completely relieve yourself. In order to relieve the discomfort, patients are commonly instructed to increase their fluid intake in the liquid form as well as through the foods they consume. They are instructed to include more vegetables and fruit in their diet, as well as watching their intake of foods such as beans and peas. Laxatives are also a common solution to a constipation problem.

Laxatives are commonly over the counter medication intended to help the patient have bowel movements and in addition to making them less painful. However, long-term laxative use has not been proven to be completely safe. As constipation is many times a chronic problem, natural remedies are commonly sought out in order to relieve symptoms without harming the body any further.

The Chinese are famous for their natural remedies to cure almost any ailment. This applies also to their solution for constipation. The Chinese have found an herb, the Jin Yin Hua herb to be particularly successful in relieving the symptoms of constipation. They recommend a daily dosage of 6-15gm of the herb in it's dried form until your pain and discomfort subsides. If problems persist, the Chinese also recommend boiled sweet potatoes with salt or sugar before bed.

The French started a growing trend of the organic lifestyle. For this reason, it is no surprise that they discovered a natural laxative to relieve their symptoms of constipation. They favor mustard seeds and swear by their ability to ease the discomfort without harming your body. It is also common for a French citizen to recommend a bran muffin to ease your pain due to the high fiber content found in bran muffins. They French are famous for their natural alternatives so you can rest assured their remedies will not compromise the long-term health of your body.

Germany is famous for their wide variety of teas. Germany's citizens swear by the antioxidants found in tea and their healing power. Teas not only contain antioxidants, but also fluoride. This is important because many are still unaware that despite the cleanliness you find in bottled water, you will not find the fluoride that tap water contains. Due to the advantages of tea and Germany's genuine love for the stuff, it's no surprise that their solution to constipation is found in tea form. They recommend Dandelion Tea to relieve your constipation, and to strengthen your tea in the process.

Constipation Relief

This author is a HUGE fan of Natural Home Remedies

Healthy Natural Remedies For Constipation Relief

Constipation Relief

Read How to Relieve Constipation Through Natural Remedies far more

Constipation is one of the most annoying conditions where the fecal matter traveling through your colon remains too long in your colon right before traveling out the rectum. It is a condition that tells you that either your colon is not working properly or that you have some underlying gastrointestinal disease.

Constipation is generally a result of not following a proper diet in your daily routine. Your diet lacks enough fluids and fiber contents that promote good movement of digested foods through the intestines and colon.

If you are looking for how to relieve constipation through natural remedies that you are certainly reading the right article. Just continue reading to find an easy solution to cure your problem.

Natural remedies to get constipation relief -

1. Relieving constipation using bael fruit - Bael fruit is one of the best natural laxatives. It helps clean and tone the intestines. Its regular use for 2-3 months throws out even the very old accumulated fecal matter.

2. Relieving constipation using guava - Guava is another important natural remedy for constipation. When eaten with seeds, it provides roughage to the diet and helps in the normal evacuation of the bowels. Take 1-2 guavas everyday for fast result.

3. Relieving constipation using figs - Both fresh and dry figs have natural laxative effect. Soak 4-5 dry figs overnight in a little water and eat in the morning. This is also very common natural remedy for getting relief from constipation.

4. Relieving constipation using spinach - Raw spinach contains the finest organic material for the cleansing, reconstruction, and regeneration of the intestinal tract. Prepare spinach juice by mixing 100 ml of spinach juice with an equal quantity of water. Take this juice twice daily to cure the most aggravated cases of constipation within a few days.

5. Relieving constipation using triphala - Triphala is a well known herbal remedy for constipation. It is made of natural herbs like haritaki, amalaki and bibhitaki. It helps in natural colon cleansing and relieving constipation.

This last option is certainly the best one to consider, before thinking of the other options. There are a few good herbal constipation remedy that users have had great success with.

Constipation Relief

Read more about Triphala and know how it can cure your constipation from the root. Also read home remedies for constipation at Natural cures website - a health guide to make you and your family fit and healthy.

How to Relieve Constipation Through Natural Remedies

Constipation Relief

Understand Cat Constipation a lot more

Normally a cat has bowel movements once or twice a day. If the pet does not do it or strain to do it with hard feces, the cat is suffering from Constipation. It is a very common problem with cats and an occasional bout of Constipation is nothing to worry about.

But when a cat is chronically constipated it needs serious attention. As the cats age they are more prone to this problem. There are quite a few causes of Cat Constipation. Obstructions like hairballs, tumors and foreign bodies stop the movement of the feces inside the colon, and the fecal matter builds up. This becomes a hard dry mass and distends the colon, which looses its ability to contract and expel feces. This condition is known as megacolon.

When the cats are constipated they behave in a typical manner. They run to their litter box quite often and strain to pass stool. They make noise and start licking the anal area. They lose their appetite and become sluggish. Vomiting and passing a small amount of liquid feces is quite common.

If the Constipation is not very severe, an enema will clear the colon. Hard impacted feces may have to be physically removed in a veterinary clinic under anesthesia. Intravenous liquid is also given to prevent dehydration.

After the bout of Constipation is cleared, the underlying problem, like obstruction in the colon, has to be tackled. For the cats suffering from megacolon or an untreatable or unknown problem, a management regime has to be adopted. A high-fiber diet increases the bulk and assists in bowel movement. Increase the liquid consumption of the cat by feeding canned cat food rather than dry. Milk and soup can also be tried. We have to try and get the cat to consume liquid by a means that the cat likes.

If the megacolon is advanced, no amount of management can make it propel the stool to the exit. The only alternative is surgery. The colon is removed, and most surgeries are successful.


Constipation [] provides detailed information about constipation, cat constipation, causes of constipation, chronic constipation and more. Constipation is the sister site of Osteoarthritis Web [].

Cat Constipation


Read through Colon Cleanse Can Help You Quit Drinking much more

Immediate Constipation Relief

Among the variety of different New Year's resolutions, which are commonly popular, the goal to stop drinking alcohol typically ranks the highest. For the many people who have decided they are going to get rid of this bad habit once and for all in the New Year, they will also have to cope with the release of toxins that are stored in the body due to habitual drinking. This might not be a walk in the park for some because depending on the severity of the problem, you might suffer serious withdrawal symptoms as the body eliminates alcohol suddenly due to alcohol dependency. For those who are really trying to stop drinking once and for all, a colon cleanse, which provides detoxification can help to more easily comply with your resolutions.

