Study Insomnia Relates to Anxiety, Constipation and Dry Skin According To Ayurveda extra

It is estimated fifteen to twenty million americans struggle with insomnia which may lead to headaches, dry skin,constipation,anxiety, depression and body pain.

The less sleep you get, the less well you are able to deal with stress and the more difficult it is to fall or stay asleep. Chronic insomnia may also result from chronic anxiety, fear, tension, depression, and other psychological problems, drug abuse and dependence (including sleeping pills), or other chronic illness that causes nighttime symptoms of pain and distress.
In natural-medicine systems such as Ayurveda, sleep is one of the important components a person needs to restore and maintain physical and mental health. New studies show that chronic sleep deprivation, which may be due to insomnia, affects the immune system and our ability to stay alert and concentrate. Inadequate sleep may be responsible for poor productivity, irritability, and a large portion of accidents on the road, on the job, and at work.

If you are questioning the adequacy of your sleep, ask yourself, Do I need an alarm clock to wake up every morning? If so, you are not getting adequate sleep. Do you wake up refreshed and energetic? If you are, then you needn't worry about getting enough sleep. Your "insomnia" means you are trying to fall asleep too early, or get up later than your body needs you to.
However, if you do suffer from occasional insomnia, or sleep fitfully and wake up tired, Ayurvedic self-care measures and remedies can help you restore a normal sleep schedule and awaken refreshed rather than exhausted. Instead of "knocking you out," as habit-forming conventional medicines tend to do, Ayurvedic practices and remedies encourage the body to drift into a natural, restful sleep.

Insomnia is a classic sign of a vata imbalance and a nervous system disorder. It is estimated fifteen to twenty million americans struggle with insomnia which may lead to headaches, dry skin,constipation,anxiety, depression and body pain.So many undigested life experiences can cause insomnia-career projects, family real If you are questioning the adequacy of your sleep, ask yourself, Do I need an alarm clock to wake up every morning? If so, you are not getting adequate sleep. Do you wake up refreshed and energetic? If you are, then you needn't worry about getting enough sleep. Your "insomnia" means you are trying to fall asleep too early, or get up later than your body needs you to.

However, if you do suffer from occasional insomnia, or sleep fitfully and wake up tired, Ayurvedic self-care measures and remedies can help you restore a normal sleep schedule and awaken refreshed rather than exhausted. Instead of "knocking you out," as habit-forming conventional medicines tend to do, Ayurvedic practices and remedies encourage the body to drift into a natural, restful sleep.

Copyright © Dr. Helen Thomas 2007. All rights reserved.


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Insomnia Relates to Anxiety, Constipation and Dry Skin According To Ayurveda