Stemming from the days of Hippocrates, baths have been prescribed for a variety of ailments. Among the most common ailments are dry/ itchy skin conditions, joint or back pain, insomnia and yes of course a hemorrhoid bath to relieve swelling, pain and infection. Soaking aching feet in a warm bath is common as well as relieving cramps, the pains of childbirth and eczema and hives. By placing the affected area in a bath of water, one is able to increase the blood circulation to this area and encourage healing all the while relieving the discomfort.
For anyone that suffers from any of the above problems, attesting to the relief a warm bath brings is a given. When one is contemplating a hemorrhoid bath, there are a few different options available. Maybe the easiest and most common is to fill your bathtub with warm, not hot, water and sit in it for at least fifteen minutes a day, three to four days a week. The other version includes a basin that is shaped to fit a toilet seat. This basin in place over the toilet seat opening, then a bag, usually similar to an IV bag, is hung either on a towel rack or shower rod to make sure it is above head level. From this bag runs a plastic tube that will drain the water from the bag into the basin, squirting water in the direction of the discomfort. Performing this sitz bath daily is a great way to obtain relief and heal hemorrhoids.
The cause of hemorrhoids is varied but can include straining in the bathroom due to constipation or diarrhea, childbirth secondary to pushing the baby out, being overweight or standing for extreme amounts of time. Of course, relief is necessary and a hemorrhoid bath helps, but prevention is the key. Elimination of and/ or prevention of hemorrhoids is the goal and to achieve this one must identify the cause and correct the issue. If it is constipation or diarrhea then one must take the appropriate measures to cure this disorder. Childbirth is self limiting, but if your occupation causes you to stand for most of the day, you must devise ways to eliminate the extent maybe through frequent, shorter breaks.
Whatever your ailment or reason for hemorrhoids, they can be one of the most uncomfortable situations that must be endured. By taking steps to eliminate the cause, prevent further formation and taking a frequent hemorrhoid bath, one will be able to tolerate the discomfort until the situation has cleared up. If hemorrhoids seem to be a chronic, recurring problem, further medical assistance is advised.
Also pay close attention bellow...
There is a foolproof guaranteed way to Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids.
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