Why a Colon Cleanse Can Help...

Drinking too much can wreak havoc on the body's internal organs. The kidneys take a lot of stress, followed by liver and other organs, such as the pancreas. When a person that has developed a dependency on alcohol stops drinking, the body will likely suffer in the fight to rid the excess toxins. An all natural colon cleanse can help to quickly wash the body of toxins, and can detoxify organs, namely liver and kidney, thus facilitating the process of detoxification.

Other immediate benefits of a Colon Cleanse...

There are some other immediate benefits of a clean colon. Most people report losing several pounds fairly quickly because the colon tends to be a couple of pounds overweight. Other benefits include: increased energy, more strength, improved libido, reduced anxiety, relief from chronic headaches, relief of constipation, relief from depression and / or irritability and a feeling healthier overall.

Whether you are suffering from constipation, bloating, or you want to remove unwanted toxins from your body, the fact of the matter is that colon cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the United States. Visit [] to watch a major news coverage and try out the risk free trial offer for $3.95 (shipping & handling).

(c) Copyright - Ed Lee. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Colon Cleanse Can Help You Quit Drinking

Immediate Constipation Relief

Examine How to Cure Hemorrhoids - The Natural Ways to Obtain Relief From Hemorrhoids more

Hemorrhoids are basically anal cushions, the problem of hemorrhoids arises when these anal cushions swell beyond their normal size due to certain reasons once swollen they are called as piles very commonly.

Though very common hemorrhoids can be very painful, itchy and irritating and in the extreme cases can bleed. This problem has become far more common nowadays owing to various lifestyle changes people go through these days. Hemorrhoids are classified into two types namely internal and external. The internal hemorrhoids arise out of the anal canal and sometimes get pulled or strained during bowel movement and protrude outwards. Depending on their severity they are classified into 4 types namely:

1. First degree hemorrhoids - these are found in the internal lining of the anal canal in some cases they may bleed but cannot be seen outside the anus.

2. Second degree hemorrhoids - these are far more swollen than above ones and may even protrude out of the anus but may protract later.

3. Third degree hemorrhoids - in this case they do not protract inwards themselves but have to be manually pushed back.

4. Fourth degree hemorrhoids - these are the worst case of internal hemorrhoids these hang out of the anus and become excessively swollen and require quick medical attention because if left unattended they may even develop gangrene.

5. External hemorrhoids can also be equally painful and troublesome.

The causes of hemorrhoids generally are strained bowel movements, having a low fiber diet or even frequent toilet time.

The treatments for hemorrhoids may depend on the severity of the condition if the hemorrhoids have become extremely swollen and painful they may require immediate surgical attention. In case of self help one can always stick to a high fiber diet in order to ease bowel movements and drinking plenty of water. Certain herbs have also proven effective in the cure these include Witch Hazel which when applied to the hemorrhoids acts as an astringent, Aloe Ferox is generally used as a remedy for constipation problems also Aloe is commonly used for anti inflammatory purposes.

Other treatments that can be taken are the use of Sclerotherapy that uses an injection to shrink the size of the hemorrhoid or banding in which a small elastic band is placed on the hemorrhoid that cuts off its blood supply and allows it to fall off naturally.

In certain extremely severe cases of hemorrhoids the only option remaining may be the surgical removal after which one can regulate their diet and bowels in order to ensure that the problem does not relapse. Although many drugs are available for the cure of hemorrhoids the herbal remedies have for long been proving themselves more effective and long lasting. Again no matter how painful hemorrhoids may be one should remain assured that there is a sure shot cure for it.

Do YOU know the exact proven method to cure your painful HEMORRHOIDS in 48 hours? If No, Don't Worry! On next page I have had shared a simple yet effective Hemorrhoids Cure Guide, which will give you an instant relief from painful hemorrhoids.

It is advisable to read the guide and apply those simple steps as early as possible. So without wasting time Click Here to visit Hemorrhoids cure guide.

How to Cure Hemorrhoids - The Natural Ways to Obtain Relief From Hemorrhoids

Immediate Constipation Relief

Examine Curing Constipation far more

Curing Constipation may be challenging for some, but it can be done naturally. Constipation is defined as having a bowel movement fewer than three times per week. With constipation, stools are usually hard and dry and small in size. Often when you are constipated, the bowel movement can be difficult to eliminate. You can often experience straining, bloating, and the sensation of a full bowel if you are constipated. Some people think they are constipated if they do not have a bowel movement every day but everyone's body is different. Normal stool elimination may be three times a day or three times a week. Again, every body is different.

Constipation is a symptom, not a disease and curing constipation does not have to be hard. Almost everyone experiences constipation at some point in their life, and a poor diet is usually the cause. Constipation can also be aggravated by travel, pregnancy or sudden changes in diet, or simply ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement on a regular basis.

For some people, constipation can be triggered by certain medications. Curing constipation can be a huge problem for many people. For many people endeavoring to cure their constipation, laxatives are a regular part of the treatment. Laxatives should only be used when everything else has been tried and as a last resort. Herbal laxatives are readily available and it is always best to look at natural products available.

Some of the main causes of constipation are

o not enough fiber in the diet
o lack of physical activity
o Medications
o Not drinking enough water daily
o milk
o irritable bowel syndrome
o abuse of laxatives
o ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement
o dehydration
o changes in life or routine such as pregnancy, aging, and travel

So how do we fix the problem?

Nowadays everyone takes a pill and you get some relief from your problem but it is just a band aid. Persevere and try and repair your problems through diet and exercise if you are suffering from constipation, you really need to look at your diet and attempt to cure your constipation naturally. This is where your food diary will come in handy. It will help if you can increase your fruit and vegetables on a regular basis, along with increased fluids, and two litres of water a day will help cure your constipation. A fibre supplement such as gallium is useful as it provides not only relief to constipation, but also many other benefits such as helping to lower cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of developing colon polyps and cancer. Psyllium is available from the supermarket and you just need a little sprinkle each morning (half a teaspoon) in cereal. Eat fruits such as prunes, grapes, pears, oranges. Avoid excessive coffee and alcohol although a strong cup of black coffee will often trigger a bowel movement. The caffeine in coffee has a bowel loosening effect. Massage the stomach in a clockwise direction as stomach massage is an excellent way to cure your constipation.

