Study Top 3 Solutions For a Constipation Treatment much more

Top 3 Solutions For a Constipation Treatment


Are you looking for a good constipation treatment? Do you suffer from constipation every now and then? But you are not sure which the best treatment for constipation is. The best treatment for constipation is the natural treatment. The best feature of the natural treatment is that it would not have any side effects.

You can take this treatment even at home. But if you are suffering from constipation for a long time and nothing is helping you then you need to consult a doctor. He will be the best person to suggest you about your next step. If required he might even give you some medications.

For regular and constipation free bowel movements you also need to take care of your diet. There are three ways by which you can start your constipation treatment.

- The first solution to treat constipation is drinking Aloe Vera juice. You can take the aloe vera supplement to get rid of your chronic constipation. Other than the supplement you can even drink half cup of aloe vera juice twice everyday. This will help you to soften the bowel and will also help you have regular and smooth bowel movements.

- The next solution for constipation is to boost up the fiber content in your diet. This can be done by drinking the fiber shakes everyday. The fiber shake can be made by mixing psyllium seed husks or even the powder and flax powder. This will not only help in your bowel function but will also have an effect on your overall health. To have a good bowel movement you need to have at least 40 grams of fiber each day.

- You also need to drink enough water so that the fiber itself does not harden inside the colon. Finally you need to drink magnesium oxide. This will make the bowel movement much easy and quick. Use this as constipation treatment.

How would you like to remove your constipation worries from your life? What if I said you can do it for free. You could have in your possession an Ebook that gives you the most amazing secrets to remove all signs of constipation. All for free. So to to be constipation free visit HERE

Go through Gas, Constipation, Belching and Other Digestive Problems more

Gas, Constipation, Belching and Other Digestive Problems


From your mouth to your colon, your digestive tract is loaded with bacteria and so is a common site for a variety of infections or inflammations. Other digestive problems, such as constipation and irritable bowel syndrome, are usually caused by a faulty diet. Specific food intolerances can be corrected by avoiding certain foods; lactose (in milk) and gluten (in wheat, barley and rye) cause problems for many people.

All of these digestive problems can cause inflammation, and they may keep you from getting the nutrients you need or from making good food choices. Some digestive problems are difficult to treat, while others are easy; none should be ignored. The brief summaries below highlight some of the more common digestive problems; more information is available at my web site (see the link at at the bottom of this article. Check with your doctor.

BURNING AND BELCHING: Stress does not cause stomach ulcers; they are caused by common bacteria. Anyone with belching or burning in the stomach or esophagus should be tested and most should be given the one-week course of antibiotics that treats the bacteria called Helicobacter pylori and their relatives.

GAS: Whenever you change your diet, particularly if you add foods that contain fiber, you are likely to have an increase in intestinal gas. When carbohydrates (fiber and resistant starches are not broken down and absorbed in the intestines, they pass to the colon where bacteria ferment the carbohydrates to release gas. This is perfectly healthful and the problem will probably diminish as you build up a colony of friendly bacteria in your colon. Add new foods gradually; if the problem persists, check with your doctor.

CONSTIPATION: Gas is usually not painful unless you are also constipated, with pockets of gas stretching your colon where it is trapped by hard stool. The contents of your intestines are liquid until they reach your colon, where water is absorbed and stool is formed. If you don't drink enough fluid or eat enough fiber, the stool rapidly turns into hard stones. Try avoiding all foods made with flour, eating lots of fruit, vegetables and whole grains, and drinking plenty of water. If this does not correct the problem, check with your doctor. Constant use of laxatives can deprive you of essential nutrients.

GLUTEN INTOLERANCE: In some people gas, diarrhea, cramping and failure to absorb nutrients are caused by gluten, which is found in wheat, barley and rye. You can try avoiding these foods to see if your symptoms are relieved, or your doctor can do blood tests for celiac sprue. You should also be checked for nutritional deficiencies such as lack of B12 and iron.

LACTOSE INTOLERANCE: Half of the world's population develops gas and cramping after drinking milk because they lack the intestinal enzyme that is necessary to break down the double sugar in milk called lactose. If lactose is not absorbed in the upper intestinal tract, bacteria ferment it in the colon to release gas. If you are lactose intolerant, you can avoid dairy products or buy the lactose-free milk that is widely available.

IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME, CROHN'S DISEASE, ULCERATIVE COLITIS: The term Irritable Bowel Syndrome may be used to describe alternating diarrhea and constipation that can be cured by following the dietary changes for constipation (above). However, if you have digestive problems that are chronic and disabling, you need a complete workup to find the cause; check with your doctor who will probably refer you to a gastroenterologist.

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Study Insomnia Relates to Anxiety, Constipation and Dry Skin According To Ayurveda extra

It is estimated fifteen to twenty million americans struggle with insomnia which may lead to headaches, dry skin,constipation,anxiety, depression and body pain.

The less sleep you get, the less well you are able to deal with stress and the more difficult it is to fall or stay asleep. Chronic insomnia may also result from chronic anxiety, fear, tension, depression, and other psychological problems, drug abuse and dependence (including sleeping pills), or other chronic illness that causes nighttime symptoms of pain and distress.
In natural-medicine systems such as Ayurveda, sleep is one of the important components a person needs to restore and maintain physical and mental health. New studies show that chronic sleep deprivation, which may be due to insomnia, affects the immune system and our ability to stay alert and concentrate. Inadequate sleep may be responsible for poor productivity, irritability, and a large portion of accidents on the road, on the job, and at work.

If you are questioning the adequacy of your sleep, ask yourself, Do I need an alarm clock to wake up every morning? If so, you are not getting adequate sleep. Do you wake up refreshed and energetic? If you are, then you needn't worry about getting enough sleep. Your "insomnia" means you are trying to fall asleep too early, or get up later than your body needs you to.
However, if you do suffer from occasional insomnia, or sleep fitfully and wake up tired, Ayurvedic self-care measures and remedies can help you restore a normal sleep schedule and awaken refreshed rather than exhausted. Instead of "knocking you out," as habit-forming conventional medicines tend to do, Ayurvedic practices and remedies encourage the body to drift into a natural, restful sleep.

Insomnia is a classic sign of a vata imbalance and a nervous system disorder. It is estimated fifteen to twenty million americans struggle with insomnia which may lead to headaches, dry skin,constipation,anxiety, depression and body pain.So many undigested life experiences can cause insomnia-career projects, family real If you are questioning the adequacy of your sleep, ask yourself, Do I need an alarm clock to wake up every morning? If so, you are not getting adequate sleep. Do you wake up refreshed and energetic? If you are, then you needn't worry about getting enough sleep. Your "insomnia" means you are trying to fall asleep too early, or get up later than your body needs you to.

However, if you do suffer from occasional insomnia, or sleep fitfully and wake up tired, Ayurvedic self-care measures and remedies can help you restore a normal sleep schedule and awaken refreshed rather than exhausted. Instead of "knocking you out," as habit-forming conventional medicines tend to do, Ayurvedic practices and remedies encourage the body to drift into a natural, restful sleep.

Copyright © Dr. Helen Thomas 2007. All rights reserved.


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Insomnia Relates to Anxiety, Constipation and Dry Skin According To Ayurveda

Go through Constipation - All Natural Remedies For Constipation far more

Constipation, why do we get constipated, and what can we do about it?  Constipation is an all too common digestive complaint, with symptoms of course, of the inability to have a bowel movement or having to strain to pass stools that are dry and hard. Most people normally have a bowel movement from a couple of time a day to a couple of times a week. If you are less frequent than this or find you have difficulty having a bowel movement and if you pass dry hard stools than you very well may be constipated.

Constipation effects nearly everyone at one time or another, with over 5 million people suffering from chronic or severe constipation. Constipation can have many causes, including, insufficient water intake, lack of exercise, poor diet, ignoring the urge to go, some medications and/or supplements can cause constipation, changes in your life or routine, surgeries, pregnancy, stress, hormonal disorders, and some conditions that can effect the central nervous system, colon, bowels, rectum, or digestive tract.

Constipation tends to be more common as we age, and in women more than men. Whether you are irregular infrequently or suffer from chronic or severe constipation, you may get relief through simply making a few lifestyle changes (visit my site for the specifics.) There are many all natural herbs that can help you find relief from your constipation, such as, licorice, Aloe Vera, garlic, caffeine, and many others. Visit my site for a complete list. Some vitamins and supplements can also prove helpful in relieving and sometimes virtually eliminating constipation (MSM- taken to help joint function can provide lasting relief from constipation.) If you suffer from constipation, be aware there are many very effective, all natural, homeopathic, remedies and cures, that will offer quick and lasting relief with a much less chance of dependence than OTC (over the counter) alternatives!     


