Young or old, constipation spares no one. It is one of the most common digestive disorders and is characterized by the inability to defecate on a regular basis. Stool is hard to pass because it is hard and dry. Chronic constipation can cause headaches, bad breath, stomach pains, bloating and uneasiness. You can avoid these discomforts if you know how to prevent constipation in the first place.
A major cause of constipation is lack of water. You can prevent constipation by drinking 2 liters of water daily. You can drink a glass or two at a time throughout the day. Start your day by drinking two glasses of warm water early in the morning.
Aside from water, you can also drink fruit juices and eat vegetables and fruits that are rich in fiber. Dietary fiber adds bulk and helps loosen your stool. Fiber also reduces indigestion and stimulates bowel movement. If the colon's muscle contractions are sluggish, the colon will absorb too much water from the feces. The result is stool that is hard, dry and difficult to evacuate.
Whole wheat bread, cereals and whole wheat grains add fiber that can help prevent constipation. Prepare a natural remedy for digestive problems by mixing seeds of sunflower, sesame, linseed, almonds or flax seeds. A teaspoon of this mixture daily will aid in relieving constipation. Don't forget to drink plenty of water.
Probiotics or good bacteria in your digestive system will help keep you regular. Live bacterial cultures of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus are found in fermented dairy products such as yogurt. They are beneficial in treating digestive disorders.
A healthy lifestyle includes regular exercise. Plan an exercise program that is appropriate for your physical condition and age. Your exercise routine should be easy to maintain, otherwise you will not stick to it. Walking is an excellent form of exercise that can be done by practically anybody.
Exercise helps to prevent constipation by keeping the muscles of the intestines in good working order. This is true especially for exercises that focus on the abdominal region. Invalids and elderly people are often constipated because they have poor muscle tone in their digestive tract due to lack of exercise. Exercise and a healthy diet are two of the best natural ways to avoid constipation.
There are other ways to prevent constipation. Before taking medication, find out if there are any possible side effects. Some types of medicine can make you constipated. In that case, take the necessary steps to prevent or reduce the side effect. Finally, when you feel the urge to go, don't ignore it. Constipation is often the result of not moving your bowels when it is time to go.
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