The Top tips are as follows:

o Two litres of water a day
o More fibre at breakfast, lunch and dinner (fruit and vegetables and salads) Good sources of fiber are most of the fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables. Excellent sources of fiber are broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, all eaten raw or thawed. Spinach, beans, whole-grain cereal all cooked are excellent sources. Fruits such as apples, peaches, tangerines, and raspberries will help increase the fiber content (apples also lower your blood sugar, so this is an added bonus)
o Massage the stomach in a clockwise direction each morning
o Half a teaspoon of Psyllium husk in the morning
o Never ignore a bowel movement
o Never force a bowel movement
o The humble prune is one of the oldest home remedies in curing constipation
o Exercise
o Flaxseeds are high in fibre. A tablespoon a day will help cure your constipation
o Magnesium is found in most green vegetables and it helps to cure your constipation eg: legumes, peas, beans are great sources of magnesium.

Let us remind you, that good health takes work and effort. But it is worth it. Try to curing your constipation naturally and commit yourself to living a healthy life through good nutrition.


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Curing Constipation


Understand Home Remedies for Constipation - Get Rid of Constipation Fast extra

Home Remedies for Constipation - Get Rid of Constipation Fast


For some, constipation can be a serious malady. Constipation describes any irregular or non-existent bowel movements. For many years, people have believed that the normal frequency of bowel movements should be once per day - but this is not always the case. There is no pattern of bowel movements that fits everyone - each individual body has different needs. For some opeople, it may be normal to have a bwel movement 2-3 times per day - for others the normal pattern is 2-3 times per week.

So how do you know if you are constipated, or if your body is simply carrying on it's normal function? The signs of constipation include bloating, discomfort, and stools that are hard, dry, and lumpy and are usually hard to pass. For most of your life, you have probably been inundated with ads for laxatives. Laxatives, however, are not always the answer. These ads often refer to "once a day" as the norm for everyone - however, if your normal frequency is naturally less than this, you should not try to force your body to defecate more frequently.

The main risk with laxatives is that once you begin taking it once a day to force your body to defecate, your body can become dependent on the laxatives and your system will be more likely to get off-balance. So, you should check with your physician before beginning a regular regimen of laxatives - and you should also take into account, not only the frequency of your bowel movement, but also the factors listed above.

Home Remedies for Constipation

Before the world was filled with so many medications, people relieved the symptoms of constipation in more natural ways. Home remedies for constipation can include the following:

Aloe Vera juice - helps to heal and clean the digestive system when take twice a day. One of the best home remedies for constipation
Apple Pectin - brings fiber into the body which helps relieve constipation
Folic Acid - constipation can be caused by a lack of folic acid
Corn Syrup - add one tablespoon to 8 oz of water (one tablespoon can also be added to baby's bottle to relieve constipation)
Sugar - add extra sugar to a glass of milk and drink twice daily
Honey - add honey to a glass of milk and drink twice daily. One of the good home remedies for constipation
Lemon juice - drink with warm water 2-3 times daily
Triphala Churna - consists of the herbs Harre, Bahera, and Amla - ground into a powder and taken with warm water or milk at bedtime

Diet plays a very important part in the relief of constipation. Many home remedies for constipation involve adding certain foods to your diet or eating certain foods regularly to maintain regular bowel movements.

Foods to add to your diet include:

Liquids - dehydration is one of the most common causes of constipation
Fiber - 25-35 grams of fiber should be consumed daily. Some foods that are a good source of fiber include pinto beans, wheat bran cereal, banana, prunes, apples.
Fresh fruits - Fresh fruits are an important part of a healthy diet. Fruits such as apples, prunes, figs, and bananas help lessen the chance of constipation
Fresh vegetables - Fresh vegetables are also an important part of a healthy diet. Vegetable such as green vegetables, cabbage, peas, carrots, and sweet potatoes help lessen the chance of constipation

Foods to Avoid in Your Diet:

Dairy products - Many dairy products, such as cheese and milk can cause constipation in some people
Beans, cabbage, and cauliflower should be avoided by people who are prone to constipation
Fried foods should be avoided by people who are prone to constipation
Red meat can cause constipation
As with many illnesses, the onset or the symptoms themselves can be relieved by a healthy lifestyle - including a healthy diet and regular exercise. Not only does exercise keep your joints and muscles working properly, regular exercise also helps to keep your entire system working properly.

Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. If you are looking for more information, read about Home Remedies for Constipation at features Health Questions Q&A, Message Boards and Blogs where you can Ask, Answer and Earn Money! A great opportunity to get help from other people for free! Also featuring user submitted Home Remedies

Read through Feline Constipation - Treatment Methods for Curing Feline Constipation far more

Constipation is a malady that doesn't discriminate. It cuts across all categories of living animals and man. As long as the creature eats and digests food, it is likely to someday, somehow develop constipation. Cats are part of the animals that can be plagued by constipation. Therefore, you can say that feline constipation is a relatively common thing. Feline constipation is restricted to just the older cats even though it is more rampant and widespread among them that in the younger kittens.

Cats generally have a predictable pattern of lifestyle. They use the litter box about twice a day as their bowel movements are about the same period too. If there's a sudden change in this habit, then you could say that it is constipating.

The common symptoms associated with feline constipation include

Frequency to the litter box. A cat doesn't just go to the litter box anyhow. So, when you notice it is doing that a lot without successfully passing out any stool, then you know it is suffering from constipation. If it does, it may just pass out some milky stool and in extreme cases, it might be mixed with blood.
Loss of interest in food. A cat that is constipating may not have the desire to eat. If it does, it will take less than the normal quantity it consumes.
Less active. Cats suffering from constipation tend to be lethargic and lonesome. They are usually less than their normal active self.

Therefore, when you notice these symptoms, don't assume it is diarrhea because of the passing of mucus containing a tinge of blood.