If you need to fine relief from constipation, please visit my page devoted to this condition at

Or visit my main site at Natural Home Remedies And Cures

Constipation - All Natural Remedies For Constipation

Read through How to Get Relief From Constipation During Pregnancy additional

If you find yourself experiencing constipation during pregnancy, you are not alone. Nearly half of all pregnant women experience constipation during some point during their pregnancy. Bloating and pain are often a result of constipation during pregnancy, and it has even been identified as a cause of pre-term labor. Pregnancy and constipation don't have to go together, however. Fortunately, it is possible to find relief.

Your baby will need as many vitamins, minerals and nutrients as your body can give it while you are carrying it. Your body accomplishes this by increasing production of the hormone progesterone, which slows down the movement of food through the digestive system. This slowing allows your body to absorb the maximum of nutrients from the food before it is expelled as waste. Unfortunately, this slowing can also result in constipation during pregnancy.

Pregnancy and constipation can also occur because your body absorbs more water, so that blood flow to the fetus can be increased. This means that water is directed away from the bowel, resulting in a harder, drier bowel movement and this can cause constipation during pregnancy. Since food is staying in your digestive system longer, it is able to absorb more water than usual as well. In addition, just about all prenatal vitamins include extra iron, which is yet another source of constipation.

So, what can you do about this always uncomfortable and frequently painful problem? Making a few simple changes in your diet can make all the difference. Be sure to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. This will help make up for the extra water being absorbed by your body. Also be sure to increase fiber in your diet. This is easily accomplished by including whole grains like brown rice. Eat a lot of fruits and leafy green vegetables. Prune juice has also been shown to be helpful in preventing constipation. Mangosteen juice is another effective remedy for constipation. You may also wish to consult a homeopathic doctor who can help you find natural remedies for your problem. Be sure to avoid over-the-counter laxatives, as they can be very harsh and even stimulate uterine contractions, resulting in pre-term labor, or even a miscarriage.

Exercise is also an excellent way to fight constipation during pregnancy. If you are not accustomed to regular exercise, start slowly by walking for just 15 minutes a day. Even a little bit of exercise is beneficial in increasing blood flow and reducing stress. Since stress is yet another cause of constipation, you definitely want to keep it under control.

Pregnancy and constipation can be an unfortunate combination at a time when you really don't need any further discomfort. Fortunately, if you follow even some of the steps above, you will find relief from constipation, and can probably keep it from happening in the first place. Simply by improving your diet, drinking more water and increasing your exercise, you will find that everything is working much more smoothly, and your baby will be getting all of the nutrition it needs.

Constipation Relief

You can find helpful information about constipation during pregnancy and everything you need to know about pregnancy and constipation at Aha! Baby.

How to Get Relief From Constipation During Pregnancy

Constipation Relief

Study Constipation - How To Cure It And Find Relief much more

Constipation is one of the toughest, most embarrassing things that most of us have to go through at some point. Many even suffer from chronic constipation. It can be extremely frustrating to have trouble going, and the effect takes its toll on the rest of your day. Did you know that you can cure your constipation naturally without the use of laxatives or other drugs?

Constipation can be cured naturally by adjusting a few things in your life. Just by changing your diet a little, or your activities, you can cure your constipation and prevent it from returning. Here are a few tips that have helped me in the past to get rid of my constipation.

Water. Water is huge. Your body is made up of over 70% water. Water is essential in every function your body does. Most importantly though, water cleanses your body and removes toxins. This includes waste product. If you find yourself suffering from constipation, start drinking several glasses of water each and every day. This will help to get things moving.

Fiber is the next biggest thing when you can't go. Fiber helps keep things flowing in your digestive tract. If you find yourself suffering from chronic constipation, add fiber into your diet. Try eating bran cereals and more fruits and vegetables. A high-fiber diet will put your digestive tract on track for easy going.

Exercise is something many of us overlook in our busy days. People think exercise is what makes you really strong and really athletic, but exercise is important for many other things. Exercise helps strengthen the every day functions of our bodies like digestion. Getting outside and getting some regular exercise will help to regulate your digestive system.


If you would like to learn some more great tips on how to cure constipation and prevent your chronic constipation from returning, visit the website below.

Constipation - How To Cure It And Find Relief