Cats suffer from three types of bowel disorder:

Megacolon caused by the expanding or dilation of the colon as a result of the strain involved in trying to pass out feces. Most cats with Megacolon suffer consistently from constipation. But not all cats that suffer constipation have megacolons.

Constipation is a result of the cat not being able to pass out feces

Obstipation is the complete blockage of the colon resulting in little to no bowel movement

The major causes of feline constipation are dehydration, hygiene, diet, and lack of exercise. Cats tend to be choosy about their litter box. So, a dirty litter box can be repulsive to a cat and it would rather not "go" than use a dirty litter box. Also, feeding cats with foods rich in fat and salt makes them dehydrate.

To treat the cat requires some simple steps. Take the cat to the veterinarian so he can determine the cause of the constipation and administer adequate treatment. Avoid feeding the cat with dry foods instead. Include lots of water in their diet and you'll have less incidence of feline constipation.


For More information on How to Cure feline Constipation fast, Visit Your One-stop resource to Constipation Remedies.

Feline Constipation - Treatment Methods for Curing Feline Constipation

Read through Is There A "Best" Cure For Constipation? a lot more

There are many proposed cures for constipation, but is there really a best cure for constipation? Out of the bunch can any one method be singled out as a surefire cure for digestive troubles? There are both advantages and disadvantages to the various cures for constipation.

One of the common methods to cure constipation is to change your diet. The standard Western diet includes too many processed foods and too little nutrients. An absence of fiber in the diet can contribute to constipation as well as an increase in water intake. These dietary changes are the most natural, least invasive and least expensive. However, fiber and water might not help with chronic constipation. Many people increase fiber and water in their diet only to find out that they still have trouble from time to time. If this method is unreliable, it shouldn't be considered.

Some people think laxatives are good and easy for constipation. Laxatives work in a few different ways. Some bulk the stool and help your intestines retain water. Others stimulate bowel contractions by irritating nerve endings in the intestines. There are herbal laxatives and man made laxatives. The biggest problem with laxatives is that people can become dependent on them for bowel movements. If you don't treat the core cause of constipation, you'll have to use laxatives again and again to gain relief from the symptoms. Some people have actually become addicted to laxatives and permanently affected their ability to have bowel movements naturally.

Laxatives can also cause side effects that are more uncomfortable than the constipation itself. Depending on the type of laxative you use, you might experience everything from excess gas to nausea and headaches. Some other common symptoms are intestinal cramps, feeling lightheaded, migraines, bloating and diarrhea. These side effects definitely take laxatives out of the running for the best cure for constipation.

Prescription drugs seemed like welcome relief for people suffering from chronic constipation. These drugs created bowel movements by effecting chemicals in your intestines to create bowel contractions. They were intended to regulate bowel movements and help people overcome chronic constipation. However, prescription drugs are far from being the best cure for chronic constipation. Their side effects include migraines, nausea, diarrhea and dry mouth, just to name a few.

The bad news is that most conventional methods for constipation relief don't treat the underlying cause of constipation. The good news is that cures for constipation do exists. They should treat the root causes, instead of just the symptoms.

Constipation Relief
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Is There A "Best" Cure For Constipation?

Go through Cat Constipation far more

Normally a cat has bowel movements once or twice a day. If the pet does not do it or strain to do it with hard feces, the cat is suffering from Constipation. It is a very common problem with cats and an occasional bout of Constipation is nothing to worry about.

But when a cat is chronically constipated it needs serious attention. As the cats age they are more prone to this problem. There are quite a few causes of Cat Constipation. Obstructions like hairballs, tumors and foreign bodies stop the movement of the feces inside the colon, and the fecal matter builds up. This becomes a hard dry mass and distends the colon, which looses its ability to contract and expel feces. This condition is known as megacolon.

When the cats are constipated they behave in a typical manner. They run to their litter box quite often and strain to pass stool. They make noise and start licking the anal area. They lose their appetite and become sluggish. Vomiting and passing a small amount of liquid feces is quite common.

If the Constipation is not very severe, an enema will clear the colon. Hard impacted feces may have to be physically removed in a veterinary clinic under anesthesia. Intravenous liquid is also given to prevent dehydration.

After the bout of Constipation is cleared, the underlying problem, like obstruction in the colon, has to be tackled. For the cats suffering from megacolon or an untreatable or unknown problem, a management regime has to be adopted. A high-fiber diet increases the bulk and assists in bowel movement. Increase the liquid consumption of the cat by feeding canned cat food rather than dry. Milk and soup can also be tried. We have to try and get the cat to consume liquid by a means that the cat likes.

If the megacolon is advanced, no amount of management can make it propel the stool to the exit. The only alternative is surgery. The colon is removed, and most surgeries are successful.

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Cat Constipation

Understand Constipation Hemorrhoids - How to Get Permanent Relief Naturally & Fast more

The types of hemorrhoids that people usually form are constipation hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are caused by too much pressure being placed on the pelvic and anus areas. This can be caused by straining to make a bowl movement. Often constipation causes straining. If you have hemorrhoids, the best way to treatment is to treat the symptom(s) causing them. 

The best way to treat constipation is to treat it naturally. This can be done by eating fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and bran products. Avoid drinking sodas and caffeinated beverages. Try to not eat processed food and other junk food. Drink plenty of water. Maintain a healthy exercise routine.

After determining the cause of the hemorrhoids and taking the measures to correct the problem, you will still be left with the hemorrhoids. To make them heal quickly, try using natural remedies that will work safely and efficiently. Some of those natural cures are: Witch Hazel, Aloe Vera, Sitz baths, Butcher's Broom, Horse Chestnut, Venapro, and H Miracle. Many of these work just as well if not better than over the counter or prescribed medicated treatments. Not only are natural treatments safer and often more effective, they are also usually cheaper and can be used for a wide variety of ailments.

Do not use expansive treatments that can contain harmful chemicals to treat hemorrhoids. 

First determine the source of the hemorrhoids, treat the root problem, and then heal the hemorrhoids naturally. With Constipation hemorrhoids, treatment can be effective, harmless and permanent using natural products.

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Constipation Hemorrhoids - How to Get Permanent Relief Naturally & Fast

Read Bloody Stool - Am I Going to Die? extra

Constipation Relief

Hemorrhoids are embarrassing to talk about and their very mention might even elicit some laughter in certain more juvenile circles. However, for those who suffer from this painful affliction, hemorrhoids are no laughing matter at all. One of the most common causes of Hemorrhoids are constipation and hard stools. By straining too much when you are trying to go, you end up pushing your hemorrhoidal arteries out of your rectum, which then leads to the painful itching and irritation along with blood in your stools. The double edged sword to this is the fact that hard stools are signs of an unhealthy digestive system which can lead to further health problems (toxic build up, higher cancer risk) down the road.

One of the best way to get rid of your hemorrhoidal problem is to address your very unhealthy constipation and hard stool problem. You can do this by finding ways to increase you fiber intake. Soluble fiber and water will help make your stools softer, which will then make them easier for you to pass without straining too much. This will also help you better eliminate toxic buildup in your body.

Here are some good ways in which you can find constipation relief naturally

Psyllium: This is a mild laxative used for constipation and is found in many commercial colon cleansing and constipation relief products. You should see results 12 to 24 hours after taking 5 to 10 grams with a class of water.

Cascara: is a Chinese remedy to help soften your stools. You can take a 1/4 teaspoon to a full teaspoon a day along with 8 glasses of water a day for up to 10 days.

Dong Quai: A member of the celery family, Dong Quai is also a traditional Chinese remedy for constipation. It is available in capsule, powder and tea form. You can also make your own tea by mixing 1/2 teaspoon of the herb with water.

Golden Seal: This popular herb is also a good for constipation. It comes in tablet and bulk powder forms and you can take 4 to 6 grams a day for up to 3 weeks

Yellow Dock: Take two capsule twice a day for mild constipation

Honorable mentions include:

Senna, Bryonia, Alder buckthorn, Silicea, Aloe, Dandelion and Fenugreek

Making sure that you are eating a proper diet rich in dietary fiber and low in processed foods will also help keep you regular and prevent flare ups. You can also try eating a banana on an empty stomach to help soften things up a bit as well as get your daily dose of potassium.

Yulia Berry is an independent health researcher and author of the best selling e-book on aloe vera - Aloe - Your Miracle Doctor. She distributes a weekly newsletter regarding great home remedies and has written another popular e-book 'Pharmacy in Vegetables' and dozens of natural health articles published on hundreds of websites worldwide.

Bloody Stool - Am I Going to Die?

Constipation Relief

Examine Natural Constipation Relief: Find The Best Constipation Treatment additional

Constipation is a frequent problem that can affect anyone regardless of age and sex. This is a difficult experience that is accompanied by several discomforts. Often than not, you would want to have the best relief at the earliest possible time. However, taking prescription medicines is quite troublesome. Aside from having to consult your physician, there are a number of side effects associated with these agents. This makes natural constipation relief agents a first choice.

There are lots of available natural constipation relief products that provide effective remedy for constipation. You simply have to ensure that the product your using is the right one for your unique condition.

Natural Laxative Smooth Oral

One of the most popular natural constipation reliefs is the naturally formulated laxatives. These products are taken orally at least three times a day or as directed by the packet insert while some doctors would prescribe specific dosage intended for unique conditions. It is not uncommon for doctors to recommend dosage more than what the products insert says. This is definitely true with chronic cases that require extra amounts of laxative agents.

To make these laxative products work, you need to take it together with large volumes of water. Whether it is in liquid, wafers, or chewable tablet forms, it requires an increased fluid intake to take full effect. It is even advisable that you consume at least a large glass of water right after taking these products.

Most of these natural products have a packet insert that determines the recommended dosage for your age and medical condition. Sometimes you would need to use the product for a longer period of time to attain a regular bowel movement.

Senokot S Natural Source Laxative Plus Softener

This is another effective way of providing natural constipation relief. These stool softeners are taken before sleeping that works overnight by maintaining the fluidity of the fecal matter. Some find this kind of medications helpful especially in relieving transient bouts of constipation. Doctors and pharmacists would recommend the use of these products before trying other potent prescription medications. If you don't want to seek medical help, this would be the best choice for you.

Although natural laxative products are great in providing immediate relief for constipation, maintaining proper and physical activity remains to be the best natural constipation relief. It is recommended that the diet be packed with fiber-rich food products, increasing intake of liquid, and improving the quality of physical activity through regular exercise. These simple measures will definitely prevent the recurrence of constipation in the future.

A visit to your doctor will guarantee that you are hitting on the right natural constipation relief for your specific medical condition. Usually, constipation is an unrelenting problem that affects your overall wellbeing. It can even lead into some serious conditions if left untreated for a long time. Chronic constipation that recurs repeatedly could have an underlying serious health problem. This usually needs an immediate medical attention to prevent further complications. So if natural constipation relief does not provide a permanent effect, you might need to set a schedule with your doctor.

Constipation Relief

If you want to get the best natural constipation remedies,please visit my blog at I have been researching constipation remedies and natural constipation treatment for quite long time to solve my problem, you can view some videos to learn more how to treat constipation with health diet plan.

Natural Constipation Relief: Find The Best Constipation Treatment

Read Feline Constipation - Treatment Methods for Curing Feline Constipation much more

Constipation is a malady that doesn't discriminate. It cuts across all categories of living animals and man. As long as the creature eats and digests food, it is likely to someday, somehow develop constipation. Cats are part of the animals that can be plagued by constipation. Therefore, you can say that feline constipation is a relatively common thing. Feline constipation is restricted to just the older cats even though it is more rampant and widespread among them that in the younger kittens.

Cats generally have a predictable pattern of lifestyle. They use the litter box about twice a day as their bowel movements are about the same period too. If there's a sudden change in this habit, then you could say that it is constipating.

The common symptoms associated with feline constipation include

Frequency to the litter box. A cat doesn't just go to the litter box anyhow. So, when you notice it is doing that a lot without successfully passing out any stool, then you know it is suffering from constipation. If it does, it may just pass out some milky stool and in extreme cases, it might be mixed with blood.
Loss of interest in food. A cat that is constipating may not have the desire to eat. If it does, it will take less than the normal quantity it consumes.
Less active. Cats suffering from constipation tend to be lethargic and lonesome. They are usually less than their normal active self.

Therefore, when you notice these symptoms, don't assume it is diarrhea because of the passing of mucus containing a tinge of blood.

Cats suffer from three types of bowel disorder:

Megacolon caused by the expanding or dilation of the colon as a result of the strain involved in trying to pass out feces. Most cats with Megacolon suffer consistently from constipation. But not all cats that suffer constipation have megacolons.

Constipation is a result of the cat not being able to pass out feces

Obstipation is the complete blockage of the colon resulting in little to no bowel movement

The major causes of feline constipation are dehydration, hygiene, diet, and lack of exercise. Cats tend to be choosy about their litter box. So, a dirty litter box can be repulsive to a cat and it would rather not "go" than use a dirty litter box. Also, feeding cats with foods rich in fat and salt makes them dehydrate.

To treat the cat requires some simple steps. Take the cat to the veterinarian so he can determine the cause of the constipation and administer adequate treatment. Avoid feeding the cat with dry foods instead. Include lots of water in their diet and you'll have less incidence of feline constipation.


For More information on How to Cure feline Constipation fast, Visit Your One-stop resource to Constipation Remedies.

Feline Constipation - Treatment Methods for Curing Feline Constipation

Understand Digestion Problems - Constipation, Causes And Aid additional


Who ever said that constipation was a good feeling? With the condition, you have to endure the unpleasant feeling of being unable to pass toxic materials out of your body. The straining, the bloated feeling and the sensation of incomplete emptying are a few of the symptoms an individual may feel. Consequently, daily activities and work performance are greatly disrupted.

Significantly, constipation varies with every individual and the effect is also distinct for each person. The duration attributed to this condition also differs with every underlying cause; that is why it is best to ascertain what causes the constipation.

Proven as the number one cause of constipation is the lack of adequate fiber in one's diet; the fiber serves as nature's natural sweeper which acts on giving the bulk and soft texture of stool. Eating more vegetables and fruits will eliminate constipation as well as avoiding processed and refined foods; diets high in fat have also been proven to be the culprit behind constipation. Additionally, drinking plenty of water will also make the difference as water lubricates the intestines; this way, it will be easier for the stools to pass. However, it is also necessary to avoid drinking fluids with caffeine and alcohol as these substances make one dehydrated. Accordingly, when one is dehydrated, he will probably be constipated.

When one undergoes a major event in life, constipation can also occur. When an individual travels, the routine is drastically changed. The urge of eliminating is also sometimes delayed because for a handful of people, making use of public toilets could be difficult. For others, the stress involved and probably the hectic schedule are reasons given to postpone elimination.

Conditions such as pregnancy and surgical operations can also mean constipation. During pregnancy, hormonal changes and the uterus pressing on the makes it difficult for stools to be eliminated; as a result, constipation happens. Meanwhile, a disturbed order of intestines could reflect the reason behind post-operative constipation; aging related to slowed metabolism can also be a factor.

Unfortunately, effective coping is the only answer for constipation brought about by life changes. For cases of pregnancy and aging, proper food and water intake as well as mild to moderate exercise will help relieve the symptoms but generally, constipation will persist as these conditions progress.

Finally, diseases and drugs at the same time can cause constipation. Mostly, the diseases would have something to do with disorders of the nervous and circulatory systems such as paralysis and diabetes. Doctors prescribe certain laxatives but the abuse of such can also bring about constipation problems. Undeniably, diseases concerning the digestive organs such as intestinal obstruction and tumors are also causative agents. Surgical interventions are needed. On the other hand, the problems with medication side effect can only be relieved by either searching for another alternative drug or drinking lots of water to somehow relieve the problem.

Click [] to find information about really powerful alternative remedies for digestion problems [].

Digestion Problems - Constipation, Causes And Aid


Read through Medications to Treat Acid Reflux, Heartburn and Indigestion additional

Is heartburn keeping you up at night? Do your get acid reflux after every meal you eat? Have you tried treating your symptoms naturally with no avail? Then it may be time to try a medication for acid reflux. If your indigestion occurs daily or more than three times a week then it's recommended to start a heartburn medication. Most acid reflux medications are available over the counter (OTC), but if symptoms of heartburn persist then it may be time to check in with your doctor as this maybe indicative of a much more serious problem than indigestion.

AntacidsAntacids are the most popular heartburn indigestion medication available over the counter. Antacids should be taken for fast acting relief in mild cases of acid reflux that are isolated in occurrence. They will give immediate and short-lived relief of symptoms of heartburn and indigestion. The ingredients include magnesium and aluminum which neutralizes stomach acid giving the sufferer immediate relief. Liquid antacids may also contain sodium alginate, which provides a protective coating over the esophagus and stomach lining. Antacids cannot reduce inflammation in the esophagus, so once they are out of your system symptoms may reoccur. Overuse of antacids can cause diarrhea, constipation, and in some cases electrolyte imbalances. Commonly known antacids include Tums, Maalox, Rolaids, and Mylanta and are available at any drugstore, grocery store, gas station, and convenient store.

Oral Suspension MedicationsOral suspension medications are sometimes used as a replacement for antacids in the treatment of heartburn, indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, and throat, stomach and intestinal ulcers. They are liquid medications that stop the symptoms quickly and effectively by coating the inside of the esophagus. Oral suspension medicines are short lived, because once the coating wears off symptoms may return. This type of medicine should only be used for people who experience symptoms less than a couple times a week or a month. Common oral suspension drugs include Pepto Bismol and Carafate.

H2 Receptor AntagonistsH2 receptor antagonist medicines used to require a prescription, but have since been moved to over the counter. They work by blocking H2 receptors on stomach cells. It is these cells when stimulated by histamines that generate acid. So when H2 receptor antagonists attach to these cells they block the production of acid. This medication provides longer lasting relief than antacids, however they take longer to take effect. Therefore you have to take the medication 30 minutes before eating or before sleeping. H2 receptor antagonists are effective for mild acid reflux, which occurs a couple times a month. Some side effects may occur such as diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, and tiredness. Common brand names include Zantac, Pepcid AC, and Tagamet.

Proton Pump InhibitorsProton pump inhibitors are the most common used medication for acid reflux because they are safe and are available both by prescription and over the counter. It works by shutting down the proton pump system within the stomach that generates acid. Proton pump inhibitors are available in tablets, capsules, powder, and injections. In addition to treating acid reflux, these medications also treat stomach ulcers and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome a very rare condition related to the stomach. In addition to relieving symptoms of acid reflux. It also helps heal damaged esophageal tissue from acid erosion. Therefore proton pump inhibitors should only be taken by people who experience frequent and severe symptoms of heartburn. Side effects are rare but may include diarrhea, constipation, stomach pains, drowsiness, dizziness and headaches. Popular brands include Prilosec, which is available over the counter, Prevacid and Nexium, which require a prescription.

Tell your doctor before starting any new medications. If symptoms persist after starting a new treatment regiment consult your physician immediately as this may be a sign of a more serious problem.

Immediate Constipation Relief

Graduated with a BA in exercise science and have worked in the medical field since. My focus is alternative medicine however all aspects of health interest me. Check out my health website!

Medications to Treat Acid Reflux, Heartburn and Indigestion

Immediate Constipation Relief

Examine Breastfeeding and Constipation far more

Constipation in exclusively breastfed babies is very rare; breast milk is a natural laxative which helps in maintaining the softness of stool and also moving it effectively through the intestines. However, in babies who are given formula along with breast milk, the instances of constipation are common as the constituents of formula can often slow down the digestive system of the baby. Cow's milk is another common irritant which can lead to constipation in babies and should ideally be avoided for infants.

What Signals Constipation in Babies and How Can it be Treated?

It is easy to misinterpret normal digestive cycle of a baby as constipation. It is absolutely normal for a young infant to pass stool once in a week or two. Babies who are exclusively breastfed do not have much waste matter to pass out. Breast milk is very easily digestible and almost all of it is absorbed by the body as nutrients, this leads to very little stool formation, which in turns makes the baby pass stool after long intervals. If the stool is soft and is not causing unnecessary discomfort to your baby while passing it out, then constipation can be easily ruled out.

Hard pellet like stool which is dry and flaky and causes acute discomfort to the baby while passing it out signifies constipation and should be treated if it lasts long. Generally formula or cow's milk are the culprits causing constipation these should be stopped immediately and the amount of breast feed increased, this generally takes care of the problem.

Over the counter medication, glycerin suppositories, syrups can all be helpful in treating constipation in babies; however they should be given only after consulting your physician. Most of the times constipation in breast fed babies is temporary and goes away naturally without any medical intervention.

Constipation in Breastfeeding Mothers

The bodies of breastfeeding mothers focus almost solely on the well being of the babies and every part works together to help produce more milk for the baby. This can lead to all the fluids in a mother's body being used up for producing milk. You might feel you are taking adequate fluids and yet could get highly constipated as fluids are all used up for the production of life giving milk for your baby. Hence the need for some constipation relieving foods which could help you in passing stools normally.

Foods that Help

Prune juice: A glass of prune juice is a sure shot way of getting your colon cleared up within a couple of hours. However, this is a measure that should be used only as a last resort.

Lemon juice: Drinking lemon juice squeezed in hot water twice a day is an effective way of warding off constipation.

Vegetables: Steamed broccoli, cauliflower when teamed with ginger and olive oil can help in clearing the colon. Red beets should be eaten at least thrice a day for an efficient digestive system. Drinking home made fresh vegetable juices is a great way of providing the required roughage and fiber to your body.

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Breastfeeding and Constipation

Read through Diarrhea Relief - Discover 6 Natural Cures to Stop It a lot more

Diarrhea can be very unpleasant and frustrating. As a result, it is usually accompanied with an urgent need to get rid of it. I am going to reveal 6 natural cures to stop diarrhea.

Infuse a teaspoon of herbs of dried sweet flag roots with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 6-8 hours to brew. Drink one fourth of a glass of decoction 3 times a day before meal.
Infuse 3 tablespoons of a mix of herbs of tops of field horsetail and common yarrow with 3 glasses of cold water. Boil a tincture on a small fire for 15 minutes. Leave the decoction for 15 minutes to brew and decant the mix. Drink small mouthfuls of the tincture within a day.
Infuse a tablespoon of tops of Creeping-Jenny with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 2-3 hours to brew. Drink one third of a glass of the tincture 3 times a day before meal.
Infuse a tablespoon of granulated tops of common wormwood with 2 glasses of boiling water. Leave for 3 hours to brew. Afterwards decant the decoction and drink half of a glass of the tincture 3 times a day before meal.
Mix 2 tablespoons of granulated oak bark with 2 glasses of water. Boil the mix on a small fire for 10 minutes. Leave the tincture for 10 minutes to brew and decant it. Take a tablespoon of the decoction 3 times a day.
Fill a jar with fresh bilberries and infuse with vodka. Place the jar in a dark place. The temperature does not matter - you can leave it in a room or put it in an icebox. Take 3 tablespoons of infusion (1 tablespoon for a child) once a day.

Arta enjoys writing articles on diverse topics related to the health, beauty, exercises. Her website contains information on the best nursing bras and great deals on Bravado nursing bra.

Diarrhea Relief - Discover 6 Natural Cures to Stop It

Immediate Constipation Relief

Read through Beating Constipation through Proper Herbal Supplements extra

Immediate Constipation Relief

While not everyone will openly admit it but constipation does happens to all of us at least once and awhile. It's nothing to be scared of either. It's just our bodies warning us that our diet and lifestyle is creating an imbalance in our systems. Unfortunately, it is a symptom that many of us choose to ignore or, worse yet; try to get rid of through using unnatural and oftentimes dangerous drugstore laxatives.

To keep our bodies in proper healthy balance, health professionals recommend using only natural remedies to cure constipation such as herbs and foods that provide the colon with nutrients that can build up your natural peristaltic action. There are a variety of different herbal therapies shown to be useful in the treatment of constipation. They work wonders in keeping the body healthy and supporting its most basic processes.

Here is just one way you can use natural herbal supplements as a colon cleanser or as a way to rid yourself of constipation:
When it comes to getting rid of constipation nothing works better than a bulk laxative and psyllium is considered the best herbal cure for doing just that. There are a few drug companies who produce fiber laxatives out of psyllium. Their products can be found at any drug or health food store. Simply read the instructions for the proper dosage and correct way to take it.

As you are looking for and questioning about which herbs work best, you'll begin to notice that there are a large number of ones that will work as a laxative for you but not all of them are as gentle as you may like. As a matter of fact there are quite a few which can be dangerously powerful such as senna and should only be taken under the guidance of a doctor. Others can create irritation issues with your colon and intestines. Find a laxative is gentle and still effective such as licorice.

Now that you made a decision about which laxative you're gonna go with, it can't hurt to do a little more research about that herb. Find this kind of information either in a book of herbs or on a website written by a qualified herbalist that specializes on the subject matter. It wouldn't be a bad idea to inform your doctor that you are taking laxatives.

Now that you have picked the laxative you are going to use, you'll next need to find a corrective herb such as peppermint and ginger. A corrective herb works great for helping with any unpleasant side effects such as excess gas, nausea and intestinal spasms.

In addition to taking an herbal laxative, eat a diet rich in fiber, drink plenty of water, and get some exercise. If you experience any kind of health problems or if your constipation persists, get in contact with your doctor. Make sure you tell them about any herbs you are taking so they can properly diagnose if they are any side effects for you to worry about.

Visit the experts at Dual Action Cleanse at Dual Action Cleanse's all-natural colon cleanser has changed hundreds of thousands of people's lives through gentle and effective whole body safe and effective body detox

Beating Constipation through Proper Herbal Supplements

Immediate Constipation Relief

Read Alternative Medicine, Home Remedies for Mouth Ulcers Relief much more

Immediate Constipation Relief

The open sores which appear in the mouth are called as mouth ulcers. They are white or yellow in color, and are generally accompanied with a sharp pain, which is felt most when the person is eating. The pain is quite acute when salty or spicy food passes over the ulcer. Mouth ulcers can occur anywhere in the mouth - on the inner surface of the cheeks, lips, tongue, palate and at the base of the gums.

Mouth ulcers are caused due to vitiation of the pitta dosha. The condition is called as Mukha Paaka in Sanskrit. There are several factors that can cause it. Some of them are as follows:-

1 Wrong diet

2 Digestive problems such as constipation

3 Hormonal imbalances, especially during puberty in girls

4 Anemia

5 Constant stress

6 Hereditary factors

7 Infection of the herpes simplex virus

8 Irritation by some chemicals, tobacco and alcohol

(1) Useful Herbs in the Treatment of Mouth Ulcers

1. Banyan (Ficus religiosa)

A decoction of the bark of the banyan tree reduces the pain caused by mouth ulcers.

2. Chebulic Myrobalan (Terminalia chebula)

The chebulic myrobalan is a component of the Triphala choorna, of which the amalaki is also an essential component. Its bark helps in reducing the pain of the ulcers. It also helps in correcting the constipation problems which causes ulcers.

3. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum)

Fenugreek leaves help in the treatment of mouth ulcers. An infusion of these leaves is used for gargling. Fenugreek is a strong agent on the ulcers. Hence it is used as a remedy for recurrent ulcers.

4. Henna (Lawsonium alba)

Henna is a cooling herb. It can provide a soothing effect on the ulcers. It is used with water for gargling.

5. Indian Gooseberry (Emblica officinalis)

The Indian gooseberry or amalaki has a dual effect on ulcers. Used as a gargling solution, it can relax the pain of the ulcers. Secondly it can deal with constipation, which is generally one of the important factors causing ulcers in the mouth.

6. Kattha (Acacia catechu)

Kattha is an extract of the Acacia catechu plant, known commonly in the west as the catechu plant. This has astringent properties. It has a special place in Ayurvedic medicine in oral treatment. It is used in many forms for the treatment of ulcers.

7. Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Licorice is used for several oral and dental problems. It is a component of several toothpaste brands. Its stem and leaves cleanse the mouth effectively. Apart from controlling the sores, it can refresh the mouth and cleanse the teeth.

8. Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

Turmeric is also a cooling agent. It helps in relieving mouth ulcers. It is mixed in water and the suspension is used for gargling.

(2) Dietary Treatments for Mouth Ulcers

Digestive problems are the leading causes for mouth ulcers. If an oral ulcer occurs suddenly, then it could be due to excessive heat generated in the body due to consuming hot food.

1. When ulcers occur in the mouth, hot and spicy food must be stopped immediately. These will aggravate the pains of the ulcers. Caffeine and tea must also be stopped.

2. Consuming more greens in the diet helps to be ever-protected from ulcers. Greens also provide the necessary fiber for the movement of bowels. This prevents constipation.

3. It is advisable to stop fatty food - especially that which contains oils - till the time the ulcers have healed.

4. Papaya is a very good fruit to be consumed when you have mouth ulcers. It soothes the mouth ulcers and helps in their quick recovery. Yam is also beneficial for mouth ulcer problems.

(3) Ayurvedic Treatments for Mouth Ulcers

Ayurveda prescribes the Irimedadi tailam for local application over the mouth ulcers. It gives relief from the pains and assists in speedy recovery. Instead of Irimedadi tailam, camphor powder can also be applied on the ulcers.

(4) Home Remedies for Mouth Ulcers

1. Grind the leaves of the Indian plum (jambula). Exude their paste in water and gargle with this water. It will give immediate relief from the pains of the mouth ulcers.

2. Gargling with the water of the adulsa (Justicia adhadota) also brings about an immediate relief from the mouth ulcer pains.

3. Mix the peel of a lemon with white catechu. Grind them into a very fine paste. Apply this directly on the ulcer. The ulcer will get treated almost immediately.

4. Take two to three leaves of the guava tree and some catechu. Chomp them together. This will cure even the most persistent of ulcers within a few days.

5. Mix some catechu in water till it gets a pasty consistency. Apply this paste on the ulcers.

6. Mix a ripe banana in curds that have been prepared from cow's milk. Eat this as a dessert.

It will bring about a permanent solution to the oral ulcer problems.

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Alternative Medicine, Home Remedies for Mouth Ulcers Relief